Not so Legal Dealing

The Shop System accepts almost anything and everything, including people. But to sell people via the Shop System, I must first obtain ownership over those people.

And obtaining ownerships can be done in a number of ways. Using an enslavement contract to obtain ownership is a possible way. It is possibly the easiest way if done correctly with a bit of luck – just like I have done so to obtain a bunch of enslavement contracts.

With the enslavement contracts in hand, I can sell people directly to the Shop System without needing to gain access to the Black Market beforehand. But of course, with the Black Market unlocked, I don't need to obtain ownerships of people I want to sell into enslavement first.

And that is illegal. Super illegal.

But then again, using the Black Market for pretty much anything will instantly drop my Fame. Forcing people into slavery is a huge one, and as such, I usually do not sell people as slaves on the Black Market unless I intend to gain infamy quickly.

There are ways to sell slaves without actually announcing them as such, and with those methods, I can avoid getting a huge penalty in Fame.

It is also better to auction slaves instead of selling them directly to the Shop System, as the said System can only determine a value of a person at the present not later. If I sell Alex to the Shop System via his contract, he would probably worth almost nothing. If I hold an auction instead, someone might notice his potential and offer way more than what I could get from the Shop System itself.

In any case, I am not actually looking to selling Alex into slavery. Not really. It is more complicated than that, and it is good for him.

"Huh? What contract?" Alex questions. "Oh. You're talking about the contract that you've tricked me into signing before I remember everything?"

Alex has not remembered everything, as there are still a lot of sealed doors within his mindscape. It is not my job to unseal them, so he will have to do it himself. Of course, if he asked, I will surely help him with it, but I doubt that he will ask for obvious reason.

I would not want anyone else in my mind either, as they can view my memories and read my thoughts, and I certainly would not like that.

"Not everything, Alex, and I did not trick you," I defend myself. "There is a good reason to why I want to sell your contract to the Shop System. It is kind of hard to explain, so you will just have to trust me on this. Besides, your contract is not an enslavement contract, so you should be fine."

There is a moment of silence before Alex responses. "If you say so. Don't tell me that you have already sold it and now are just telling me simply because?"

I chuckle, as Alex does know me so well. Or maybe because I have done that sort of things many times before. "Not this time, Alex. You would know immediately if I have sold your contract to the System."

"And how would I know if you did or did not?" Alex questions suspiciously.

"Because if it worked like I expected it to then you would find yourself on another world or dimension, likely fighting in some sort of cataclysmic battle for your life," I reveal. "And you would be pissed off."