Hundred Year Plot

Xin look at Tatsuki and Inoue then said," Go back first without us, I'm going to say something to Rukia, and remember don't ever come or help if you feel something,"

Inoue and Tatsuki nodded, they both walked away without asking too much, they both knew that there was a reason for this, and it's appropriate to ask Xin or Rukia a question.

Xin then walked leisurely in another direction while looking forward to what was going to happen next, he said," They come."

"Ummm" Rukia nodded," It seems that they already discover something is nor right so they come here to check it,"

Xin suddenly said," Do you know the reason why didn't come back, why I lost on that day, and why I fell on that abyssal?"

"Based on the information that we gain, their bunch of shinigami want to assassinate you that day, they push so hard that you accidentally fall into their trap," Rukai said.

This is all based on what she heard from others, the report of the Club, and from the mouth of other captains.

"Do you think there is something wrong with a Low-Level Shinigami to be assisting in the Human World, which is full of danger everywhere?"

Rukia suddenly becomes silent, she dont know to answer him, even though she still has doubts why she is assigned to Human World even though she is too weak to stay here.

"Do you want to know another truth about that year's accident? Why do I trap Hueco Mundo, why do I need to stay in the human world?" Xin asked.

".... Ummm.." Rukia nodded, she felt that something was hidden that everyone did not notice, even herself only started to notice it when she came here.

"Actually, everything happening is a part of a bigger plot, a plot that was planned for hundreds of years to accomplish, and it seems that it's time to harvest the fruit of their hard work," Xin said.

"Who?" Rukia asked.

"I can't tell you, but you will know everything eventually because you're going to play an important role in this Plot," Xin smiled and said.

"Me? How? I think it's impossible because I'm just an ordinary Shinigami, nothing special to me," Rukai said, denying Xin.

"Nothing is impossible before I forget, I left a special scroll to you girls, did you practice it?" Xin said.

"You mean the All-seeing Eyes " Greater Sage Demon Eyes", we all master it but only the Captain level steps on the higher level, while I'm on 'Detailed Stage'." Rukia said.

"That's enough, the Detailed Stage is enough for you to see what really going to happen, but i want you to be silent whenever you see, wait until the right time come,"

"And don't worry, everything it's fine, I'm here and your friends are here to help you when the time comes,"

Rukia nodded, she confident that Xin will help her even the hardest problem she has, he is a friend, a special friend that you can rely on when the time comes.

"And also, can you ask Sode no Shirayuki to seal your power again, seal it and prevent it from leaking out," Xin asked.

"Why?" Rukia doubted.

"Don't worry, this is only a preparation, if they come here and discover your power is still there, they will going to go back empty-handed and the Plot that going to happen will delay, so it much better to seal your power temporarily until the real Plot start,"

"Then let me ask Sode no Shirayuki," Rukia walks inside of the park, she sits on the swing and enters into her inner world.

Xin sits beside her and waits for her to be done, a few moments later, Ruka comes back with a strange look on her face.


"Well Sode no Shirayuki is easy to convince but….. She asks something…. Not to me but for you…" Rukai embarrass said.

"So what is it? I will try to grant it if the thing she wants is possible,"

Rukia felt entangled with whatever she wanted to say or not, but still, because this girl is a tomboy, she braced herself and said," Sode no Shirayuki ask if you can enter inside of my Spirit World and have a small conversation with her."

"Simple? Sure, why not," Xin said, he patted her head then entered inside of her Inner world, to his surprise, Rukai's inner world is not a world of ice and snow as he expected.

The Inner World is actually a Japanese Traditional House in the middle of a Bamboo Forest near the waterfalls.

He walks inside and sees Sode no Shirayuki standing in front of the door smiling at him, she bows and guides Xin to enter.


After half of hour, Xin finally come back, he said," Done, Sode no Shirayuki agree to my request, but she will give your power back if she felt that your life is in danger,"

Rukia felt relief, she thought that Sode no Shirayuki will make Xin's request harder to accomplish.

"So what did you do inside?" Rukia curios asked.

"Just a simple conversation, that's all, and she is also complaining that her master is not a lady but a tomboy, "Xin chuck after saying what Sode no Shirayuki said.

"Who cares about being a Lady, this Missy doesn't need it in her opinion," Rukia arrogant said.

Xin can't help but to hold her and give her a tender hug, Rukia dazed on Xin's arms, she doesn't know what happens, her brain turns mussy.

Her heart beats fast as if it's going to explode, while Xin's scent is invading her nose that messes her dizzy at the same time.

Xin the release here after a few minutes, he said," It seems that you're a Lady, after all, I thought you're going to punch me and get angry after I hug you~."

Rukia finally snaps out, with all her strength she runs and starts beating Xin, but she is too weak as if Xin drains all her strength.

She can only look at Xin's cheeky smiled while looking at him with hateful eyes," Xin i will get you after this, this Missy swear that will beat you with this powerful fist,"

"The better to train more, you can never beat me with your pitiful strength," Xin then took out his phone and took a picture of her flustered face.

"What are you doing!" Rukia angrily shouted.

"Getting a souvenir, this is the first time I see you blush hard like a ripe peach," Xin then ran seeing Rukia already have the strength to chase him.

"Stop Kid! Let me beat you once,"

"Then catch me if you can~,"

The street full of shouting voices, a pair of boys and girls chasing each other, it seems that the girl is angry but from here her facial expression is the opposite.


Midnight Xin sitting in the window while petting Yoruichi in cat form, he looked in the distance seeing Rukia taken by Renji, Ichigo gravely wounded by Byakuya.

Everything happens in Xin's eyes but he did not make any move, he watches the plot continue as the original plot, but this time he planted a gift that Aizen will surely like.