
Ache! All I can feel right now is this, with great difficulty I open my eyes to find a strange ceiling as my memories return.

It is true! I'm in a dream, that was really mystical, couldn't help but get excited, what's in the book and truth, I'll be able to stay longer in my dream!

But it is really strange, this pain so true, I was not supposed to feel this way, it comes mainly from the head, is it because of the symbol?

I tried to get up, even though the pain just came from my head I felt my body was weird, the first thing I did was lift my two fingers like tweezers and cover my nose while taking a deep breath, that was a trigger .

Triggers are actions we keep repeating over and over to see what we are dreaming about. Like a coin we throw up but unexpectedly it doesn't come back into your hand and starts to float or a spinning top that you spin but doesn't stop spinning, which is a confirmation that you're dreaming.

Normally even with a nose, the air would come in, but not see it.

"That's weird" I couldn't help but mumble and a voice I didn't know sounded. Now I was really scared, what is going on? That was not my voice!

I looked around the room that I was unfamiliar and noticed two doors, one probably on the way out and perhaps a bathroom, I couldn't stop running there.

When I looked in the mirror, I took a deep breath, that blood red hair was not mine, this person is not me! This was the first time this had happened to me.

"Keven wakes up! Otherwise you will be late for school."

When I was freaking out, I heard a woman's voice and a knock on the door, calming me down, turning to those strange but familiar blue eyes.

"I have to calm down and understand the situation, for now I'll just follow the flow." Saying this to myself, I leave the bathroom and open the other door.

"Finally not a boy, how long and why this guy? Is that ... that you were doing that thing? Ahh, I get it. You're young, you're already at that age, I understand, I just hope I don't find a magazine out there."

When I saw the woman with the same color as my hair I was trying to guess her identity, but when I heard her speak I could only think she must be in a madhouse.

"Get ready and go down for coffee, later I'll try to get you a girlfriend with my friend's daughters, so don't overdo son hehe." Saying this she points to an outfit on the hanger, turns and walks away.

"What's up with this hehe, this crazy woman, and son? Did she call me son? Did I be reborn into another world and occlude someone else's body? Would that be a crime? Some kind of space-time police will get me arrest because of this? More importantly, if this is true is this crazy woman my mother? "

"If I'm in another world, will it have powers? Hehe."

You can't stop drooling, but everything here is normal, the furniture was like your past life, nothing very technological or old, I couldn't help but be disappointed.

"Now is not the time James, let's try this world better."

Slapping my face, I turn to the clothes the woman pointed at, looking like a uniform, black and red, full of elegance.

"That's prettier than all my clothes on Earth and it's just a uniform, it really makes me depressed."

After dressing I leave the room, I seemed to be on the second floor as it had a ladder down, after I got down from it the first thing I saw a table with several foods I didn't know, there was a banana-like fruit and something like cheese from my old world, but the rest was all strange to me.

Around the table was the woman who had called me and at the end a man with a newspaper on his face, on the other side was a boy who looked to be about eighteen and had several brushes on his face and ear and dressed in the same uniform as I.

"You got down, let's sit down and eat."

The man said in a hoarse, authoritative voice as he folded the newspaper and set it aside, his face had handsome, well-defined features and his blue eyes were severe and deep, James could not feel a pressure.

Unconsciously I sat next to the woman who now seemed to be the least intimidating. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know these people, if I did something wrong and they realized that he is someone else, he was screwed.

"Today you will enter the Teaching of Fundamentals and Control, more importantly you will learn Control, listen Keven, this world is the strongest that has control of its destiny, while the weak will only feel helpless, do you understand?"

Listening to your harsh tone can't help but get confused, Teaching Fucking and Control? Is this the school here? And this Control, what was it?

James wanted to keep thinking but looking into the man's hard gaze he couldn't help but answer.


"Well, your mother and I are going out tonight, you and Rio will be alone, I want you to behave"

The red-haired woman next to me smiled.

"Let's have fun and love each other."


I couldn't help spitting the weird purple juice that tasted like grape juice when the woman spoke. I wonder how these two got together, the two are so different that they are incompatible.

After this weird conversation and an unexpectedly good breakfast, I grabbed my things and thought about going to school.

There was only one problem, I had no idea where this school was, at that moment I noticed Rio approaching the door.

This boy was my supposed brother, in the books the protagonists have a beautiful sister by his side and I have a brother who uses brushes, this script is wrong.

But since he wore the same uniform I probably went to the same high school, I just needed to follow him.

When I accompanied him outside, I saw that there was a sign written in the house.
