Meanwhile, Mr. Stamapanato on the other hand has an entirely different concern. The more that he tried to think about the situation, the more that he could not help but think that they were at the shorter end of the stick.

"Regardless if we are dealing with a dead or alive bride, we already paid you guys to fetch us a bride. So how does it end up us doing the leg work here? If that is the case, what do I pay you guys for then? I don't think you did that much labor for you guys to ask for that amount of money."

"I believe it was no longer your place to question us how much we charged for our service. It was you guys who came knocking on our door and asked for our help, not the other way around."

Madam Houssaine refuted Mr. Stampanato's words while sticking her nose in the air. Clearly, she was putting on some air this time as she did not want the other party to think that she was a pushover.