Never that kind of Person

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The ride to Mo Laotian's private place was only 20 minutes but Daniel was already sound asleep when they arrived at the mansion. Mo Laotian didn't want to wake the Omega up since he knew it is quite hard for a teenage Omega to be in this situation. Mo Laotian was conflicted, he doesn't want to wake him up but he also doesn't want someone else to carry him. There's only one choice and he had to carry Daniel himself, but it was his first time carrying someone in his entire life.

It took a couple of minutes before Mo Laotian decided to carry Daniel and thankfully the Omega didn't wake up. The moment Mo Laotian carried Daniel on his arms, everyone who gathered to greet the master were all shocked. Especially the old butler who took care of the first and second master since they were infants.

"Starting today this boy will live here. I want everyone to treat him as the master of this house. Whatever he needs must be fulfilled. Anyone who disrespects him is disrespecting me as well." Mo Laotian declares and left immediately to his room asking the old butler, David, to follow. When they arrived at his room, Mo Laotian carefully laid the Omega into his bed tucking him in the duvet.

"David, this boy is carrying my child. I want you to take care of him like how you took care of me and Hanlu when we were kids. I also ask of you to keep this from mother and father for the time being." Laotian spoke stroking Daniel's hair. He couldn't stop worrying looking at the Omega's pale complexion. Was pregnancy that difficult? He saw pregnant men and women before but they all look healthier than Daniel.

"Yes, Of course," David replied. He was shocked when his master carried an Omega in his arms earlier and he was more than shocked to learn the boy was pregnant with his child. David wanted to ask many questions but he suppresses himself and replied yes, bowing at the request.

Sooner or later everything will be revealed either, it is just a matter of time and besides, the second master won't be able to keep his mouth. David knows Mo Laotian like the back of his hands. He was like his son so he knew that Laotian was happy.

"The doctor said he needed a lot of rest. His pregnancy was a lot more difficult than others." Laotian informed and looked at the old butler. David nodded and smiled before answering.

"I will do my best."

"Take care of him while I'm gone." after Mo Laotian made sure that the Omega was comfortable, he left entrusting everything to David.

A few hours after Mo Laotian left, Daniel finally woke up. He stretched his body, he felt slightly light and relax now that he had a long nap. When he opened his eyes, he scanned the whole room and realized he must be at Laotian's house and specifically at his room since the whole place reeks of the Alpha's strong alluring scent.

Daniel buried his face on Laotian's pillow before inhaling his scent. He realized that he liked Laotian's scent very much and it surprisingly relaxed him. Daniel closes his eyes and thought of sleeping again but he thought otherwise realizing again that he was actually very hungry at the moment.

Daniel chewed on his lips thinking how is he going to eat when this isn't even his house. Should he go and help himself or he needed to ask Laotian permission? Daniel didn't know what to do. It isn't lunchtime yet so even if Laotian asks someone to bring him lunch, it would still be 2 hours away and he would be dead by then.

Daniel shakes his head and gets off of the bed bringing along with him Laotian's blanket. Slowly he opened the door and peeks outside. He tiptoed seeing that no one was around, soundlessly walking until he saw the staircase.

"May I help you, young man?" Daniel froze when a white-haired man almost as tall as Laotian popped out at his side giving him a friendly smile. Daniel chewed on his lips before answering, stuttering his words.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm n-nothing suspicious here. I-I'm actually L-Laotian's friend, I was just looking for the kitchen?" Daniel said awkwardly. David just chuckled at the young Omega. If he didn't know, he would definitely think this boy was suspicious. He's tiptoeing looking around with the master's blanket covering his whole body. Who would not find that suspicious?

"I'll guide you to the kitchen. I am David, the head butler of this estate. Young Master left you in my care so if you need anything you can ask me or anyone in this house." David walked down after taking the Master's blanket and giving it to a maid who Daniel thought suddenly popped out beside them.

Awkwardly, Daniel silently followed. Daniel felt shy but he thought, being shy won't feed him. He will be living in Laotian's house at least maybe until the baby is out so he had to make himself get used to it.

"I'll be cooking for you since the house cook won't be here until later. Do you have a request? Don't worry I'm a cook myself." David spoke rolling his sleeves up walking to the pantry to get the ingredients of the dish he wanted to cook.

"I-it's okay sir! I-I can cook." Daniel stuttered. It was already embarrassing that he was asking for food so he couldn't let the old man cook for him.

"I insist. I heard from the master that you needed a lot of rest, so let me do this for you from now on." David insisted causing Daniel to finally nod. He doesn't want to argue since he really wanted to eat already.

"While I'm cooking, you can eat this." David placed a jar of freshly baked cookies on the table. Daniel could smell the sweet and delicious aroma coming from the jar, he couldn't resist so he pulled the jar in front of him and started picking cookies one after another. A couple of minutes later Daniel had finished half of the Jar and David had just finished cooking a simple meal for the Omega.

"Eat this for now so you would still have a room for lunch later." David placed a small serving of pasta and chicken breasts with a freshly squeezed orange juice in the table. Daniel was salivating as he let go of the cookies and started eating the pasta. Its really been a while since Daniel had eaten decent food, his stomach would immediately reject everything he cooked, even coffee that he was starting to like since his craving had started. He would throw up the second he puts the bitter liquid on his lips. His morning sickness made him so upset, he couldn't eat almost all that he is craving especially with a strong scent.

