
Guild Master Room~

Hiyori, who was looking outside of the window absent-mindedly, asked," When do you think Xin will come back? It's already been 5 years since I last saw him."

Mikako then continued her work," Maybe soon... we don't know where that kid will go, even our latest Satellite cant find his whereabouts."

"I'm pretty sure Xin is still in the other world just like what he did last time, and I think there is a huge problem that's why he can't go back to us." Nymph said while checking the Satellite.

".... Master..." Ikaros sadly looked at the watermelon on her thigh.

"Don't worry about him, he will go back if he misses you," Mikako said, seeing the girls sad again.

She always did this when they start to miss Xin, but after a couple of years, they start to be independent but their eagerness only becomes stronger and stronger.

"By the way Robin, is there any news about the wound we heard last time?"

Robin, who is still a small child, finally blooms. She is natural but like the other girls, in the original book, she has darker tan skin but because her future changes some minor changes happen to her.

Robin is a tall and slender young woman with shoulder-length black hair, and eyes that have dark, wide pupils. She also has a long, thin and defined nose. In the anime, Robin's skin tone is white as snow and looks healthier than others.

Robin also resembles her mother greatly, with long black hair which reaches her lower back and it is pulled back so it reveals more of her forehead and ears.

She looks like a white version of her the time skip from the Return to Sabaody Arc near the end of the Fish-Man Island Arc

"We still don't know where that sound comes from but I already have some clue about it."

She takes a book and shows it to them.

"King of Liars, Norland?"

"Sounds like an interesting book."

"King of Liars, Norland, that brings back old memories. I used to read this to the girls a lot as a bedtime story."

"You know this book Hiyori?"

"Yes, it's pretty popular around nNort Blue, people like to read it to their kids as a bedtime story, but I heard the Norland gut really did exist."

"This is a very old storybook, a storybook that happened around 400 years ago." Robin said.

"So it was made a long long time ago."

"That's right, it said that in a country somewhere in the North Sea, here's a man name Mont Blanc Noland"

"He was an explorer just like me but he is different, he like to share her adventure to everyone but sadly the people who heard his tale didn't know if these tales were true or not.:

"Norland came back from one of his expedition and went back to report to the king that he serving,:

"He said' I discovered an island across the mighty sea that has a mountain of gold."

"A mountain of gold?"

"Pretty look suspicious."

"That's right, it really looks suspicious."

"You girls are right, it's suspicious but the king is greedy so the king wants to see this himself and command 20000 soldiers to come with him."

"The king, Noland and the 20000 soldiers then set sail to cross the mighty sea, they bravely fight huge waves, a sea monster, and other elements to find that mountain of gold."

"After going through many hardship and tests, the king, Norland and 100 soldiers that left alive finally arrived on the island."

"... But sadly, the only thing they saw on the island was a vast jungle, a white sand beach, and some crab."

"The king, angry, Norland was blamed for this and the loss of the kingdom soldier, then sentenced to death for all lies he said."

"But in the end Norland still insist that he saw everything, Norland last word were " I know the mountain of gold sunk into the sea, with the golden bell that i heard when i first arrive"

"The king, the villagers and the soldiers couldn't believe it, they said he is just a fool and a liar who deceives everyone. No one believes him to the end, they said he lied until his death."

"I see, so the noise we heard last time comes from the bell that Norland heard when he first discovered Mystical Island?" Mikako said

"I think so, but I'm still thinking, why suddenly the bell rang and if the bell rang that loud, why did the people 400 years ago did not do it? At least there should be people who have heard and written about their experiences, right?" Robin was confused.

"You're right, if that ring was heard around the world 400 years ago, why is there no book or sign that this happened?"

"Wait a minute, I'm trying to find the location of that Mysterious island. If we heard it clearly around the world, that means Norland is wrong. The Mountain did not sink but flew up in the air." Nymph said while controlling the Satellite.

"You mean like Synapses floating islands?"

"Maybe you're right, but the floating system is not available here? The knowledge in mechanics is so low that they all signify primitive things in the world."

"Maybe a special thing like a floating cloud that can carry the whole island?"

".... We will see."



All of them look at Ikarus who suddenly stands up, her watermelon even fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

"What's the matter with Ikaros?"



"I can sense Master! Eh is near"


Ikaros turn into pink light and disappear in front of them, then the wall of the room explodes open leaving a huge wide view.

"Did he say Xin is near?"


