
Every MC has its own generations of different members. But this is a story about a group of twelve misfits raised by a legal MC and their lives.

Meet The Kids. Princess the oldest and care giver. Prince the second born and emotionally constipated. Mistress Teta's is everyone's best friend and just a flow on knowledge. Together they make the Trio.

After them is the next trio of boys brought into their lives. McGayer is everyone's fashionista and Shapes just loves shapes. Jay-Bird loves birds more than people.

To make up the rest of the group are ClickIt who lives behind the camera lense. Tiny who is the smallest but never the youngest. Silver who loves the color he is called after and wishes to spend his days forever in waterfalls. Wired is a technological kid who happens to be the youngest hacker you ever knew.

The Twins Marionette and Moon-Beam are strange sixteen year old girls who look like living dolls but never underestimate them. It'll end badly for you.

Welcome to the Next Gen of kids in the SouthWest Motorcycle Club. Home base a small town in Arizona and the tales of their children as they walk through life together and figure out who they are as their own person