[End of Supreme One, Momonga]

Sitting on his throne, Light Yagami looked at his subordinates, the four demon kings and their subordinates, with impatience on his face. 

After taking over Hell, he had controlled it like Momonga wanted and he also found a way to have souls enter Hell after death. 

Everything was going good for awhile before it started going downhill. For some odd reason, mana started to seep into the Human World causing a lot of problems. 

Animals started to mutate and become dangerous, which cause a lot of people to died. He had contacted Momonga to find out what was going on, but even he didn't know. 

Even the strongest countries at the time were destroyed, becoming a thing of the past.

The Notes that Momonga had sent down had created a dangerous world below. The Notes were Death, Life, Soul, Destruction and many more. 

The humans call the notes Grimores, and maybe because of mana or humans ingenuity, they captured demons and fuse them into the books, gaining the powers of the demons and the books themselves.

The more people that dies, the more work he had. He had base the criteria for judgment base on his vision of a perfect world, which means many will enter Hell and many will be punish.

After a hundred or so years, he had made his domain so powerful with demons of frightening strength. Each of these demons were vital to his power, any lost was not good. If push comes to shove, he was liking the odds against any opponents but….

Looking at the cowering demons, Light Yagami cleared his throat and spoke, "Everyone is aware of what's going on, so I will cut to the case. The Human World have undergo a change and become a threat to us. Find out how they learn to summon demons!" With burning eyes full of anger, his loyal servants shivered with fear.

"Yes, my Lord." (x4) The demons kings voice resonated in the room.

One of the four demon kings, the female demon king spoke, "My Lord what about the Wizard King? What do we do with him?"

Speaking of the Wizard King the demons reacted with fear. This human was so evil he could play with demons. How many demons as fallen at his hands, for them to turn into grimoires? Though they didn't care about their fellow demons, they couldn't say that before their Lord, could they?

'The Wizard King? He could rival Demon Lord and even Demon Kings, and he only spend 20 - 30 years to reach that stage. He pioneered an entire era, and entered the eyes of Paradise and Hell. Hmm, Paradise don't seem to care about the situation.'

"Don't worry about him, I will take care of it. Return to your domains and govern it. If anything comes about, notify me. Okay, everyone is dismissed." Light waved his hand and watch the demon kings and subordinates disappear. 

Turning his gaze to one of the pillars with a nonchalant attitude, he said, "Come out." 

"Oh, father, when did you notice?" A young man with a striking resemblance to him walked out, with a smile. His red eyes shone with slaughter and bloodshed, looking like a demon.

"The moment you enter, I was aware. Why did you come here? Don't you have better things to do?" Towards this son of his, Light was not sure of what attitude to have. His son didn't hide the fact he was an ancient monster that chose to reincarnate. No matter how you look at it, it was a weird relationship. 

When he had taken the name Kira, he didn't know there was a being that actually owned the name. Speaking of Kira, this brat took over the mantle or rather, reclaimed his name, becoming Kira again. Sadly he was not serious about it, after killing for a while, he got bored and began this disaster.

Though Kira was powerful, Light didn't fear him. He had Momonga and Blue Planet to back him. Plus, his own strength was frightening. His demons didn't call him the Demon God without reason. The longer he enters a bond with the Willow Tree, the more power he gained. Because of that, he rarely leaves the throne.

"Well, the Human World have become quite different, it doesn't need it's god anymore." Walking over to his father, Kira continued, "After killing that old fool I have nothing else to do." 

'The King of Death…after he arrived in Hell, I have my Demon Kings punish him. It was quite odd, I thought the Ruler of Death, don't have a soul.'

He really admire this son, he was calm, he was strong and most of all, he knew how to have fun. Still, the work this brat gave him was too much. 

"Why don't you stop this? My workload is unbearable because of you."

Kira eyes widen but didn't seem to mind, "No wonder you're my father, your smart. I came because Mother is calling for you." 

