The Most Expensive Item is The Most Cheapest Item

"Is this the best creation you made, Captain Xin?" Riviera asks while holding The Staff of Sage, she still can't believe that the weapon she is holding is made by Mortal but not a God or Goddess.

"Well, actually, there's two of them," Xin said while showing the iron bar on his hand.

"Y-You mean….. You made a Weapon same as this staff but it looks like that?" Riviera said while looking at the iron bar on his hand.


Iron Bar ( Rank EX Weapon )

A simple-looking Iron bar made from a combination of Adamantite, Orichalcum and Space Steel, compressed using Gravity Rune and Black Hole Magic.

Item Effect:

Strength +999

Dexterity + 500

Agility + 500

Endurance + 500

Magic + 999

Mana Regeneration +75%

Health Regeneration + 75%

Decreased Magic Casting Time +75%

Mana Consumption -75%

Abnormal Resistance +50%

Magic Resistance +50%

Armor Penetration +50%

All Element Immunity



That's right, one of Xin's creations, a cheat-like iron bar that looks like a piece of iron that is picked somewhere.

He did not even bother to get a good name for it and just named it 'Iron Bar' as it looks like a piece of Iron Bar.

Someone looking at the staff said," Base on my calculator, even if we sell all the property of Loki Familia, we can still afford to buy it."

Riviera also nodded, maybe even her father, the King of High Elf, couldn't afford the staff that Xin made.

Xin seems like Riviera and Lefiya really like the staff he made so without any second thought, he passes it to them.

"You can use it for now, you can give it back to me if you want but don't damage it, you can also buy it if you have money."

"But the problem is, I don't know when I can pay the staff at all, maybe it will take hundreds of years before I pay it." Riviera helplessly said.

"Then better start working harder to earn more."

"By the way, Captain Xin, how much is this Staff?" Lefiya asked.

"Don't worry, it's not pricey, just 5 BIllion Valis for you," Xin said leaving the Loki Familia petrified in place.

"I-Its so cheap!" Riviera can't help but say, if she remembers the expensive weapon or item right now is the "Supreme Black Sword '' of the highest level adventure in Orario.


Supreme Black Sword

An order made weapon made by the Goibniu Familia. It was created from the Udaeus' Black Sword drop. The Goibniu Familia high smiths turned the drop item into an ingot and reforged it into a greatsword

Owner: Ottar

Price: 410,000,000


Magna Alfs

A silvery white staff made from mithril and Holy Site that is hard enough that it can also be used as a weapon. Made by Altena after Loki ordered for it to be created, it is a First Class mage weapon of very fine quality, enough to be considered one of the five best staves in the entire world. Nine Magic Treasure Stones are embedded at the head

Owner: Riveria Ljos Alf

Price: +340,000,000


And right now, she is holding the cheapest Legendary Class or maybe God Class weapon only worth 5 Billion Valis!

For sure if the other God hears the price of the staff, they will fight just to get it, maybe it will cause countless War Games or even Family Destruction.

"Then i want this, i will ask Loki-sama to buy this, but i'm not sure if we can buy it straight away or we need to buy it slowly."

"It's fine, I'm not short on money anyway, but if you can, I want to trade Materials than Valis if possible."

Riviera thought that paying for Materials is the best solution for Xin, he created Items that need precious Materials so Material is enough to pay the staff.

"Then, i want to order a weapon too Xin, i want the same as the Kukri Knife that you showed me last time." Tione said.

"Me too, i want a Warglave suitable for me, if possible, add Durandal on it so it will not break easily," Tiona asked.

"A fast sword for me." Ais.

"Spear that can penetrate armor if you create." Fin.

"Shield for me, the heavier the better." Gareth

"A wand… if possible?" Lefiya

"Dagger or boots." Bete.

Then, one by one, the members of the Loki Family ordered their own personal weapon. After all, almost every single one of them broke or melted their weapon from the fight just now.

Xin also told them that if they want specific materials on their items, better prepare it making the adventure feel exciting.

After all, they can only choose items that they want, the smith is the one who will choose the materials they want to use.

If they pick the materials they want, they can be sure that the effect they want will appear on the item they order.


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