Chapter 3

David looked towards the direction of all of his educational degrees and diplomas that were hanging on the wall in front of him as he was listening to her. He then says back "Um yeah, that'd be fine. What time shall we make the arrangement?" while holding onto the phone near his desk. Abiah had told him the time and location on the phone that moment as they both hung up after the quick conversation. Night passes by as the sunset started to rise signaling it was the next day which was Tuesday on the 15th of November. At Abiah's house, she was seen getting ready,combing her soft black hair straight down. Once one she made her way to the exit of the house and drove herself to the nearest coffee shop. When there, Abiah sat down calmly onto a black chair designed with holes going through it that was near a table meant for customers to enjoy themselves with. Minutes pass by as David finally is seen parking in front of the shop and begins to walk over to Abiah in his work attire.Eager to talk to her once he sat down, he looks directly at her beginning to talk. David says "Ah, there you are so I see you've acquainted yourself with a latte to keep you in a awake-like condition. May I ask why that specific beverage?" as he maintained eye contact with her from across the table. Abiah replies back "Well look at you, investigating the small things about me already and it's only been our first date." as she said with a small grin and chuckle right after the sentence. David felt more intrigued and welcomed by her from that sentence she said. He chuckles a bit as well and goes on to say "My bad, I'm just so used to finding out even the smallest clues to things sometimes. It's a habit really, more of a bless and a curse all at once if I had to say." while he gets into a more comfortable sitting pose. "It's fine don't worry about it. Anyways, so I heard about that whole Lon Bryce being the suspected murderer for the party earlier on the news. I wonder how there are people on this Earth that can do that stuff and not feel any regret for their actions." said Abiah. Once she said that, David looks at her saying "Um I'd rather not talk about ongoing investigations. Now I'm getting the sudden feeling that you only want to know me to get further information about him…" as he got up from his chair. She looks up at him, trying to look confused and misunderstood as she possibly can. "Is this true? I actually started to like you from the moment we met but now you're just using me." he said, as he looked down at her. Abiah then replied, saying "No of course not." as she stood up walking over to him trying to reassure him of the situation. David started shunning Abiah as he couldn't believe her or trust her anymore because of what happened between the two. He was disappointed in her and himself for believing that she was actually interested in him rather than just using him for information. Abiah looked at him as he turned his back on her, starting to walk away from the area. She didn't say anything but just watched him simply walk away as David got inside his car looking once more back at her before he drove away in untrust. He drove with built up upset feelings in his mind making him drive a bit faster and less smarter as he knew that Abiah used him just like his ex-girlfriend did. Abiah had started to walk back to her car, realizing that her plan to seduce him to get him involved with their criminal schemes, was a failure. She began making her way to Lon's house which was a couple of blocks down from the coffee shop. Once there, she parked in front of his house on the side of the curb because of how much little car space was available in Lon's drive way due to the amount of luxurious cars he owns. Abiah gets out of her car walking in a frustrated stance of footsteps towards his door steps. As she was about to knock on the door, Lon was seen opening the door quickly as he stood in front of the entrance to the house. "Ah, Abiah. I knew you'd come around. Say, why don't you come in? I'm sure you have much to talk about." he said, while giving a small grin letting her pass through the entrance into the house. She accepted the offer starting to walk into his house as he shuts the door behind her and locks it. Abiah glances back at him after noticing he had locked it. Lon begun to walk towards her but once close enough, he tilts his head at her trying to figure out why she was really here. Abiah begins to say "This is going to be a lot harder than it actually seems. This guy is too intellectual for us to be messing around--" as she gets interrupted by Lon who put his finger on her lips, attempting to silence her. Lon begins to explain how they're going to deal with this whole seducing situation with the detective. He starts to talk about how he's going to lay low for a while because there's too much heat riding on his plate while she tries to get close to David in the meantime. After his rant, he opened the door to his house, letting Abiah go back to her house to try make things right with David via text message. As soon Abiah leaves from his property, Lon makes an arrangement to go visit an old friend from High School, Larry R. Olsen, who hasn't seen Lon since then. Lon began to make the call to meet up with him, however Larry didn't answer it as you could hear the phone ringing from Lon's side. It was strange how he didn't answer the ongoing call but Lon didn't think anything of it, instead he just assumed that Larry was busy because he was the same back then. The phone suddenly ringing and went straight to voicemail as Lon hung up the phone that was in the luxurious-modern era living room which light was