Date 5

The Date with Riviera is a pretty noisy and rowdy one, well its all because of Loki who cant stop doing excessive things like running around like a kid or shouting in the hallway.

But at least, Riviera who snaps out finally stop her by threatening her to quit and join other Familia.

Well, overall, the Date is like a study group, in midway, Lefiya and some other Mages join the discussion and in the end, Xin just teach them for the rest of the time.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us, Captain Xin."

"Its fine, what i share is just some of my understanding about Magic and Mage Craft."

"But still, your knowledge is even more excellent than the Elves' profound knowledge, your idea is new and fresh for my own and there's a lot of new thing i learn from you, Captain Xin."

"Although the Date should not be like this, i still love the time i spend with you, i hope you ask me again."

"Woooo!" Everyone exclaimed, even though everything about the Date looks like a study group, this is essentially still a Date.

They did not expect that Riviera will ask for another Date from Xin again, they thought she is a reserve type but they did not expect that she also like Tione.

"Riviera you tractor! You choose that baby white face over me!" Loki shout while crying crocodile tears.

"Shut up LokI!"

After reprehending Loki again, Riviera did not forget to throw her somewhere to prevent any more unnecessary things to happen.

"So your last Date is Ais, right? By the way, where Ais."

"Tada! We are here~" Tione arrives with Tiona and Ais who wearing a white casual dress, she looks lovely and cute.

Even the boys around can't help but to mesmerize by her appearance, much more Bette who start clamoring about the date.

"No! You can't come with him Ais!" Betty shout.

"That's right, just date me Miss. Ais!"

"Who said that, come out and let me see your face!"

"Hey, Bette, your not that handsome at all."

"You mother!! Let's fight outside!"

Riviera can't help but to massage her head, she did not expect taht the men in their group is passionate.

"What should we do, in that case, Ais and you can't get out from our base."

"Don't worry." Ais suddenly said.

She boldly grab Xn's hand and cast.




Ais and Xin turn into phantom light and disappear infrotn of everyone making them stop in place.

"Damn! Find them!"



With high-speed movement, Ais pull Xin outside of the street, after seeing no one is around, they finally start their date.

"So where do you want to go, Ais?"

"... Anywhere."

"Then let's walk around."


Date with Ais is pretty cool and mild one, she never ask or give any direction at all, she like to walk around and see new things.

And it seems Loki and the Familia dont really like to roaming around like their Family havign Ais dont even know something as basic as the street names or some local specialty.

Having already roam all over the Orario, Xin become her tour guide pulling her to the place where he had just visits with the girls.

But of course, they both had fun but the people around is giving Xin a death glare after seeing him couple of times with different girls.


Late night, Ais and Xin's date finally finish, you can see Ais really enjoy her date with him from her eyes even though she did not show it on her face.

"Is it fun?"


Im glad you like it, you can call me if you need me just like always,"



"Of course, did you forget, you also train with us?"

Ais seems remember that she and the other girls is training with Hestia Familia so they will see each other again this morning.

"Then see you?"

Ais nodded.

Xin smiled and walk back home to rest, for him, today is the msot bussy day but he enjoy the whole prossess evne thoguht its pretty confusing at first.

He then heard a small sound behind him to check and to hsi suppriced, a cold lips touch his cheek and the next second, he see As looking at her with flusterd face.

"A kiss?"

"Tione said, a kiss on the end of a Date will make the Date perfect."

"Is it wrong?"

Xin slitly smiled then shook his head.

Ais smiled back and bow to him," Good night."

"Good night, take care."

After seeing Ais small figure entering the Loki compound, Xin then go on hsi own back home.


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