Banquet of Gods

"Mira, i'll be gone today, i want you to watch over Xin, don't let those girls from Loki Familia take him without noticing us."

"Yes, Hestia-sama."

"Are you sure you want to attend the party?" Erza asked.

"Of course, it's a party hosted by my friend so I'm going to attend it, even if I don't want to see some of them, I still need to attend to make some changes."


"Thank you for coming, everyone!!"

"I am Ganesha, Host of the "Banquet of Gods"!"

Ganesha is the head of the Ganesha Familia.

Ganesha is a muscular man that wears a red and yellow elephant mask over his face. He wears an orange sash that goes over his right shoulder and wraps around his waist.

A gold rimmed leather plate sits on his stomach, holding the garb together. He also sports white pants with dark brown under the knee boots also with gold accents.

Ganesha has Gold jewelry to further cement the image of "showboat". His jewelry can be seen as a thick gold necklace and armbands. He also wears gold-rimmed gauntlets.

The God of the Masses has long, shaggy, ash-brown hair.

"I, Ganesha, am super-moved by the number of guests every year!"

"Anyway, we have seen too many new faces, some are... "

As Ganesha talks loud at the stage, Hestia on the other hand is looking for someone that she can follow.

"What are you doing here?"


"It's been a while, Hestia, I'm glad you're doing well." Hephaestus who is wearing a red evening gown walks towards Hestia who looks like a lost child.


"So you're alone?" Hephaestus looks around trying to see a certain individual but it seems Hestia comes alone.

"I knew you'd be here!I really made the right choice!"

"Well, it seems you're fine, what about your Familia.... What about Xin?" Hephaestus said while her cheeks slightly blush.

Hestia, who did not notice it, starts to tell her all the things Xin did, the plan and their first store trying to show off to her friend.

Meanwhile, Hephaestus listens attentively to Hestia, she is still fascinated about the store that Xin just made….. And that stone.

"Hestia, I want you to hear me out."

"What's the matter?"

"This is going to be serious so i want you to remember everything i will tell you."

Hestia nodded.

"Those Enchantment Stones, I want you to stop selling them."


Hephaestus told her the consequence of selling those cheat-like stones, hearing it Hestia can't help but to think again and realize the weight of Xin's product.

"I see, I will tell that to Xin."

"Actually, you can still use those stones if you apply it into a finished weapon, by doing this he can make a Magic Weapon like the Hermes Family."

"You're right, by doing it, it will prevent a huge trouble for us…." Hestia nodded.

"Fufufu~ you're still close just like before."


Freya is the head of the Freya Familia.

Freya has a beauty that is superior and outstanding even among the gods. She has long silver hair, silver eyes, and white skin like that of fresh snow. She has a perfect golden ratio, enough to think that the golden ratio originated from her. Her clothes are in large part black and red, they expose most of her stomach and breasts. She also wears two flower-like ornaments in her hair.

"Oh~ Freya, you are also here."

"Am I a bother, Hestia?"

"Not really….. But I'm uncomfortable around you."

"Ara, that's what I like about you, though," Freya said while giggling.

"Which reminds me….. There is someone else I hate even more than you…."

"Oi! Phae-tan! Freya! Little Bra!!"

Out of nowhere someone dash straight to them.

"Loki, what brings you here?"

Loki, the head of the Loki Familia.

Loki is a Goddess with light red hair and red eyes. She is well-known to dress up in tomboyish or male attire, mainly jeans and a shirt that shows off her stomach. She tends to tie her hair back in a simple ponytail, though on occasion she will put it up in a stylish bun.

Right now ,she is wearing a dress.

"What? I can't come without some sort of reason? Isn't it senseless of you to ask that?" Loki playful said.


"Hahaha~ this Little Brat is really a party pooper~"

Hestia's face suddenly changes into a scary one making Hephaestus step back away from her.

"It's been a while Loki, i heard a lot about your Family's Reputation these days, seems it's going well."

"That's flattering coming from someone who is as successful as you, Phae-tan~, but well, I'm proud of my children anyway."

Loki then looks at Hestia," By the way, who is that kid trying to lure my children away from me? I don't know what kind of potion you used to make my girls wake up in the morning to visit your Familia, Hestia."

"Who knows, i advise you to take your girls away from my Xin," Hestia said." Especially that blond girl."

"Hh? You mean Aiz-tan? What do you mean?"

"It seems the Sword Princess is having second thoughts about my Xin."

Loki's eyes slightly open," That's not good, it seems I need to warn them."

"That's for good,

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that if they get too close to Xin, those girls will eventually leave your Familia and join me because of Xin's overflowing charm."

"Ho~ are you challenging me, Hestia~ "

"I'm not challenging you, im just giving you a warning, after all, your a goddess who have everything but poor no womanly appear~"

Loki looks at her chest which is flat as tile then looks at Hestia who even proudly sticks her mountain of flash meat.

"Even though I'm poor in body, at least, I'm not the Goddess of leeching and poverty."

"At least you know, you're exposing your flat chest to everyone just to laugh at me, you man-woman!"


"Even with everything you have, you will still disappoint every gentleman with your bamboo like figure"

"Dman you stupid bitch!"

"Don't you feel flattered because you're flat chested? What a moron, ah~ I think I just made a witty remark!"

And then, an Epic fight over will and pride of the Goddess begins!


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