slightly dim, that made the house give a suspenseful vibe off to its visitors. Instead of calling again, he decided to make his way to where Larry was last known to be living at, which was a, old-fashioned barn in a decent mass of field. It took roughly two hours for Lon to reach the destination at where Larry lives. After parking the convertible which had a slight bit of dirt on it's fenders, he opens the door to the driver seat, getting out from the vehicle and begins to walk in a normal pace on the dirt towards the dislocated barn house. Only a few light's were helping Lon see, but had lighted his lighter so he can have better vision in the incoming darkness which was surrounding the open field. Momentum and suspense both started to build up while Lon surveyed the barn to find Larry. Once he realized that Larry wasn't in the house, he made his way outside to check on the barn where the horses would stay at. As he walked towards the barely lit barn house, you could see Lon taking out what seemed to be a type of handgun with a suppressor on it's barrel while still holding onto the lighter with the other hand, keeping it up to show where he was going. He notices that the barn house was slightly opened which made everything more suspenseful. Lon opens the door trying not to make so much noise and begins to aim a handgun as he looks around the area inside the barn house that had tons of hay on the ground of it. He puts away the lighter back into his pocket as he turned on the lights to the inside of the barn house which lit everything up inside it showing barn equipment such as hay stacks and cropping tools. However, Lon wonders around more and sees a trail of blood, starting to follow it deeper inside of the barn house. You could hear faint yells of someone getting tortured behind the second door from inside the barn that had blood leading right to it as if the torturer dragged the body to that specific room. Lon gently presses his ear onto the door to try to see if he can hear anyone talking and then suddenly kicked the door in, aiming quickly at Larry as he is seen injecting the victim, who is strapped onto the chair with some sort of powerful designer drug. Larry stops injecting him, killing him and looks at Lon, surprised to see him there starting to say "Lon… You're not supposed to be here. You're interrupting our session, that's not a good thing to do." Lon points the handgun directly at Larry standing there at the entrance of the room with strong intent to shoot at him because he was now considered a threat to Lon himself due to the odd behaviors Larry had gained throughout the years and the blood that was seen on his white doctor's coat. Lon starts to say "You're crazy. Just stop what you're doing, you know how this is going to end." as he stays calm in the dramatic situation. Larry starts to walk towards Lon, going away from the victim that was strapped down on the chair but before he got closer enough, police sirens were heard from outside of the barn. Larry looks shocked to know that the police was there so he became enraged and ran at him. Lon shot one bullet in the dead center of Larry's shot because he was too close to him. Larry feels the bullet hit his chest, starting to feel the pressure of the blast and looks down at his wound then back up at Lon as if the bullet wound didn't hurt him as much as a normal human would get affected by it. Lon started to run towards the stairs of the barn house, making his way up there and lights his lighter throwing it down on the ground level of the barn where Larry was seen looking up at him. As he threw the lighter onto the hay where Larry was at, Lon says "I didn't wanna do this..." and begins to jump out from the second story of the barn house's window that was on the side of the building. Larry was seen getting trapped by the flames of the fire that were lit because of all the hay that was inside of the barn. The FBI was too late, the barn house had become engulfed in flames by the time they got to the entrance. All you could hear was Larry's horrific yells as David was approaching the crime scene. However, by the time the FBI cars were parked, Lon was already driving away from the area, unseen by any of them. David begins to tell Monica, the FBI forensics expert, to call the local firefighters so they can put the fire out. She nods and stays in a black FBI Suv a distance away from the barn house to contact others for immediate help while David is coming closer to advise other police forces about the occurrence. David says in a clear voice, "Calling all nearby car's...A fire in a barn house had just started in the area, 19418 Platto Barn House is the location of the incident." as he was nearby the vehicle. You could hear the person on the other line say "Roger that, coming right now to your current location." The line was hung up right after that as David approach Monica to talk to her about the scene, as they both awaited for help to come by. Soon, several sirens were heard coming towards their direction as firefighters came to help with the situation. David and Monica both stand by as the firefighters started to wail water onto the barn house which was highly burning at a fast rate. It took awhile for the fire to get washed out entirely but right as the fire goes out, the sunset begins to rise from behind what was left of the barn. Once the firefighters were done taking care of the fire, they had left the scene leaving behind the two FBI agents and other several police officers to handle the crime scene. Monica had looked over at David, saying "Well there's not much evidence to go off of but we do know that the barn owner is named