At first, Aileen's eyesight was still a bit blurry, and all that she could only see were the silhouettes of the people surrounding her. But then after a while, her eyes started to adjust and it did not take that long before she was finally able to get the hang of it, and soon after, she started to see things with clarity.

The first face that she saw was Dr. Manigo's since the other party was literally just a few inches away from her face; Dr. Manigo was staring straight into her eyes.

Aileen flashed her doctor a sweet smile before looking around her room. But when she tried to linger her eyes to see her surroundings, she was surprised to see three other individuals whom she did not think that she was ever acquainted with since she barely had any friends, to begin with.

Obviously, those three unfamiliar faces belonged to no other than Aiden, Nathalia, and Jace.

"Excuse me, do I know you???"