'This brat don't have any respect for me, but he loves his mother so much. I wonder, what could be so important to call me? Her safety is guaranteed, plus I pulled some strings and made her a half demon. There is nothing that should warrant her calling me.'

Speaking of Misa Misa, Light was not sure how to feel about her. He did not hate her, but he also did not love her. Maybe like was the closet feeling he had for her. When he was human, he was too obsessed with his ambition. When he became a demon, he have all that one could hope for and more, but he feelings did not change. At the very least he, did not hate her.

"Fine, I will go see her." Light said, standing up for the first time in so long. The moment he got up, all the demons sighed in relief. They have been terrified for almost a century but who would dare speak to the Demon God about this? 

Even Kira, this ancient monster, secretly wipe his brows of sweat. His father was quite the monster himself. 

Creating a Gate, Light stopped and turned to Kira, "Not that I care, but I'm sure your mother will be worried if something happens to you, so I will warn you. My boss doesn't seem to care about your actions and in fact supports it, but I should tell you that Blue Planet wants to capture you. The reason, I'm not sure." He didn't even wait before descending to the Human World.

Looking at child, who is his father, Kira smile, "When did I ask for you help?" 

Kira was not scared of anyone, but since he was still weakened, he had to be cautious of Momonga and Blue Planet. The strength of Momonga is mysterious and seem almost omnipotent. All his feats are words of myths and legends, but Blue Planet's feats are more amazing since he doesn't hide. 

The deserts and barren lands under his talons became forest and jungles. Rare and extinct creatures appeared where every he goes. That kind of power was quite a feat in Kira's eyes since even if he regained his full strength, he would not be able to do so.

Over the years he have been escaping the dragons pursuit but this stupid Dragon was persistent. He even place a bounty on his head, whoever captures him will gained a realm to themselves. This not only made it so, all the realms were after him, it means his fun was quite limited. 


Rushing though the Holy Palace, Aziel strode into the Throne Room with a small group of angels. Arriving before the throne, which a beautiful busty fairy was sitting, Aziel knelt down, along with his subordinates. 

Though he was more powerful, his status was higher, Titania was not herself, she was his Father's embodiment. She was acting in the capacity he gave her. If he disobey her, he was disobeying his Father.

The Fairy Queen was surprise by this sudden visit. The only time this brat show his face was when he have something stupid plan. Last time, he came with the request of cleansing the Human World, because the power of demons was spreading. Of course, she couldn't allow that. The demons were apart of the three realms, not enemies.

Sighing but outwardly portraying calmness, Titania asked, "Lord Aziel, what brings us this pleasure." 

With visibly excitement, Aziel booming voice echoed in the room, "I have good news Your Majesty, Lord Blue Planet have given us a direct order of capturing Kira. Which means, we have permission to enter and leave the three realms at will."

Titania frowned slightly, Lord Blue Planet is the only one that can give this kind of order, except Lord Momonga. She could see problems happening because of having two Lords, but she was sure he Lord already thought of it…but what if he didn't? 

As the Fairy Queen said, "Okay, I want you to take someone with you. You can come in." As she finished the door opened, with a fairy flying towards them.

Titania said with pride on her face, "Aziel, this is my daughter, Aurora, she will be your guide." 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Aziel, I wont fall you."

Aziel was upset in the beginning but hearing it was Aurora, he was happy! Who don't know who Aurora was? She was the fairy of exploration! One of the first to explore the Human World. She has a huge following amongst the fairies. She will be very vital to the mission.

"I look forward to working with you, Aurora."


Momonga floated next to a new sealed world and stared in. 

He and Blue Planet have been enjoying the change Kira brought into the world. Blue Planet more so than him. 

The fact that Kira kicked started the era of magic, made technological advancements obsolete and pushed the world into different directions.

Since he regained his strength, Blue Planet have been monitoring the realms with fierce scrutiny. Nothing escapes his gaze. 

Shaking his head, Momonga looked into the world, he saw a knight in white armor staring at him. 

It seem Ainz Ooal Gown will become one again.