Larry Olsen. For now he's the suspect in this crime due to his criminal record but it's clear that he didn't survive the fire. It's hard to say if it was a form of a homicide or a suicide that conveniently had another person in the area where the flames were." David looks back at her and says "Psychopath's share a common trait, one that feeds the brain dramatic thoughts after an event happens. He might've tried to stop the fire from happening but once his trauma from the past kicked in, it was too late." as he put both of his hands into his pockets. Monica nods, replying back "So what do we do for a case like this? Because for one, I've never heard of a psychopath attempting in a suicide. They usually are known for killing others, family members or friends because of what they're personalities tell them to do." It was a slight pause between the two as David starts speaking once again, saying "This what we call a false-hope case where the suspect and potential victim is already dead and there's really not much we can do. We can however still pay a warm visit to the victim's funeral and then tell Larry's parents what had happen for they must be curious about that kind of information. As for the barn, it will eventually either be closed down or given to another family member of Larry." Monica agrees with him about the topic as they both get into the FBI vehicle and take off to the FBI Agency where both of them will tell police officer's what went on in the case. On the drive there, David's phone was seen getting messages by Abiah's number back to back. However, he didn't pay any attention to her as he muted the phone so that it doesn't make any tones when she messages him. Once inside, Monica stands beside David as she begins to talk in front of several police officers about the case saying, "We now know the suspect is someone else who started the fire that was also in the barn. Usually psychopath's aren't the type of people to commit crimes in a way where they themselves can get physically hurt." as she looks the crowd of officers. David says "The unsub might've not did this on purpose for he didn't know the tortured victim at all, hence he wouldn't try to avenge him using a fire to kill the torturer." After what he says, Monica glances over at him then looks back at the group of officers saying "We somewhat believe the murderer is the same person from the previous killing of Chris Serith but he was proven not guilty." as she puts a piece of her hair that was sticking out behind her ear. David takes off his reading glasses then goes on to say "However, the suspect won't be easily imprisoned as he has the best lawyers in town and solid credentials to further help his statements. Cracking this case won't be the easiest task to accomplish but my team won't give in until we put whoever did this behind bars. Based off Larry's record and recent acquaintances he's had, keep on the look-out for middle-aged men who have the tendency to do illegal crimes." The both of them then leave the room where all the police officers was at as the rest of them all start to scatter around the agency to get ready to go out on the look for the suspect. David was seen parting ways from Monica, going outside of the FBI building and into his assigned FBI vehicle and drives off into the distance to go find Lon Bryce using the radar equipment that was inside of it. While driving, he pinpointed the last location Lon was seen at and the screen gave him multiple options as to where he most likely was currently at. David sped up trying every single location on the screen that the radar suggested. Once at the first location, he parked the car near a sidewalk curb, where there is many random civilians walking around minding their own business. No one paid any attention to him as David got outside of the car, walking to the building that has the red sign which says Gilt Bar in capital letters. He made his entrance inside of the building, starting to calmly walk to where the stools at the bar are at while looking around noticing every else in there is talking to whoever they were with. David sees a familiar man sitting on one of the stools at the bar table drinking some type of beverage. He walks over to the bar and when there, he sits right next to the person that seemed oddly familiar. David looks to the side of him at the man and says as he pulled out a picture of Lon Bryce, "Excuse me, do you happen to know where I could find this man?" The man took a sip of his drink once more, putting down the cup of alcohol onto the bar table, then turns to face David and points a unpermitted suppressed handgun at him, while saying "You're going to want to follow my directions now, of course if you wanna live through this." while everyone else in the bar was just staring at them, wondering about the situation. The man speaking appeared to be Blaine who started to take David as a hostage. David was shocked to see this happen but before he could even say anything, duct tape was put onto his mouth right after getting roughly punched in the stomach by Blaine. He begins to walk behind him poking the gun to his back, forcing David to get outside and walk towards the side of a white glossy van which had Abiah in the driver seat. Blaine opens the van once close enough and throws David into the back of the van. When he is fully in there, Blaine closes the van door by sliding it to the side and gets in the vehicle sitting on the empty passenger seat, nodding at Abiah to give her the 'ready to go' signal. Abiah started to drive calmly while David attempted to look outside of the van to get an idea where they are taking him but the constant turning