The Match Between The Boys!

throwing the ball back to kagami "Nothing. I'm not doing anything" kagami said catching the ball "Is that so" he said with a monotone voice "I was in america until my second year of middle school I have been appalled ever since I came back by how low the standards are here I'm not looking to play basketball for fun I want to play a more serious game that really gets my going. I heard about you. I've heard you're supposedly strong generations of miracles from our year. You were on that team weren't you? I have a good sense of how good others are. People who can succeed smell different from the rest." kagami said sternly throwing the ball to kuroko "But something is not right with you. The weak should smell weak but don't smell like anything. And your strength has no scent. Let me see. Show me... show me just how good your generations of miracles really is." he said with a scary smile at the end "how unfortunate" kuroko said holding the ball with his bangs covering his face "I've also been hoping to pay against you" kuroko said pulling down his sweater zipper this is going to be goods I wish I can play oh well! Throwing his sweater "One on one," he said and he looked into kagami's eyes as kagami smirked "You wanna go?" as they start to play kagami has the ball first and bouncing it and dribbles it passed him but kuroko was very fast and blocked it and it keeps repeating a few times but when he gets the ball and tries to throw it in he is terrible kagami just smacks it down "He's so bad I'm going to die" kagami said falling with a sigh as kuroko got the ball and walked up to him "You gotta be kidding me. HAVE YOU EVEN BEEN LISTENING? HOW MUCH DO YOU HAVE TO OVERESTIMATE YOUR OWN ABILITIES TO THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME? I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW ARROGANTLY YOU CHALLENGED ME!" he said yelling at kuroko "You can't be serious. Of course your stronger than me. I knew that before we started" kuroko said. Kagami yanked his shirt to put his face closer to his "Do you want to fight? What the hell do you think your doing? " kagami said in a husky tone of voice "I wanted to see how good you are my self" kuroko said "What?" kagami said putting him down he sighs and puts a hand on his head "Unbelievable" he mumbled under his breath "There must be something wrong with me.too. He is just so weak he doesn't smell like anything. This is just stupid" he said kuroko hands the ball to him "um" "Enough I'm not interested in weaklings" kagami says stopping him from talking and walks away grabbing his things "Let me tell you one last thing. You should quit basketball. However hard you try to cover it up with nice words like effort, raw talent is a fact of life. You've got no talent for basketball." kagami said leaving "I don't believe that" kuroko said putting on his coat "First of all, I love basketball. And I don't share your opinion, I don't care who is stronger or weaker" kuroko said looking at him "What did you say" kagami said turning around "I'm not like you, I'm a shadow" I step up and slap kagami on the head "That was rude" I say to him and look at him "You are very strong just not to the human eye" I said winking at him and left both of them.