Home Sweet Home

The travel was so tiring and Nomin put Karla on bed. Nomin usually used his power to make her casually sleep around his arms to carry her on bed. Seb offered to them their old bedroom but Nomin refused, he said it could be obvious for people to see them occupying the master's bedroom. For a while, Seb was looking at Nomin steps away while lovingly caressing Karla's hair and he put some pillows on her sides. He removed her shawl and looked at her in a while then he thought.

" My princess, here we are back in our home. It's quite bigger now compared when we started it after our civil wedding. There are less mosquitoes here, no more owls and snakes that can harm you. Keep rested and see the flowers I made for you in your dreams, enjoy and smell them all, take your time. Remember, I love you always and forever. We're almost near to getting back, Godem will help us I know.

Nomin turned his head to Seb.

"I'll make Grandma Tere become sincere, smiling, friendly and accommodating to all of us. She could be our problem if she remains the same strict, unforgiving and negative. Don't worry, when Karla wakes up, other people will see her differently. Only the two of us can see her real identity." Nomin explained.

"Seb! Seb! where are you?"

Seb came out and had a 'mano po.' You hardheaded bastard!" Then she noticed Nomin beside Seb.

"Who are you?" Grandma Tere looked at Nomin. A little while, Nomin accompany Grandma Tere in her bedroom, put off her slippers and slept.

" Wow!" Seb was amazed.

" When things will be alright soon, you will have these opportunities back to you. These are actually yours." He winked an eye to Seb.

The gate's doorbell rang.

" Seb! Seb!" Seb immediately went out to see the visitor. Its Nestor.

"I need to tell you this, your parents will be coming tomorrow, earlier than we expected. As stockholders, they will attend in our site opening and thanksgiving in Huimaras, next to Bukay on the 14th." Nestor updated Seb.

Nomin was just very silent on his seat but really caught Nestor's attention. Seb, is he your younger relative? you've got facial similarities but he looks like a hunk celebrity more than you." Then a handshake followed.

"Naks! you're a terrible friend than I ever imagined, I should have thought you're gone haha!" Yes, he's my younger cousin. They all laughed and tried some snacks that Nomin prepared.

When Nestor left, Seb was smiling to Nomin.

" You are horribly handsome than me now. Let's celebrate today and grab some wine."

" No need bro, I threw them away, you don't need them anymore." Nomin told him.

" Oh my...okay, okay. But how about tomorrow, they're coming, what would I do? You know her." Seb complained.

" No worries, they won't stay around, I'll ensure mom's gonna hate it here, believe me." Nomin smiled and reassured Seb.

Nomin told Seb that he will stroll around the old neighborhood.

"Take this, its a debit card. Its eight years ago since you left, you may use this in purchasing whatever you want." Then he oriented Nomin about its usefulness and the process in lieu of cash.

" It seems that I already tried this before."

"Nope, you haven't. I eavesdropped when your mom was talking to her 'kumare.' It was a different card I guess. When almost everyone used credit cards before, your mom said that 'Seb did not try it because its not helping him to budget." They both laughed.

"I see, I see, I was that thrift." Okay, thank you for this. I will try a little if it works. I'll take a bath first." Nomin smiled.

In a spur, he got out from the room with a decent outfit, took the card from the table and went out.

Busy with the cooking experiment, Seb was in the kitchen, exploring Nanay Tere's utensils when Karla slowly tapped his shoulder.

" Seb, did you see Nomin?"

" He just ... got out, strolling, wanna eat some?" His face became pale and his heartbeats were racing. He stood beside her as he moved backward, so slowly that caused the knife suddenly dived on the innocent floor.

" Seb, are you okay?" Karla moved closer and pressed his hands.

However, Seb immediately moved away and signaled her to stop from where she is and should not follow.

" Sorry but, my stomach ached, just...just stay there, don't move." Seb got lost heading to his room and rested. He stayed for a while and looked up to nothingness and inhale deeply.

Meanwhile, Nomin enjoyed looking at the various food stalls around the neighborhood. Girls he met along the alleys were smiling and because he was super friendly and charming, he greeted each one of them and waving his hand. He reached in a flower shop and bought some flowers by just using the card. When he got out from the flower shop, he stood up a bit while listening to the boisterous vehicles passing by along the road. Eventually, when he remembered Grandma Tere, he was in a hurry to go back to their house.

Surprisingly, he saw Seb, Karla and Grandma Tere around the kitchen table. Both were so focused listening to the old woman. Such a drastic change, she was totally different and well-mannered now.

"Ah, he's Nomin you both said and your husband, Arzelene, he's so naturally cute and charming." And they all laughed. Then Seb broke the silence.

" ...and Grandma had started packing her things and decided to go back to Tarlac once mom and dad will be done here after the opening of the site. They already talk with them over the phone and agreed on this. We'll miss you Grandma." Then the old woman smiled at them.

Night came on and Seb had to stay for a meeting inside Nomin and Karla's room. In a while, Seb turned on the aircon and adjusted its coolness so that the three of them could comfortably relax.

"I missed this place." Karla smiled that almost melted Seb's eyes.

" I'm literally palpitating... and seems out of this world again. Her sweetness and calmness dearly softens me, so deeply within, can't bear this anymore." A thought from Seb that distracted Nomin.

" Hmm, Bro, your eyes are sticky, its gluing the girl around." Nomin interfered.

" By the way, here's I guess we need to study on. They will reach here at 8 o'clock via Philippine Airlines, so I will fetch them by car. They'll for sure ask me who you are, although when they see you Nomin, without any doubt, they'll remember my younger version, exactly. But if you add up some more features on your face may lessen their curiosities, I know. While Karla will become Arzelene, your - wife."

Then the three enjoyed the ambiance of the room but Seb has to get out but does not worry of anything, he still remains the exact husband though his soul is with Nomin and after the test of time, everything will be alright so he can get back to where he belongs.