Single Red Rose

In the workplace, before Karla went inside, he passed by at the accounting office and left the memorandum for the psycho-social budget proposal.

" I've heard that you've already invited a speaker on this Ma'am." The Accounting head smiled.

" Yes, Sir. She just confirmed last Tuesday and refused to receive any honoraria, she'll have it for free of charge."

" Amazing! she must be very goodhearted, God be with her."

" She's the CEO's wife and she's Ms. Catherine, a licensed social worker, it's actually out of voluntarism when she'd heard from Sir Marlou that the HR was hiring, but no one applied so she said she can be an on call volunteer whenever her services are needed.

" Such a relief." Then he smiled.

On the lobby, she noticed Seb who was getting out from their office and approaching on her way, he smiled to her and said.

" I left something on your table."

They paused for a while and exchanged sweet glances and magnetic smiles. In a way - speechless, then off they separate ways.

When she opened the door, she immediately rushed on her table and found a single red rose in a small flower vase, smelled it while closing her eyes.

" Hmm...lovely." Then she smiled.

Godem knocked on the door and started again to bring his stuffs everyday guarding her.

" I should have worn a security guard's attire everyday.'ve got that red rose, wow...did he give you that? or you just bought it?" He teased her.

" He gave it to me."

" ...okay, time to work, stop smelling that rose anymore, you already looked like a bee looking for some pollens, haha."

On the other hand, Seb was in Nomin's office to pick him up going to the GP Cakes and Pastries.

" Ready?" Seb asked.

" Just finishing this printing job, a little bit." Then he smiled at him.

" Hmm, you're really enjoying with your job, isn't it?"

" More than ever. I like it here, the people and the job itself, but of course Demido is my target." He winked an eye on him.

While waiting for Nomin, Seb sat down and attempted to dial the numbers in the calling card but none from the two numbers answered. So off they go and reached the store at 9 o'clock. After parking the car, they entered the establishment and found the man with a woman with her, as if waiting for them to get inside. When they stepped in the store, the woman smiled, pulled some chairs and invited them to sit down. Did you know that somebody was tailing you going here?" The woman smiled then the man told them both to close their eyes. They followed and when they opened their eyes, they were already in the portal.

" This is the safest place, no one can see nor hear us. By the way, I'm Gante, Karla's father and Psyda, my wife, her mother. The man said.

Seb moved closer and was asking for the hands of Gante and Psyda for a 'mano po.' It's a way of showing respect to elders Gante shook his hair.

"Our Godem, we deeply apologized for your fate for three centuries, we have caused it and both of you and your wife were disgraced and been sued by evils. This is our first time to show ourselves and shall pursue this fight between Demido. Grateful that your persistence made on its way down here, hope everyone will hang on for all of us."

" So, where shall we start." Nomin steered the plan as they seated around in a long wooden table - inside the big tree at the portal. They finished it until lunchtime.

While at the GP Cake and Pastries, a suspicious man kept on eyeing at Psyda, Gante, Nomin and Seb but those were just dummy persons left by Gante to confuse the dark shadows who tailed Seb and Nomin when they entered inside. The suspicious man was laughing to the topics of four because it's all about cookery, baking and NC II application at TESDA. So it contained all his report to Demido. Demido was very mad and his tormented hatred kept on growling and thrown out things.

" Therefore...who are those people they meet up and talked nonsensically?!"

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, they got back to their dummy bodies at GP Cakes and Pastries. The two bade goodbye to Gante and Psyda and went back to the workplace.

" Where have you been...Godem and I just had our lunch in the office." Karla asked while Godem had his exit toward Nomin's place.

Godem in Seb sat down in front of her table, held her hands, kissed them gently and put them on his face, deeply sighed and bowed his head.

" I missed much." Seb whispered to her. "Just...let me see your face over and over again, I wanted to lose myself for a while and looked at my wife." Godem in Seb smiled

" looked so exhausted. Would you like some massage, Godem taught me."

Seb seemed to wake up with eyes wide open and reiterated what Karla had said.

" Godem taught you on how to massage? did he demonstrate it?" Seb's a little angry.

" Haha...yes, exactly. Hmm...he was good at it, I could feel him doing it...I should say, he's really an expert."

He immediately moved closer to Karla and complained.

" Why...why did you allow that massage to happen? My goodness...."

" I liked it very much and he was funny demonstrating it; it's really super cool. It was a lot of fun, not until when the cat heard the slamming of the door at the kitchen." Then she smiled to him.

Seb got back to where he had seated and smilingly listened to her storytelling. He thought Godem was doing the massage on her, instead, to the cat. It was that cat who also slept with him in the small room where he had recently moved to. By the way, Karla continued.

" He pushed the neck a little upward while the cat was lying, both hands were extended on sides while he distinctly pointed out the bones so gently, he each points casually and lightly and the cat fell asleep, amazing!"

" Wow..." Seb was relieved and even tickled to the story of the cat where Godem used to demonstrate how to make someone sleep tight.

" Can you do it to me for a try, let me see if you absorbed Godem's lesson very well, haha."

But the phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hmm...massage." Godem in Seb thought.