Great Pirates

Gion and Hawkeye start to clash along the beach, a spark of Haki and tremor in the air is flying everywhere.

Xin even has a hard time finding the dust and sand flying around where he is preparing their lunch.

Meanwhile, the girls are standing around the beach cheering Gion while fighting Mihawk.

They don't even care about the sword energy and the haki flying everywhere as if that energy is just a sea breeze for them.

"I did not intend for Gion to have the strength to fight Hawkeye toe to toe," Tsuru said while watching them from afar.

"Gion-nee is strong when it comes to swordsmanship, her specialty is speed, precision, accuracy, and explosive stabs,"

"While Hawkeye on the other hand is Master of slashing and chopping because of her larger sword."

Tsuru asks," Who do you think will win?"


"Why? I feel He can win using her speed and precision, I think she has the chance to win this fight." Tsuru is confused.

"Hawkeye is older than Gion-nee, he is already fighting Sword Master when Gion is still learning to hold a sword, because of that gap from experience Hawkeye already has a huge advantage over her."

"What Gion-nee needs is more time and experience, she needs to fight those Sword Masters to gain more experience before fighting Hawkeye again."

"But still, what she has right now is enough to at least not get beaten fast."

That's right, Hawkeye is a huge fan of challenge, he goes everywhere that he knows that will help him improve his swordsmanship.

Because of his hobby of challenging famous swordsmen, he got the title Numberoen Swordsman in the world.

While Gion on the other hand only fights those who she can reach like Marine and other staff that she can fight for.

But this is not enough, the swordmaster inside of the marine is only countered to her finger. It's more proper to go out and to find the hidden master than staying inside while fighting people who don't even know how to use a sword.

Of course, fighting them gains a huge advantage when it comes to battle experience, but that's it, her swordsmanship will never break if he fights a fighter over and over again.

Opportunity did not come inside, opportunity is outside waiting for you to pick so staying inside will not help you to improve but only slow your improvement.

On Gion's side, she is a Marine, she doesn't have time to roam around and challenge famous swordsmen because of her job.

She can only get an opportunity if ever she encounters a swordmaster on the way or is a hidden hermit on an island.

A few minutes later, just like Xin expected, Gion lost, but she did not lose miserably because she can fight head to head with Mihawk.

Mihawk, on the other hand, feels content from the fight, but still, he wants to challenge Xin rather than the Gion but he changes his mind.

He felt the energy coming in another direction, an energy that is stronger than what Xin released just now.

He knows that energy, a sword's energy, comes from a Master Swordsman, and not only one but two of them are currently fighting in the same palace with others too.

With this kind of opportunity, he just drops the idea of fighting Xin and hurries to travel in the direction of the fight.

"It seems another fighter is going to join the fun," Tsuru said looking at Mihawk traveling towards the huge fight on the other island.

"Well, we can look older, it's pretty fun watching those late generations fight each other," Xin said.

"I hope no one will add again."

"Well, another great pirate came actually."


"Couple of nautical miles from us, I sense Red Hair coming in our direction."

"The Redhair Pirates? They also want to join the fun?"

"Yes, and also it seems they have a guest traveling with them,"


"Silvers Rayleigh"

"So the Vice-Captain of Roger Pirate also wants to join the fun?"

"Maybe, well I will get them later, after all, it's already a long time since I last meet Oldman Rayleigh

The Red Hair Pirates, an infamous and powerful pirate crew ruling in the New World, were captained by their chief Red-Haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors.

The Jolly Roger of the Red Hair Pirates has a realistic-looking skull with a pair of crossed sabers behind it. It has two red stripes with black outlines that cross diagonally across the skull's left eye socket, representing scars that the chief has.

From afar, they see a ship slowly coming closer to them.

A ship appears to be similar to a normal Galion ship, however, it is much larger and has more detailed decorations.

Notably, the ship's figurehead appears to be similar to the one of a cow or horn animal, but more detailed and fierce-looking.

The vessel carries a bunch of palm trees on board, similar to how the Going Merry and the Thousand Sunny carried Nami's tangerine trees. It also boasts more sails than its predecessor.

Standing in front is a man with red hair while standing next to him is Oldman with silver hair.

"Red-Haired" Shanks, commonly known as just "Red Hair", is the chief of the Red Hair Pirates and one of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World.

While the old man is Silvers Rayleigh, also known as the "Dark King", who is an extremely powerful and famous retired pirate who formerly served as the first mate of the legendary Roger Pirates.

The ship finally stops on the part of shallow water and uses a small boat to travel on the island.

"Hey Old Man, what are you doing here? Did Sister Shakky let you go?"

"Of course, she knows, hey kid, I didn't see you for a long time and your change is huge, I'm even scared to take you to see Shakky with your handsome appearance." Rayleigh jokingly said, but deep inside, he is wary of Xin's charm.

"Don't worry, I can cover my charm, I already covering it now to prevent trouble,"

"That's good, at least the whole island is not full of girls who want to hook up with you."

"Hey Vice-Captain, do you know Guild Master Xin?"

"Yes, I met him a couple of years ago, when I first met him, he vandalized the redline, you can still see it even today even the Marine already covered it."

"Really? He is the one who vandalized the redline that time?!" Shanks was supplied hearing that the Guild Master is the culprit to that huge vandalization on Red Line.