Within the Mindscape

Despite that, I will not allow anyone to take my bloods regardless the reason.

This is because bloods can be used in all sort of rituals and contracts. Same reason to why I have been taking a blood sample from anyone who would or will be useful to me in some way.

Bloods also contain things that are not quite visible under a microscope, yet those who have awakened can see them if they looked closely enough. Things such as mana particles. Since I have awakened my Magical and Spiritual powers, my bloods will contain plenty of things that I do not want others to know just yet.

Nevertheless, I obey the directions and follow the men out of the compound and into another building under the watchful eyes of heavily armed guards. They are obviously not messing around, and within the next building, everyone is directed into a holding cell, awaiting the required blood test.

Since there are quite a lot of people, it will take a while to clear everyone. I recall that the Major wants a double check, thus, it will take even longer.

As I am the last into the cell, I will be the last to be tested. That will not happen, obviously, and I have plenty of ways to create a commotion and slip away. Or I can wait until a strike force arrives from the infected base.

That should be chaotic enough, and it should be any time now from my estimation.

While I wait, I should start working on Plan B, and that is Stellar. Due to my Spiritual Energy, Stellar is knocked out at the moment, but she will not be unconscious forever. This is due to the buildup of her natural defense against foreign energy.

That means I cannot continuously spiritually possess a living person. I say spiritually because there are plenty of other ways to possess a person. Spiritually is probably the easiest for me, as the requirement is awakening Spiritual Power.

I lean against the wall and focus my mind, allowing me to connect to the Spiritual Energy that is within Stellar. Once a connection is formed, I enter her mindscape. Or perhaps, I should call it her dreamscape instead.

"Why are you volunteering to take care of her!? Don't you know that girl is cursed! Cursed!" a woman shouts at a man, and from his appearance, he is taking care of Stellar. "Is she secretly your daughter!?"

So, not quite a dream despite it is dreamlike. This is a memory. Back to the term mindscape then.

"What? No, honey. And keep your voice down. I don't want Stellar to hear this, but my brother has an incredible insurance policy, and she is the only benefactor," the man whispers. "I'm talking about tens of millions."

"Tens of millions," the woman – obviously his wife – gasps.

I continue to watch the couple as Stellar remembers it. I have expected something of the sort, but I've never confirmed it one way or another. I think it is probably the reason why she craves family despite being surrounded by people all the time.

Since I am in her mind right now, I can erase this sort of memories, allowing her to remember only the good things about her uncle and probably deceased auntie. But I am not going to. These sorts of thing will make her stronger, and it is better that way for me.