Making Use of the Future

I have expected that, as it is not hard to see right through me despite my attempts to blend in with all the troops under her command. Since she has called me out, there is really no point in keeping up the charade any longer.

Or maybe there is, as I do need powerful connections in the future, especially with the US military. All branches of the military.

They will be in control for the security and safety of the United States. Private corporations as well as armies do pop up later due to lack of manpower and economic crashes, but those are only allowed to exist due to the agreements or contracts between them and the US Government. Lots of bribing here and then, I assume.

In any case, I would like to have the same sort of agreements in the future when I start building up my Wealth and Fames. Therefore, making this contact with the Major is akin to building a foundation. In addition, I like to save her from her eventual fate. She dies tragically despites spending her entire life fighting for the people.

"You are quite sharp, Major," I response as I recall some important details from memory. I know for a fact that Colonel Hammond is her superior, and if I theorized correctly, the Colonel should also be the current commanding officer of the military base that the soldier had just talked about.

During the formation of the Death Zone, the military base and all of its personnel were left just outside the barrier, but with he formation of the Life Zone in this timeline, it appears that the same base is no longer sitting outside the Zone. It is inside now.

I suppose that explains the Major and her armed company, fighting against the monsters and rescuing the civilians. It might also explain the whereabout of my mother, as her current location is actually in the direction of the military base. If that is the case then… wait, I just remember that the military base was destroyed immediately after the Death Zone collapses, killing almost everyone.

And the reason for its destruction and untold number of deaths was publicized. Sadly, I am unable to recall the exact details, however, as I wasn't really paying attention the first time around. I was really traumatized by the deaths of my friends and countless others.

The Major narrows her eyes, as raging flames encircle her menacingly. She has become quite used to her newfound power, as she is using it to set fire to pretty much everything that can of be a danger to her and to her men. I wonder if that means that I am dangerous.

"I cannot reveal who I am, unfortunately," I state with a smile. "But I can tell you that the Colonel has sent me to give you a hand."

"Colonel Moore sends you?" the Major questions, as the flames around her dissipates.

"No. Colonel Hammond," I response, smoothly dodging that trap. Not many know the Colonel even if he is in control of the military base. This is because he supposed to be retired, so he left the command to some of his trusted aids. He spends most of his time at home with his grandchildren.

"The Colonel is still alive…?" the Major asks before shaking her head in dismissal. "Why would he send someone like you unless… what power did you gain, soldier?"

"Sorry, but I am not a solider. I am a mercenary," I correct. It is better that way as being a soldier would not be a good thing. "The Colonel and I have an agreement. That is all you need to know."