Black Hogyoku

"H-His wound…. How?!"

"High-Speed regeneration! How can he have the ability of a hollow."

"Aizen did you also modify yourself?"

Azen touches the wound in his chest that is slowly hearing, the hole is already close while the skin is starting to regenerate.

"It is not High-Speed Regeneration, do you think that I would undergo mere Hollowification?"

"Then what's that?"

"Simple, this is a protective instinct of a servant to his master,"

Shinji felt something was not right, this thing seemed more complicated than they expected to happen.

"What are you talking about?"

Aizen remove something above his chest an orb imbed in his upper body.


"How did you get that?" Rukia asks.

"This? I did not get this from anyone, I created this one." Aizen proudly said.

"Impossible, no one can create an exact replica of Hogyoku, the process of making that dangerous thing is already disappear,"

"Nothing is impossible, if Urahara Yusuke did it, why do I do it too?"

"Just like what I expect, Hogyoku," Yamamoto said.

"If I'm not wrong, the Hogyoku is in Captain Fei's hand right?"

"That's right, I actually want to get it for my own purpose but Captain Xin is too smart, he always outsmarts me and even painted my castle yellow."

"At first this Hogyoku should be my backup plan, after all, I use the souls of hundreds upon hundreds of Shinigami and Rukongai citizens but it fails."

Hearing what he said, Gin cant help but clench his sword, he knows it all this time, some of them are his friend, some are kids, old, and some unfortunate soul, Aizen almost even gets Tangiku to his plan if not for his master interval.

"But who thought that SHingiami Souls is not length, i plan to get the other Hogyoku to combine it to my own creation but the time is already running out,"

"Without any choice, I can only helplessly sue the Espada's Reiatsu and thousands of Hollows and Adjuchas to create this."

"A Black Colored Hogyoku, it's not pure but it's enough for now,"

Aizen then appear behind them and calmly said," Even its a fail product i can still use this as i want,"


All of those floating around Aizen suddenly fell in the ground, they did not see how he attacked them to any indication how they were injured.

Aizen looks at Inoue and Tatsuki.

"Your power is a huge threat for me, and I think that Captain Xin will be glad to see your lifeless body after he comes back."

Ichigo uses Hollowfication, and dash behind to him with Chad behind, Uryu starts to shoot some arrow to stop him but it's pointless.

Cha's arm is destroyed beyond recognition, Ichigo's Zanpakuto breaks in half while Uryu's bow cracks into pieces.

Only Inoe, Tatsuki and the 3 other kids left, there's no other people who can stop Aizen right now after he starts using the Hogyoku.

"Do you have any last wish, Young Lady? Maybe i grant I t before you die/"

Tatsuki forces herself to maximize her whole Power, her body is bleeding from overuse of his Fullbring, her eyes, nose, ears and mouth is bleeding heavily but still, she keeps storing all the power in her fist to deliver a decisive blow if ever he really comes closer.

You try to heal Tatsuki from suffering but even if she heals her, the overdraft still keeps increasing, making Tatsuki's life in danger.

"You don't need to fight, there's no reason to fight back, you guys only make your life more miserable," Aizen said.

He disappears and appears in front of them, and is about to stab Tatsuki and a small hand suddenly appears and stops his hand.

Without holding back, Tatsuki releases all the stored power inside of him and punches it out to Aizen who seems to stop for a moment.


Aizen's body flies to the other side of the town while Tatsuki weakly drops to the ground while coughing blood.

Inoue hurry to try to help her, she can see that her condition is dangerous right now, a small misstep will close her life to forfeit.

Shiro looks at Inoue and asks, "Are you fine? Did he injure you Inoue-sama?"

"N-No I'm fine, did you block the attack just now?"

"No not me, It's Tama, she rac faster than us, so she will appear before we can get here."

Inoue did not see who they appear here, last time she saw them they were looking at the battle field while lazy looking at her from time to time, but who thought that they would appear before she got beaten by Aizen.

"The nowhere Tama?"

"Well, maybe on that Clown, Tama is too itchy to fight that Clown.


A heavy object suddenly hit the building not far from them then Aizen suddenly jumped from it.

He looks miserable, his left rib cage is missing, a small fist mark is visible in his cheeks that seem like someone punched him in the face.

"Interesting, i did not expect to see a bunch of kid with a power same as Captain Yamamoto,"

He looks at Tama who is standing in the end of the town, he doesn't know where she suddenly appears behind him and hits him as easily as that.

Tama who is standing in far suddenly disappears and appears beside Shiro, she angry said.

"To slow, and weak, -desu."

"Yes -nanodesu."

"Well, maybe you guys are too strong," Inoue said.

Shiro nodded, but still, she felt something was not right, as if this Aizen was waiting for something to happen. And then a white object suddenly explode from his chest making Tama, Pochi and Shiro aware that something going to happen