of the van made it impossible to sit still enough to look outside. The ride took a good while but soon enough, the joy ride came to an end as Abiah slowly parked the van near a building with no signs on it, just graffiti art from various people. Blaine opens the van from the side, grabbing David by his arm and brings him outside of the vehicle, then knocks him out cold from behind by his elbow. David was struggling to get away, muffling in the duct tape trying to get the attention of others. David's body falls but Abiah was there to catch him so they can both drag his body inside the building without struggle and screams for help. His vision then became all black after the rough hit on the back of his head and the next thing you know, his vision comes back and notices he's strapped down to a chair in the middle of an empty greatly dim lighted building. The only light above his head inside the dark building created a suspenseful mood within the moment. David started to look around the area but it was too dark to see anything else other then the chair and that one light above him. Suddenly, three silhouettes started to form as they approached slowly in front of David who is stuck attached to the chair by metal cuffs designed onto it. Once close enough, the three people that approached him is Lon, Blaine and Abiah who are now just standing there looking down at him. The first one to speak is Lon, who says in a confident tone, "David. David. David. You never know when to stop huh? You're smart, so I don't know why this whole tracking me thing hasn't ended yet. The only thing you're going to get out of this is death and I know you don't want that." David looks up at Lon as he spoke in clear sentences, attempting to reply back but his voice is muffled because of the thickness of the duct tape. While David forcefully sat there, Abiah and Blaine had both looked down at him, each holding onto a beige colored bat that's used for baseball. Since none of the three can understand what he is saying, Lon goes ahead and rips off the duct tape that attached to David's mouth which made a little ripping sound as it came off. Lon let's go of the piece of duct tape which ends up lightly falling onto the floor. As soon as the tape was off of his mouth, David looks up at the three of them, saying "What is it that you plan doing with me other than interrogating me? Killing me to prove a point? Because it's useless in the end, the police and the rest of the FBI agency are most likely already on this case as we speak." Lon glances over at Abiah and Blaine, then looks back down at David saying, "Look, we don't want to kill you, we need you, because you're going to play a crucial part in our group. All you need to do is agree with our terms and we'll let you live, simple as that." David replies sharply, as he looked up at Lon, "Fine...I'll help you in whatever you need my assistance for, but if this all goes haywire, I wasn't ever involved with you guys just don't kill me." Lon then uncuffs David, letting him free from the chair itself as he stood up getting close to eye level with Lon. Lon looks at Blaine and Abiah as they both left the building to go somewhere to do a favor for him. As they were gone, Lon begins to walks with David side by side to the exit of the building, talking about how he's going to test his intelligence on an ongoing case to see how helpful he can truly be for the group. As they both stepped outside, the glaring bright sunlight from the sun shined onto their skin clothes. Lon entered the van from the driver's seat while David entered the vehicle from the passenger seat. The inside of the van was humid from the sun's bright light but they ignored that and Lon started to drive, making his way to the FBI Agency where David works at. The decision to go there was a risky one, but it was also a smart choice because if someone's going to ever face a problem, best way is to face it head on. Lon's idea was simply to use David as a leverage to get him inside the system, making it seem like he was arresting or interrogating Lon. Once there, Lon decides to act like he is getting taken by David to a specific room for an interrogation but instead, he's actually pretending it all to get pass by everyone in the agency to get to that said room. Finally inside the room they both wanted to get to, David closes the door gently behind them and begins walking towards the white board which had nothing written on it at all. Lon walks up to the side of him and looks at him, saying as he picked up the picture of the crime, "Show me how you would solve a case such as this one, the Murder of Samuel Perez" David glances at the picture from the crime scene in which was in Lon's hand then looks back at the whiteboard, beginning to pick up a black sharpie and begins to write on the whiteboard quickly figuring things out. David writes effectively and quickly as he says, "The married man known as Samuel Perez was often victimized several times, this could've caused his own murder to happen as he was now vulnerable to other attacks. The murderer most likely must've been a sadist due to the way the victim was murdered, in other words, someone who likes to inflict pain on others for sexual pleasures and other mad-driven desires." As he spoke and wrote on the whiteboard, numbers, equations and a wide variety of complex sentences appeared to be floating in the air which was unseeable to anyone because it's all happening in David's mind. Lon looks at David while all of this was going on. This process went on for some minutes then finally David comes to an end, resulting in the whiteboard having not a single empty spot open to write