Astrea Block 2 Ōka Shichibukai's Attack

All of them look at the gigantic piece of land flying back to Oars and knock him back to the sea.

Little Oars Jr. is the captain of the Little Pirates, a descendant of Oars, and a subordinate of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Little Oars Jr. is an abnormally large giant, standing at around 60 meters tall, which is about three times the size of a typical grown giant.

His nickname is a tribute to his ancestor Oars who was taller. His overall shape and silhouette resemble his ancestor's greatly large forearms and hands, small lower body and barrel-like gut.

His skin is yellow-green and he has orange hair reaching down to his legs, which are quite small in comparison to his large belly and hairy forearms.

He has large fangs and horns pointing upward, black triangle-like marks just above his eyes, and some stubble on his chin. He also wears three skulls on a beaded necklace rather than a belt, and a gigantic kasa hat.

He also sports a black, open indument that looks like a jacket, samurai-like armor plates protecting his chest and back, linked together by chains, and a loincloth with a mimetic pattern on it which looks like the Marine's battleships' hull and which is held up by a fur-lined belt. He carries around a gigantic sword fitting his size, with a large blade and a long hilt.



Looking at Giant-Man and to Astrea, they felt that the woman with wings is stronger than the giant itself.

She can easily smack back a giant rock without any effort while only a counted number of them can block that attack.


"Shit!! He is standing again!!"

"Don't let him get in the bay!! Stop him!"

"Break their formation, all Vice Admiral Class stop the Giant!"

They send a couple of Giant Marines to stop Oars but it's useless, Oars is like a giant-killing machine in the middle of the field.

He uses the Warship as a weapon and smashes anyone who is near him, with the long sign and he can easily reach longer so there's no escaping from him.

Looking below, Xin made a call." Astrea, pull him away from here, dont let that stupid giant die here."

"Yes, Master."

Astrea then dives down to pull the giant but a gigantic Kuma paw-print appears behind her.

"Ursus Shock"

Kuma gathers air with his palms and compresses it into a giant bubble that resembles a paw-print. Once the bubble is compact enough to fit within his hands, he releases the compressed air and sends it toward his opponent. The air quickly decompresses, causing a massive explosion in the form of a bear paw.

With that huge paw-print, they are pretty sure that the impact form it can easily take down the giant, but the problem is Astrea is about to get hit before the giant gets hit.

"Damn! Bartholomew Kuma, you 're going to hit the lady!"

"Stop it!"

"Sorry, I can stop what I already threw." Bartholomew Kuma expressionless said.



Astrea cut the gigantic compressed air in half making the attack explode in mid-air through everyone near from the shockwave.

He then looks behind and blocks the gigantic sword beam coming from her own allied direction.

"What are you doing Mihawk?!" Sengoku angrily asks him, and he clearly sees that he is trying to attack Astrea without even bothering to hide it.

"Fufufu~ what are you actually doing?" Doflamingo asked.

"Nothing, I just want to measure to see on my own the level of this Lady's ability."

"So how is it?"

"She is strong…. I want to fight her."

Astrea angry look at Mihawk and ask," What are you doing?!"

"Fight me, I want to see how strong your swordsmanship is."

"No! Master asks me to take care of this Giant Human, I don't have time to play with you." She then turns around to face Giant Oars.


Aegis L

A gigantic sword beam cut down Astrea but because of her strong defence, the beam only hit her shield doing no damage.

"You stupid human, i said stop it!"

"Fight me, woman."

Astrea looks at Ikaros and shouts." Senpai!! This human is bothering me, help me please!!"

Ikaros, flying above the air, looked at Astrea and nodded.





Ikaros fires multiple explosive projectiles from her wings towards Mihawk and pins him down to stop bothering Astrea while Mihawk is helpless and destroys the projectiles while helplessly looking at Astrea who is already flying away.

"I'm coming!"

"Hyper Acceleration"

Astrea turned into a beam of light and hit Oars, pulling him away from Marineford.

Looking at the gigantic figure being pulled away, Ace said," Thank you, Xin."

"You're welcome."