Concocting a Health Potion

But sadly, those bullets do not take down the monsters fast enough, and quite a few soldiers become wounded as a result of the prolonged fight. Also, most of the hounds manage to escape despite their grievous injuries. In addition, I also purposely let them get away.

It is for a reason.

"Merchant!" the Major calls out, seemingly noticing my intention. I wasn't exactly hiding it, as it is very difficult to hide such things from keen observer such as herself. "Are you really here to help?"

I arch my brow at the question. "Of course, I am here to help, but it also depends on what kind of help you require of me. I like to survive this whole ordeal, so I will stay out the frontline whenever possible and let you and your men deal with whatever threats that might come our ways. It is, after all, if I am dead, I will be of no help to you or anyone."

And I prefer to be very much alive at the expense of everyone if I must. The future might have changed, but I am still the chance for the survival of the human race. It is the same as the previous timeline, for I was the only survivor of this Earth.

Yes, I have said this Earth. There are multiple Earths. Infinitely amount too, but none are the same for whatever reason that I do not know.

Once I put my sniper rifle away since it is only weighting me down in my hands, I continue. "Plus, it is better to wound an enemy than kill them outright, forcing others to tend to them. Those hounds might belong to a larger pack. Or maybe, they have owners. It is not a remote possibility."

The Major quickly realizes I was right. Furthermore, the objective is not to eradicate the monsters but to rescue whoever are holding out inside this building. For them to survive with those hounds prowling about, they must be somewhere the hounds cannot get to.

Even though she realizes I was right, she does not admit it. Instead, she pulls herself together and tries to help the men, forcing them to stand and get a move on.

"You should stay put, Major, so I can see what I can do for you," I point out. "Not only the Colonel, but other parties would like to see you alive after this is all over, and besides, if you died from your infected wound, who would lead your men?"

The Major growled in response and decided to let me help her. Her vision is starting to become blurry, as the evolved rabies virus from those hounds are quite infectious. I doubt that the rabies vaccine that I loot from the pharmacy and chemist is of help, as it is for those who have not contracted the virus.

She definitely has contracted the virus, and it has progressed too rapidly for the vaccine to be of help.

The Major must have been the first person to get bitten, as she is considered to be the highest threat amongst the group, and she is by all definitions.

Since the vaccine are likely of no help, I will resort to magical means. For that, I require some of bloods from her, and she reluctantly gives me it right after I shows her a vial of greenish liquids.

"This is extracted from the corpse of a dead monster," I inform her, as I start mixing her blood together with the Low-Grade Life Essence. Due to the ratio, it will not produce a Low-Grade Blood Essence, as that would bleed her dry. A few drops of her blood will, however, produce a very weak Healing Potion.

Once the vial glows bloody red, I speak up once more. "Despite its origin, this will save your life."