Getting Charmed

As Xin's Charm Description, well, it's hard to describe it in words, but if you see it, you can say that his unique charm can~

Stop the cry of a baby.

Stop the fight of the drunkard

Stop the chirp of insects and even birds in the morning

Stop the wave of the ocean

Stop the blow of the wind

Stop your breach instantly

And most important of them all, if it hits a target that is a nympho, that target surely gets overloaded with everything.

Just like right now, Ishtar and Freya both collapse on the ground with pink-colored skin, bright red face, and haggard breath while clutching their chest.

Ishtar takes three paramount forms. She is the goddess of love and sexuality, and thus, fertility; she is responsible for all life, but she is never a Mother goddess. As the goddess of war, she is often shown winged and bearing arms.

Freya is The Lady and she is associated with fertility, love, and beauty as well as gold and death.

Because Freya and Ishtar the Goddess are associated with Love, beauty and fertility, Xin's charm is more effective for them.

And right now, because they got hit by Xin's charm, both of them are branded with Xin's image that they can't both erase in their whole life.

Of course, everything from above will only be discovered by both of them after they go back to their own respective places.

Meanwhile, Loki and Hephaestus also both hit but the effect is not as hard as both Goddess of Love.

But still, Hephaestus is already smitten by Xin so the effect of it only leveled up her own fashion for Xin.

While Loki on the other hand start to use her head and calculate, she felt that the value of Xin is greater than the dozen of Ais, and the feeling that she felt from him is making her mischievous mind think some stupid idea.

Hestia also got hit by Xin's Charm, but the effect is slightly mild because of her own divinity and her own uniqueness from the other Goddess right now.

Hestia is the virgin goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state.

Being a virgin for unknown years and having no experience at all made her heart pure of a child so the effect only made her more protective for Xin as she considers everyone and most important Xin as her own family.

As for the people around, well the Amazoness already fainted on the ground because of the charm, with only one person still standing from Ishtar Familia.

An Amazoness with tan skin, purple eyes, and long black hair that covers the right side of her face. She wears clothing reminiscent of a dancer along with earrings and various gold decorations around her chest and belly. Her clothes are revealing enough that she could be mistaken for wearing underwear. She walks around all the time barefoot.

Xin can clearly see the casualty from the outside, he doesn't know about the one who is hiding in the dark and the girls inside of the house but for Xin, it's an easy win.

"It seems I won?" Xin said while slowly taking back his charm inside and trying to seal it to prevent something like this from happening.

"Yay! Your strong Xin" Hestia cheerfully hugs Xin from behind while trying to climb his back.

"I-I lost?" Ishtar can't understand how she loses to a mortal, but when she looks at Xin, the first thing she notices is Hestia who climbs on his back.

For some reason, she felt angry with her, and her anger seems at the level of her anger toward Freya.

Freya also felt anger, but she kept it deep inside because her plan seems to need to be revised after experiencing the thrill and pleasure just now.

Hephaestus on the other hand felt jealous for her friend, she was lucky to find Xin of all people.

"Okay, let's complete the trade, are you ready?" Hestia said.

"Tsk! Don't think you can always win, go choose whomever you want." Ishtar said while peeking at Xin from time to time.

"Don't look, he will never be yours," Freya said after noticing her gaze.

"And you neither."

"Fufufufufu~" Loki can only smile while looking at Xin with her calculating eyes.

"Xin, pick now." Hestia said while starting to feel worry from the gaze of the goddess around her.

She can defend for one or two but not three at same time, maybe she needs to form a party of Goddess to defend Xin and the fifth person that comes up inside of her head is her best friend, Hephaestus.

"I choose her." Xin pointed to the Amazoness who did not faint just now.

"Aisha, you are now officially kicked from my family, you're going to join them as i promise," Ishtar said.

"Yes, Ishtar-sama."

Ishtar removes her own Gift from Aisha making her an uncontracted adventure.

"You can still pick if you want, don't say that I'm a petty Goddess," Ishtar said.

"If possible can you also pick two of my friends?" Aisha asked.


"Lena, Samira, you both follow Aisha," Ishtar said.

"And also, you can have that Renard as a gift," Ishtar then takes all her familia back leaving the three of them.

"Congratulations, you win 3 more high-rank adventurer,"

"Thank you."

"Do you have plans for tonight? If not, why not let's eat together."

"No! Xin have plans tonight, you can eat on your own."

"... Okay, maybe next time," Freya said, leaving after looking at Xin for the last time.


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