Unahana's Advice

Unohana looked at Xin and helplessly said," So you're saying that there's two Young Lady asking for marriage?"

Xin helpless nodded.

"And the two Young Lady are not just Young Lady but the head clan master of 2 prestige noble clans?"

Xin shyly nodded again.

"And the thing is, you did not expect that the Young Lady that you suppose to guard is actually made a trap and you actually fall into it?"

Xin embarrassing look away.

"And now they already announce the marriage to you and to the other Clan? You came here to ask for my advice?"

Xin hurriedly nodded.

"I can only advise you to fake the marriage," Unohana said after thinking deeply.

"Marrying Nobles is not as easy as you think, you can say that the Noble House accepts you, but how about the other Nobles? Do you think they can easily accept it?"

Xin thought first and nodded.

"You're wrong, they will not accept it, they will claymore or even do something terrible to prevent that thing to happen."

"Why?" Xin asked, he doesn't know why a simple marriage becomes complicated.

"Simple, you're a Captain, I, your Step-Sister is also a Captain much more a Noble Woman in name, giving our own standing, having so is like having a powerful army for the other two Clan."

"The water inside of the Noble House is too deep and dark, a slight move to the original balance will make the other disturb, they will prevent it to happen in any means of necessary,"

"Even if I accept it, the other will not, not only me is the one who is going to decide if this marriage is going to happen or not, there's a bunch of things involved in it."

"That's right, and I will not accept it," Yoruichi angry said.

"If you want to plan this kind of thing, you should not do it in our own headquarters, after all, Xin is pretty popular to everyone," Nanao said, looking at the other girls who were sitting around attentively listening to their conversation.

"I also don't accept marriage," Nemu expressionless said.

"Second opinion," Soifon said.

Yoruichi and Soifon look at each other.

This Bee!

This Cat!

In the original story, Soifon has something to Yoruichi, but now it's different, Soifon already has something to Xin, "Yuri" is not going to happen, Soifon taste has already changed to a normal and extraordinary one.

Isane helplessly looked at them and said," It's a fake marriage right? No need to be serious,"

"No, marriage is a marriage, the first one Xin is going to take should be the First Wife, no fake marriage is going to happen."

Xin helplessly looks at them, he is not an idiot enough to not notice their feelings for him, but Xin is not ready yet, entering a relationship with the opposite gender is not easy as you think.

You need to consider different things before entering a relationship, much more than not one but a bunch of them already showing the sigh.

Giving a proper answer to them is a must, picking a favorite will cause dissatisfaction to another one, so can choose to be a stone man.

He did not see anything, he did not hear anything, he did not feel anything, just looked calmly and normally to prevent misunderstanding.

"What about the assassins? Did you guys find their motives?" Kiyone asked.

"No clue, the Onmitsukidō is still trying to find the master mind," Soifon helplessly said.

"Bunch of lazy people." Yoruichi murmur.

"What do you say? Thefting cat?"

"Why? Do you have a problem with that? Little Bee?"

Soifon and Yoruichi seem going to start to fight again so Nanao and Kiyone hurry to stop to calm them down.

"So what's your plan?" Unohana asked.

"After all, you're the person who is involved in this fake marriage, you're the only one who will decide the outcome of this plan."

"What about you?" Xin asked.

"Don't worry about me, even the sun will fall into the earth. I will help you as much as I can," She gently smiled at him.

"Well, i think the marriage is not needed, after all, the mastermind will going to move first before their fake marriage start,"

"Maybe tonight they will try to get Rurichiyo, much more than her other guardian left back to the human world while I'm out."

"Then the Princess will be in danger, right?"

"No, I left some protection for her before I left, I'm pretty sure that a bunch of assassins are going to prevent me from going back after this."

"You mean the people outside?" Yoruichi said.

"I thought you did not notice," Soifon said.

"I will go out first and clean the rat around,"

"I'm coming." The two of them ran outside to clean out the pest lurking waiting for Xin to go out leaving the other girls helpless and smiling at them.

"It seems that your problem with the girls is not just a minor problem, but a major one too," Kiyoen said.

Isane and Nanao nodded, leaving Nemu flustered while fidgeting sitting along with them.

"I think I'm going back now, I feel that the protective barrier that I made is touched by someone," Xin said.

"Take care then," Unohana stood up carefully, scratching the unfold part of his clothing like a virtuous wife.