New Application

When Xin arrives on Hueco Mundo, he arrives at a vast desert where no life can be seen, he can only see numerous sand dunes and dead trees everywhere.

He took Kinton Cloud and started the exploration, Las Noches or "Hollow Knight Palace" the fortress located in Hueco Mundo and the base of operations of Sōsuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tōsen after their defection from Soul Society.

Right now, they did not know that Xin is right under their nose, while they thought that he was still inside of the Karakura Town.

Xin who keeps flying around doesn't know what to do, he can't see any kind of hint on what kind of sword he is trying to find.

'System, can i ask for a hint? I don't know what really I'm trying to find here.' Xin said.

Ding! System Navigation Ability Activate, Current Target is 10 Kilometers from you

Xin taken back, he did not expect that the System really replies to him, even the voice seems to change.

He thought,' If I'm not wrong, Grandpa Staff is the System right?"

Ding! System Chat Box Activate!


System: Hello ~ Host Xin.

Xin: This is new, a Chatbox like in social media, and it's pretty unique, you actually prepared a transparent screen and keyboard.

System: That's right, the System is currently trying to use any kind of possibility to make the Host's adventure easy.

Xin: Yep, and I'm pretty surprised that you can actually reply back at me like normal.

System: Of course, this System is pretty smart you know ( Smiling Face )

Xin: !? Emoticon, you even have that thing here?"

System: That's right, to make the chat even more interesting, you can also post some pictures and even send gifts here. ( Thumbs Up )

Xin: Interesting, don't tell me there will be a red envelope here in the future?

System: That's right, you can also think of this as a Live stream because there will going to have a bunch of interesting people will going to join in the future.

Xin: I'm curious, why do you even add this kind of thing? Or this kind of application?

System: Simple, you can just think of this as your Online Journal where your daily activities will going to be saved here, but there's a special catch, people will going to randomly pop here as your viewer.

Ding! Princess Pink enters the room!!

Ding! "Princess Pink" Send Gift 100x Planet as presented to the Host

Xin: 100X Planet? What's that? And who is this Princess Pink?"

System: A new viewer and Planet is the currency here. ( lc_TG.pdf ) Click this to see the currency here.


Comet 1 Point

Meteor 10 Points

Moon 100 Points

Planet 1,000 Points

Star 10,000 Points

Sun 100,000 Points

Universe 1,000,000 Points

Galactic 10,000,000 Points

Nebula 100,000,000 Points

Black Hole 1,000,000,000 Points


Xin: I get 100 Planet that means 100,000 Points? So what is the use of these points?

System: Good Question, actually the Points here can be used in SYstem Store, but the cover of Points to Gold is 1 Gold + 1,000 Points.

Xin: Then this thing is pretty useless.

System: For now, what about in the future?

Xin thought that the System is right, right now he only has 1 viewer but in the future what will happen if he got more, this live stream will be the golden goose that will give him an unlimited number of points.

System: Not only that, it seems you forgot the Red Envelope that you can recessive if ever your viewers want to send you, and the viewers here are not ordinary people, they are from a different dimension and different realm.

Xin: Then that means that I will get unlimited items from a different dimension? The nim is going to be rich!. ( $$$$ )

System: That's right, but this thing is based to your performance, so good luck.

Princess Pink: Hey handsome boy, can you do something interesting? Flying in that gloomy place is pretty boring you know.

Xin said,." What do you want me to do then?"

Princess Pink: Can you sing?

Xin shook his head and said," No"

Princess Pink: Dance?

Xin shook his head again.

Princess Pink: What about a story?

Xin helplessly shook his head again.

Princess Pink: Then what can you do? ( Angry Face )

Xin thought," What about I will give you a smile?"

Xin gentle smile at the cammer hovering in front of him, giving his best smile even though he doesn't know what will happen next.

Ding! Princess Pink is Offline

Xin: I think I'm not good at this kind of thing.

System:... Try again later after she goes online.

Xin: She still wants to go back? ( Husky Confused )


Ding! Target is near, please explore to your self Host

Xin looks below and sees the same vast sand place, he looks around and notices something from far.

"What's that?"