"Hi Seb! looks amazingly diff'rent today!" Complimented Rico while extending to him the safety hat.
"Thanks Ric, where's Nestor?" we need to discuss the Friday night opening at the new site."
"Seb, the CEO wired us up through the HR office yesterday while you were away. Superstition! it's the 13th and the CEO wants it to be on the 14th, Saturday."
"But Ric, we can't do it on the Saturday, our stakeholders and sponsors wouldn't be around due to the annual business convention, such drastic change of date! I thought its already on the 13th, Friday. Though, okay, I'll call up the CEO a little while after high noon, we should not lose contact with our major audience who fed us up. It's not all about just for a cause project, it is for good sake, a matter-of-the-fact collaboration and strong connection." Sebastian insisted.
Then he walked off to the men's room, rewinding what superstition had caused so much trouble to human life, like what had happened to Karla years ago. Bullies here and there, unlimited discriminatory remarks from the educated, beliefs system and this superstitious practice has long been recognized by most Filipino abode as one basis for luck, bad omen and fortune. Then Karla, since then after their marriage was disheartened by the people's remark on her mole beside the nose. They oddly judged it as a bad sign that her husband will really die if they both insist and said that having a mole on the area where the tears flow is a sign of curse to the partner. Yes, it saddened her for years. Sebastian's grandma even hated her that much. Grandma Tere even tried to separate them by threatening Seb to really pay the borrowed amount that was used for their wedding. Indeed, its Grandma Tere's tactic of sending him away to Tarlac to attend to the upland ricefield management and at the same time, Karla and Sebastian were separated for several years. They longed each other so much but Sebastian's family were very insistent until Karla's health goes down. More so when they had a fight with Seb, telling her to really wait until the disputes will be settled. But it took for months of Karla's waiting time for Seb's to return. Nil! sleepless nights of sobbing and hurts, unanswered phone calls and if she attempted to call to her in-laws, she only had to absorb insults and meaningless judgment especially for accusing her of a cursed black widow.
With a heart full of intense emotionality, she deal with it all yet so unwell. No one knows how she prayed hard for their marriage protection and shield.
"I had to tell you about this. One of their elders advised Seb to stay away from you, just can't tell you who. But I swear I pity you the most, for all the sacrifices you did for your husband. In fact, you resigned from your most treasured job and followed everything he had been dictating you to do. That seems all unfair Karla." Then Arlene cried while relating to Karla about some controversial gossips against her.
"Oh Lord, how could it be, that a mere mole on my face becomes the harshest and rude identity of others about me. Please oh God, they are trying to separate us I know, but I dearly loved my husband. How come they're doing this to us." The usual heartache of Karla in her prayer, to grant them peace and serenity.
A brief recall to the other side of the story.
Noon time came on and Sebastian called up the CEO.
"Marlou, this is Seb, just wanted to inquire the rescheduled date for the opening of the new site, is it really on the 14th, Saturday?" He firmly questioned the CEO.
"Hi Bro, definitely yes. We don't have any options and we're here for business, as usual, we have to respect our cultural practices such that of considering Friday the 13th as creepy and unlucky date. Even the big hotels don't have room #13 and elevators didn't include the thirteenth floor, haha! hope you got it Seb, sorry I just read the proposal but please hang on, the financial officer will help you reset the budget. Okay, see you there at the new site soon." The CEO explained.
"blaggh!" He heavily put down the phone on its untidy hub and walked off straight to the bench at the back of their quarter.
"Friday the 13th! Not to wonder why some lived a way heading backwards and thus pea-sized belief becomes generational. Women chanting while cooking were destined to be spinsters, people taking pictures by three and one of them will die, if you sweep the floor at night something bad will happen next days. God! why can't these people just honor one God and let them all believe that God is the only way, the truth and the life. Yes, some good things happen to good people, there are coincidences happened too, just like Karla, she passed away after the bottomless heartaches of being blamed. I stood as an ally too, an accomplice of my family, because I sent myself away. I was a coward." Then he cried punching the well-cemented bench so rudely.
" Seb, i just had my biometrics, what's up buddy!" Nestor sat beside him.
" Budz, the date for the site....that opening! has been rescheduled! on Saturday, 14th. Isn't this amazing! All our invitations distributed will be nothing and we've got to move everything too, including all, yes, all, everything!" He put his hands pressing his head, moved up and stamped on the floor. Nestor stood up and stared to nothingness then sighed endlessly.
Both of them planned it out months ago. Nestor is the Assistant to the Foreman and had been Seb's friend for two decades. Like Seb, Nestor agonized for the rescheduling, but his patience was said to be extraordinary.
"I understand how these things are going on, but, all we can do is to try managing this. Hmm, I volunteer to help in the information dissemination or, or if you want, I'll do it all and just take a break. Take a leave first, don't worry, everything will be alright soon."
"You said it Budz, okay, three days. I'll go somewhere in three days." It seems that he was refreshed by Nestor's reassurance and support.