A Daily Dose of Beating

During this period of time, many adventurers had surrounded them in the center, and the surrounding people who were watching the lively saw that the situation was not right, and they fled the scene.

Although it is human nature to watch the fun, if there is a possibility of being affected by the pond fish, it will be different.

"I thought you guys would endure for a while longer, but I didn't expect that your patience would be so poor, you really lose face as an adventurer."

Looking at everyone around him with cold eyes, Xin said helplessly.

At any time, there are always people who want to get something for nothing. At first glance, these guys often rob and bully novice adventurers and supporters who have no backers.

To put it bluntly, they call them scumbags. There is no problem.

"Hehe, little devil, since you know we will stop you, then be conscious and hand over all the Valis on you, the same goes for the two little girls beside you, we only ask for money, but if you don't cooperate If you still try to resist, then don't blame us for being rude!"

"That's right, even if you can earn 500,000 Valis a day, but with so many of us, can you handle it?"

"That's right~ that's right! Better give us what we want to avoid getting hurt."

"You can still earn it tomorrow anyway."


With the first person taking the lead, the remaining adventurers suddenly showed unbridled smiles.

Their greedy eyes swept across Xin and the others inch by inch, and they could not see any worries. The three of them seemed to have become a dish, and they still managed to figure it out.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xin was suddenly stunned.

He never expected a mask to be pretty effective, they don't even know who he is.


Whispering softly in his mouth, a dazzling light suddenly lit up everywhere,

They saw a beam of light with the same number of people around them attacking everyone with no particular order, and the lights were aimed at the adventurers around him. Even if they were far apart, they could still feel the sharp edges from the attack.

After all, all the projected daggers, as if they had received orders, moved rapidly from stillness to movement, and spread out towards the surroundings in an instant.

The scene of the goddess's scattered flowers can be said to be very spectacular.

As early as Xin made his move, the road blocking adventurer could not react at the time.

It hits, there's no sound, but the pain comes from an attack penetrated towards the bone making the adventure around grim in pain while some are rolling on the floor.

"Well….. You guys want it so badly so you guys can only get hurt."

After that, Xin handed them all to the wall of the abandoned street, stripping their equipment and money leaving them alone in the cold.

Xu Mo took out 100,000 Valis from his arms and stuffed it into Lily's palm.

"Here is your shared little one, better keep it safe so hide it safely."

"I'm going, take care."

Lily stood there sluggishly, looked at Valis in her hand, and looked at Xin's back.

"It's here?"

The sound from a distance also made Lily wake up from her sluggish state.

Finally, after taking a deep look at the direction where Xin left, the little girl quickly found a direction and fled the crime scene. The 100,000 Valis were tightly held in the palm of his hand, and he refused to let go.

"What a funny man."


West Street, a relatively poor area.

"Hestia, I'm back." After entering the door, Xin called.

The sound had just fallen, and a burst of rapid footsteps came from inside.

It didn't take long for the fragile door to be slammed open, and a beautiful figure turned into a meatball, and at the same time it was ejected, it rushed directly into Xin's arms, with a fiery temperature all over his body.

Xin doesn't know how many times this kind of process has happened.

At the beginning, Xin would also feel weird or a little distracted, but with the development of habit, everything seems to come naturally.

"You're finally back!"

"How is your day? Any interesting things happen?"

Hestia wrapped her arms around Xin's neck and wrapped her feet tightly around his waist.

At least it didn't look particularly elegant. In order to prevent Hestia from slipping, Xin could only hug her with his backhand, one hand to protect her slender waist, and the other to block her body down.

Smelling the unique fragrance on Hestia's body and feeling the softness of his abdomen, his face could not help but soften a little.

"Don't worry, Hestia, everything is fine, as for the interesting thing, well… I just met a particularly interesting girl."

"A girl? Again?"

Hestia can't help but sniff Xin around to smell if the girl tries to move on Xin but smelling everything is normal, her heart finally lets go.

At least, the girl knows how to be shy.

"By the way, where is everyone?"

"Them? They left, it seems everyone has their own plan today."

"Is that so? Then better eat outside if there are only two of us that are going to eat."

"Alright then, since Xin has said so, let's go to the most famous restaurant in Orario!"

Seeing Xin's repeated proposals, Hestia could only compromise in the end.

What's more, she is really looking forward to eating a big meal alone, and it seems this is her lucky day.

"Let's go."

"No need to hurry,"

"Its fine, lets go before someone intercept my fun again!"


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