Vs Yamamoto

Meanwhile Xin and Yamamoto, in the lowest level of Central Great Underground Prison were not even Reiatsu can get out.

The Central Great Underground Prison consists of eight levels, in which the Central 46 decides which the criminal Shinigami would be confined, depending on the severity of his or her crimes. The prison is located underneath the barracks of the First Division.

8th Level: Muken

Muken is a void space completely sealed off from the outside world, aside from the main tower that serves as the entrance and exit. The realm stretches on infinitely. Under normal circumstances, non-criminals are not permitted entrance. Muken is reserved for criminals whose hearts cannot be stopped by any means by executioners.

But Xin somehow came to be hired in the past when he was still working for Onmitsukidō so coming here with his all the way door is pretty easy.

Even Yamamoto is pretty surprised at Xin to know this part of the prison, and knowing that the prison can hold his power, he can unleash all his power and fights Xin heartily.

They both are currently fighting in full power, the prison and the prisoner inside of the facility are nervous of constantly shaking off the prison.

"You're pretty strong for a kid," Yamamoto said.

"Hehehe~ thank you, you're also powerful for an Oldman," Xin commented.

"Well, that's needed, if not the other will think that the Gotei 13 is just a palace for weaklings," Yamamoto said waving his Shikai trying to burn Xin.

"Hadō #4. Byakurai"

Yamamoto discharges a high intense Reiatsu from his finger and shoots in front of Xin's face, Xin only leans to the right and punches him in his side but Yamamoto also pretty fast, he catches Xin fist using his other hand.

Then the finger of him transformed into a fist and delivered a low blow on Xin's chest area.



A clean hit, but before Xin is forced to throw in distance, he slightly twists his body and kicks Yamamoto in his head.



Both of them throw in distance, Xin imbeds on the ground while Yamamoto's head imbeds on the wall of the cell.

Xin hurry jumps and a blade of fire passes where he is just sitting, he then waves his staff and smacks his opponent.

But Yamamoto only uses his arms to block his attack, it is too easy for him to do that, with a Staff weapon of Xin, he doesn't need to be nervous of getting hurt at all.

"Seeing your weapon makes me remember a fallen genius along time ago, he also have this kind of staff,"

"What do you think about Staff users?" Xi masked.

"They are the people who are soft hearted, to tell you the trust, Zanpakuto are means to cut so all of the Shikai form of them have a blade, but his Shikai si different, he has a bladeless Zanpakuto,"

"Bladeless Zanpakuto means that the person is soft-hearted, they are the people who will choose to save their enemy than killing them,"

"Do you think it's bad to have that kind of Shikai?" Xin asked.

"Yes and no,"

Xin confused looking at his old face.

"Yes means that he are going to be a good member of Gotei 13, having compassion means his heart is pure and the temptation is nothing to him,"

"And no means that his to pure to this kind of job, maybe he can work at 4th Division as a doctor, but he can go to the field to hunt Hollow because he has a bladeless weapon,"

"Then that means having a bladeless weapon makes you neutral to everything?" Xin asked.

"No, that's not it, I'm just saying that having a bladeless Zanpakuto means that you're not suitable for a Shinigami job where blood and death is like everyday life,"

"Maybe he can become a Judge because of his nature or prosecutor, any kind of job that does not require killing or hurting someone is good for him but... hayzz…. That good kid has fallen to his own comrade," Yamamoto then looked at Xin and asked,

"You'r asking me all of this, are you thinking of joining the Gotei 13?" he asked.

"Na, of course not, I just came to see how powerful you really are, and to save my friend," Xin said.

"That's unfortunate, saving your friend means that the Gotei 13 need to violate the rules of the Central and Nobles, that thing is not going to happen, after all, rules are rules"

"Then let's continue, I will show you the true power of this bladeless Weapon," Xin said.

"Come, this old man right now is pretty excited. After years of sitting in my office, I finally found a person who can make my old body sweat," Yamamoto said.

Xin grabbed his stone staff and put it in front then whispered the Shikai's command.

"Divine God Punishment"

"Chaotic Dragon Heavenly Rod"

Out of nowhere, a golden-colored Reiatsu blasts out from Xin's body, the whole underground prison is starting to shake vigorously, large cracks start to paper in the wall of the cell.

"Good kid, what a tremendous Reiatsu, he is already at the level of that man," Yamamoto murmurs.

"It seems that i need to take this seriously or this old body of mine will going to get beaten by this kid,"

"Let's add more, "Sage Mode". The band in his head suddenly became larger until it transformed a halo around his forehead.

His power suddenly becomes calm after activating his Sage Mode, even Yamamoto's surprise on seeing it, normally, the more powerful the enemy is the larger the Reiatsu come out from their body.

But not right now, he can feel that this kid's power suddenly spiked up again while maintaining a calm and peaceful aura.

"Hohohoho~ interesting, let's continue"

"Jōkaku Enjō"

"Trying to trap me? Hahaha, that's impossible," Xin said.

"Boundless Smash!!:


And then the whole Prison shook violently, even more, almost the after shocked felt all over the Seireitei making the mall confused who made those shocked from time to time.