anymore. As David was done writing on the board, Monica appeared to start walking toward that room they are both in, coming from the main agency hall. It was a odd thing to see David working on a case with a stranger, which might be the reason for her coming into the room; because the curiosity of the occurrence is killing her. As she made her entrance in a timely fashion, opening the door slightly to peek her head out towards them and asks, "David. Isn't that the suspect we were looking for, Lon Bryce?" David and Lon both look back at her as she opens the door to the room and glance at each other for a brief second before a word was said back. "As an expert in criminal based philosophy and research, I'd thought it was a good idea to interrogate this suspect differently from the all the rest..",David remarks as he starts to walk closer to Monica.

"You see, Lon is a unique individual, one in which that wants to stop doing crimes and instead wants to solve them. So, with that being said, I was showing him how a real investigation works. With the right amount of paperwork and effort, Lon can go from being a known criminal to a known detective in a matter of time. Don't you think that's plausible?",David says as he looked at Monica from a small distance away. Lon simply stands there looking at the two talk near the entrance of the room as he is unsure if Monica will found out what is really going on. Fortunately for Lon, David's lies are believable enough to trick Monica in believing his false statements that reside in the situation. Monica looks back at David, saying "Yeah I guess you do have a point there. Just give me a heads up next time if you're gonna do something like this again. I was about ready to pull my gun out on him." David replies, "Fair enough." Monica looks once again at Lon, then back at David saying, "Well, you two figure things out I'm off to complete a task." After saying that, she leaves the room leaving the two behind alone in the room. David lets out a sigh once she's gone and out of sight, knowing that it was such a close call. The day went on by with the two agreeing on terms so that Lon has a greater chance of staying out of prison. However, David came into this situation knowing that if they both get caught in the act, they'd both be in jail for a long amount of time. As time passed by, Lon soon leaves the FBI Agency without a single person being suspicious about him and following him. David stays behind to make sure he gathers every single criminal record printed on paper so that he can hide it in his own personal office. This way, no other agents or officers could gain a greater trace of Lon Bryce. His sole purpose is now to serve Lon in his greater needs, which was never expected to happen. A silent yet quick week passes by with Lon resting on his couch, highly assured that David is making things right at the agency with his case. The television which had the news channel left on, started to talk about Lon's reportedly missing criminal files being found by Nick Perron, another FBI detective who's is part of David's team. This occurrence makes Lon sit up straight as he notices what the news reporter is talking about. Lon grabs the television's remote sitting next to him on the couch and starts to turn up the volume for the television. Once loud enough, he puts the remote back down and watches the news broadcast from home. However, he decides to play it smart; to not go outside and cause attention to himself as there is already too much for him to handle. An hour later back at the FBI Agency, Nick is seen standing in front of David as he begins saying "So what really are we going to do with these files, David? You know that a criminal such as Lon won't rest until he gets his dirty hands onto it. He will literally kill innocent people for it. It's like a prized possession for him." David fixes his glasses as it's on him, then looks at Nick saying "He hasn't been causing any chaos soon so we can only assume he's staying low which means that it's a highly likely chance that he's not going to go after his files in a while. In addition to that statement, we have a much more important case to work on. The Larry R. Olsen case to be exact." David begins to sit down comfortably with great posture in his office chair as he starts to speak again. "It seems that Larry nor his victim in the farmhouse at the time caused the fire, but we don't know exactly who made the fire happen so that's our biggest problem within the case. We're going to have Larry's girlfriend, Destiny come over for a interview to find out who might hate either Larry or Larry's victim." Nick looks down at David and replies "Let me handle the interview. You should go ahead and take the rest of the day off, you've been stressing yourself out with these past cases. You'll need the rest. Okay?" After he said that, David smiles saying "Fair enough. Destiny is reported to be coming in a couple of minutes so be ready. Alright, you take care." Once he says that, he stands up leaving his office with Nick in it and the lights on. While minutes has passed, Destiny is finally seen walking into the empty office room with Nick right behind her. They both sit on a chair on the opposite sides of the table. Nick gently places the sealed folder that is relevant to Larry's case. The interview has started. Although, Destiny seems to be shy when coming face to face to someone who can put in prison for your lifetime. Nick begins to ask her questions about the case. He calmly says "So with you being Larry's girlfriend, is it possible you would know if Larry knew anybody that hated him?" Destiny replies "No...Not that I know