Hephaestus Request

"Hey Xin, I heard you are going to join Loki's Familia Expedition?" Hephaestus who visited them the next morning asked.

"How did you know?"

He was curious, he never told anyone about the deal with Loki Familia, how did Hephaestus know it?

"Hehe~ i told her, after all, Hephaestus is my best friend."

"... I see."

"So you will join them?"

"Yes, Riviera ask me if i have time and i agree with her."

"But you can do your own expedition right?"

"Yes, i can take the girls with me on an expedition, but i think it's more fun if i join a bigger team to gain more experience before conducting our own expedition."

"Yes, your right, enough experience a huge gain for your next plan.:

"By the way, why are you here, Hephaestus-sama?"

"Oh, i almost forgot, i want to ask you a favor,"

"Sure," Hestia/Xin

"Can you take one of my Family members?"

"Of course, only one member?"

"That's right,"

"By the way, why do you want to send one of your members? To gain experience?"

"No." Hephaestus shook her head.

"We need some rare materials from the lower floor that's why i send one of them."

"I'm also curious about the materials on the lower floor so i think i will gather some too."

"Thank you then, i hope you take care of my family member."

"Don't worry."


Day of departure.

"You're here."

"I'm not late, right?"

"No, you just in time," Riviera said.

"By the way, I'm going to take one more person with me today."

"I already know it, Hephaestus-sama ask us last day so don't worry about it."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, you can wait here, i still need to do some chores before leaving."

"Don't mind me, you can go and do your own thing."

After Riviera left, Xin started roaming around looking at the preparation of the Loki Family Expedition.

While he is watching everyone, he did not notice a person walking silently behind him until the person finally speak.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching, learning new things."

"Want to do your own expedition in the future?"


"That's good, you are the Captain of Hestia Familia, you need to learn this thing in the future."

"What about you, what are you doing here?"

"Me? I'm here as Hephaestus-sama said,"

Xin turn around and look at her," You're the member Hephaestus-sama talking about?"

"That's right! Surprised?"

"No, I feel that she will send someone who is as capable as you, Tsubaki-san."

Tsubaki Collbrande, the captain of the Hephaestus Familia as well as a master smith.

Tsubaki has brown skin, long black hair, red eyes, and wears an eyepatch over her left eye, similar to her Goddess Hephaestus. However, her eyepatch covers the opposite eye. She has a well-endowed chest which she keeps in a sarashi, and wears a red hakama and sandals.

She also carry huge backpack and a Naginata behind.

But looking at her attire."

"Are you sure you don't choose the wrong clothing?" Xin asks while looking at her.


"A white sarashi, red hakama, and sandals? I think it's inappropriate to wear that kind of clothing on a dangerous expedition?"

Tsubaki smiled after hearing Xin's comment, of course, she is not an idiot to wear casual clothing on a dangerous expedition, she prepared a separate armor after all.

"Why? Are you worried about me?" Tsubaki said while hooking Xin's neck in her arms.



Looking at ensuring voice and clear eyes of Xin, Tsubaki slight shudder, she felt happiness inside even though its a simple answer coming from him.


'"If you worry about me, better protect me then."


"I think i finally get why Hephaestus-sama like you."

"Everyone likes me I think."

"And it seems you're 'Like' is different from the 'Like i think kid."

"They are the same."



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