Nothing is a Coincidence

It is probably not a mere coincidence that Stellar has managed to be the first person to find mithril in the underground chamber. While it is true that the magic metal can be found quite abundantly within an established Zone, it is usually located much closer to the Dungeon at the center of the Zone.

For any traces of the magic metal to be found so far away from the Dungeon is fairly rare, and I doubt that the other children could find a bigger piece than Stellar has if they managed to find any at all.

But I still believe there are some more mithrils to be found in the chamber, as the iron deposit is fairly significant. As such, it is highly improbably for none of the irons to transmute into mithrils since I know for a fact the probability is not completely zero.

And even if I cannot find any more within the chamber, I can always dig through the massive block of earth that I have traced out and sent into my Inventory to form the chamber.

"Yes," I response to Stellar and shuffle the deck. "But only if you can guess the card correctly. Alright, let's begin. You all can play too, as it is more fun with more people, isn't it? And yes, if any of you guess correctly, I will also give you a reward."

The other children smile and join in on the guessing game, especially when there is a reward to be had – typical kids.

And while I humor all of them, only Stellar has my attention since she is too valuable to me even if she is just a powerless child at the moment.

I have always believed that there is a reason for people to obtain the class that they had, and with the powers that Jessica and the Major obtained from the System, it only confirms my suspicion. And that also means that whatever power Stellar will gain will have something to do with manipulating Luck.

And I do want the power to manipulate Luck since I cannot access to my skills freely at the moment.

One of my skills allow me to convert my Charisma into any other attribute temporary for a price. Thus, the only attribute that I ever needed is Charisma. There is also other reasons to having high Charisma.

"10 of Spade?" Stellar guesses.

And I drawl a card from the deck, finding that it is 10 of Diamond instead. Close, but not quite correct, as she must guess correctly. None of the other kids has managed to guess correctly either.

"Okay, let's us try again," I state and place the card back into the deck before shuffling.

"I know. Queen of Diamond!" Stellar calls out before I drawl a card, and it is Queen of Heart. So close, but again, it is not quite correct. And once more, none of the other kids has managed to guess correctly either. The chance of them getting it right is less than 2%.

"Alright, let's try again, huh?" I announce with a smile. She manages to get the value right, and that is less than 1% probability. It might just be a coincidence, but then again, I do not believe in coincidences.

Everything happens for a reason, and the encounter with Stellar only means one thing.

"Um… 8 of Club…?" Stellar mumbles, and it is 8 of Diamond. That is less than 0.05% probability. I play one more round, and it is the same. She only manages to get the value right but not the suit, and that is enough to make anyone raises a brow.

"Sorry kids, but none of you got it right," I speak up and hand the deck of card to Stellar before leaving.