of. I mean he doesn't have a lot of friends anyways but no one really disliked him. To be honest, I'm even shocked that someone would try to hurt him. Maybe the guy Larry was torturing had something do with it. Maybe he was the one who the murderer was after instead of my boyfriend but Larry got in the way and was seen as an immediate threat." Nick holds both of his hands together placing them onto the table as he says back "You might be right about that. The murderer in this case seems to be someone who is experienced with dealing with homicides as dealing with fire is a much more dangerous and risky way to kill someone. It's sometimes known to be a way of sending a threat message to others." Nick glances to the right at the window to the interview room with two police officers near it. He looks back at Destiny, saying "Thank you for your time. We appreciate it. You may leave, me and my team have it from here." Right after Nick says that, him and Destiny both leave the interrogation room in a timely fashion. Nick walks up to the two cop's with both hands in his pockets while as Destiny gets appropriately escorted out from the FBI Agency by another police officer. He starts to say to the officer's, "I believe I know who the criminal may be in this case. Let me do my research real quick and see if I can confirm this assumption." Nick begins to walk toward a desk with a computer on top of it and sits on the chair, starting to type in the criminals details word by word just like as a friend would describe this guy on any social media platforms. A familiar face and name pops up on the screen as a search result. Nick stops typing on the computer's keyboard and looks up at the two officers simply pointing out that this is the guy that they're looking for as the suspected murderer of Larry Olsen. Nick decides to leave the agency's building to meet up with Monica, the forensic expert so he can obtain justice for this case. However, once Nick calls her to find out where she's at, surprisingly Blaine answers the phone while Abiah and him are holding Monica hostage. They're all three in a rural open-road area with trees all around on both sides of the road that appears to go for miles. Nick questions Blaine through the phone but ends up getting disconnected from the call so he starts to track Monica's phone down and begins to drive in that direction. When he finally gets there, he parks the black FBI car on the side of the road and gets out of the car with his pistol aiming forward at the group of two. Monica is seen being held against her own will by Blaine with a gun pointed to the side of her head. At this point, she's in fear for her own life as it's highly at risk. Tears are seen dripping down from her eyes while Nick yells out to Blaine, "You don't have to do this! Please, just put down your weapon and let her go. No harm will be done." Abiah glances at Blaine as he says back, "No. You don't get it. Someone always has to die, whether that be you or her is up to him." Monica tries to escape from his grip but it's too strong. Nick starts to slowly walk closer toward the group of people in the middle of the road which is getting the moon's bright light reflecting onto the freshly-new pavement during the night time. Once close enough, Blaine looks at Abiah as he nods his head giving a go-ahead signal for something. After the small signal, Abiah takes out a fairly small device with a button on it and presses onto the red button which then explodes the distraction vehicle that is nearby Nick. The explosion made Nick fall to the floor as it affected his hearing and he got mildly hurt with some glass shards ending up in his arm. Both Blaine and Abiah started to take off in their own personal getaway car right after leaving Monica on the black pavement while Nick was on the floor distracted by the huge explosion. He gets up and shoots at the back of the car but it was too late for a car chase. They're already too far ahead to go after them by himself. Nick dramatically runs towards Monica's body which is laying on the ground. In the all of the suspense, Nick puts his hand behind her head and lifts her head up off from the ground, then looking down at her while flames from the explosion are nearby with little pieces of debris floating around in the air. He says while looking into her eyes, "Monica, are you okay? What did they do to you?" Monica looks up back at him saying "Y-yes I'm okay. They just tried to get me to tell them where the files of Lon Bryce were at and of course I didn't comply with that." Nick nods but notices she has blood on her lip and gently rubs her cheek with his thumb to the side. "Come on, let's get you to the hospital." he says as he gives a small grin because he knows that she'll be treated well there. Monica goes against her better judgement and refuses the kind offer, telling him that they should go after the two criminals while they're still on their trail. He had no choice but to follow her wish in a time of need and begins to get into the car with her so they can follow them to hopefully lead them right to Lon. After thirty minutes of driving around trying to find the kidnappers, both Monica and Nick gave up on the search. They decided it was best that Monica should be taken to the hospital now to be treated after several injuries to her body. Such injuries included a stab to the stomach and multiple hit wounds. An hour later at the hospital, Monica is seen resting on the patient's bed in a bacterial-clean air conditioned room all by herself except Nick who is sitting right beside her on a comfortable chair which is there for visitors and family members of said patient's.