The Only True Truth

Then there is that item on her person. The Tears of Undine.

It was looted from her corpse by one of the players the first time around, but she was a Dungeon Boss then. Even if she is no longer a Dungeon Boss now, she should still have that item on her. At least, I do hope that she does, as having the Tears of Undine would make things much easier.

"Ores and crystals," Nessa repeats after me. "Fine. I will give you as much as you like."

That is quite generous of her even if she and her kind have no need for ores and crystals. Her weapons and armors are all biological in nature, and I suppose that she has no need for clothes either, as she is not really wearing any.

It is not like she is naked, as most of her body is covered in almost impregnable carapace. Impregnable to manmade weapons, anyway. Against magic, it depends on her magical resistance. Against spiritual powers, however, she has absolutely no defense.

While Nessa does not know about Spiritual Power, she suspects something similar from the way I had killed her general, ignoring his defenses completely. That is probably why she has decided to deal with me on more friendly ground.

I am an enigma.

"In that case, I thank you, your highness," I thank despite only really needing one of each type of ores and crystals, but I do not mind taking all of the ores and crystals off her hands. I will definitely hold her words to it. "As for those problems of yours, mind if you tell me about them, specifically to their skills, abilities, and weaknesses."

The Queen smiles faintly. "Did you not say that you are not concern about my children?"

"I said that I am more concern about my rewards, your highness," I correct her. "I am always concern about those who attempts to harm me and my interest, and if I know everything about them, it would make things smoother."

The Queen nods and begins to tell me as much about those problematic children of her, and I take her words with a grain of salt. She might be telling the truth, but there are all kind of truth. The only truth I believe is the one that I can see for myself.

While it is likely true that those children do want to usurp her, there is no need to get me involved, as she could have them all killed one by one herself. As such, the only reason that she wants to make use of me is to learn more about me. And probably find a way to kill me.

Her intention is fairly clear, and that is fine, for as long as she does not act on it anytime soon. She will one day, and I will do what I must to protect my interest.

Once Nessa has told me everything that she believes I need to know, I end the conversation and turn my attention to Alex, who has been listening in on the whole time.

"Nessa, huh," Alex mutters as he now understands the current state of things. "Need my help?"

"That would be nice, but not necessary," I response. "I can deal with her, as she doesn't have any kind of defense against Spiritual Power. I doubt anyone within the Zone do, but you shouldn't try to awaken it because of that reason. Anyway, I'm going to rob another bank before it gets too dark to do anything of sort."