"Mr. David this is so delicious. My stomach actually accepted it. I'm so happy." Daniel cried with joy as he continued to devour the pasta and chicken breasts. David was cleaning the kitchen as the little Omega said this and he couldn't help but smile when he remembered that Madam Mo, Elder Mo's wife.

Back then David was still in his 20's and had just started studying cooking. The very first decent meal he made was pasta and chicken breasts because the Madam was craving for it and her morning sickness made her reject all the meal the chef had cooked for her back then so young David tried to please the pregnant woman since she was the wife of the man who had saved him.

"I am delighted that you liked my cooking," David responded.

"This is the very first meal I've eaten for the last 2 and a half weeks. My morning sickness was so bad that I couldn't eat except sandwiches without filling aside from cheese and lots of lettuce. Aside from that I only eat cookies or just eat lettuce. I'm telling you, Mr. David, I was living like a caterpillar for the past two weeks." Daniel complained non stop while eating his food deliciously. David, on the other hand, had become alarmed at the news he just received from the Omega.

Daniel isn't thin but David thought this Omega was a little too thin for being pregnant and he was also pale and weak looking. Now he knew the Omega's nutrition was quite alarming, David believed that he doesn't do anything, the Omega's condition will not only harm him but also greatly affect the eldest master's offspring.

"From this moment on I will personally take care of your food intake throughout your pregnancy and will nurse you back to a healthy young pregnant man that you are." David immediately said with a serious expression. Daniel just happily nods as he eats his food. When Daniel had done eating his fill, David had escorted him back to the Master's bedroom and set Netflix in case Daniel decided to watch a movie.

"Thanks again Mr. David, the food was extremely delicious," Daniel said yawning. David nodded and left the Omega alone. Just a couple of minutes past, Daniel had again fallen asleep. Two and half hours later without knowing Mo Laotian came back from work to check the Omega when he saw Daniel still sleeping peacefully.

David already informed him that Daniel had woken up and gone back to sleep after eating. Mo Laotian stroke Daniel's head. The more he sees the Omega's pale complexion, the more he didn't want to leave him alone. He didn't understand why he was feeling that way. Why did he care so much for Daniel? Was it his Alpha instinct? Because Daniel is the mother of his child? All of these are new to Mo Laotian.

"Laotian, you're back." Daniel moaned surprised. He was woken up by the strong scent of Laotian since he was sitting just beside him. Mo Laotian smile nodding and stood seeing Daniel had finally woken up.

"It's lunchtime." Mo Laotian said softly afraid he would scare the Omega.

"I just ate but I'm hungry again." Daniel pouted and rubbed his a baby bump as he sits up.

"It's normal since you are eating for two now." Mo Laotian guided Daniel out of the room and down into the stairs.

"Mr. David is amazing. He cooked me a meal that I didn't throw up." Daniel reports excitedly while they trail the way to the dining table. As they were halfway through the staircase, two big dark brown eyes were staring at them from down the stairs. Mo Hanlu was really surprised his brother had suddenly postponed his meeting to go home for lunch today which is unusual since his brother doesn't normally eat lunch at this time.

Hanlu canceled eating out with his current girlfriend today just to see what was happening but he didn't expect to see his brother with the Omega being so intimate. They were both smiling while his brother's arm supported the Omega's body as they climbed down the stairs.

"Hanlu." Mo Laotian simply called and the younger Alpha's mouth immediately closed.

"Brother. I-I didn't know cutie is here."

"It's because I didn't tell you." Mo Laotian simply said and continued supporting Daniel that made Mo Hanlu fell betrayed by his brother.

"I'm hurt, brother. I can't believe you would hide this from me." Hanlu emotionally said. Mo Laotian only stared at his helpless brother and went straight to the dining area with the Omega. Daniel wanted to greet Hanlu but because Laotian was leading him the way he never had the chance to do it.

"Brother you are so mean to me. You know I wouldn't dare tell this to Mom and Dad." Hanlu chased the two and picked a chair to sit. Mo Hanlu then smiled at Daniel and Daniel did the same.

"Hi, cutie. When did you start living with Older brother?" Mo Hanlu asked immediately intrigued.

"Just today. We bump into each other earlier and he brought me here." Daniel timidly replied holding his hands together between his thighs.

"Hanlu, stop asking him," Laotian warned before facing Daniel and urged him to eat. Daniel chewed on his lips before finally picking the food that looks delicious but before Daniel could start to eat his nose picked up a scent the made his stomach turn. He immediately stood up covering his mouth. Panic rushed into his system as he was looking for a bathroom to throw up.

On the other hand, Hanlu who was also panicking, screamed hysterically while Laotian almost immediately carried Daniel to the bathroom where he finally threw up crying.

For a moment Laotian got nervous and thankful he was very quick to act. He rubbed the Omega's back while he threw up, Daniel's left palm holding the Alpha's suite. Daniel was sweating so hard and became even paler the moment he had done vomiting making Laotian extremely worried.

"Was your morning sickness this bad?" he frowned wiping the Omega's sweat on his forehead with a clean towel. He already knows that morning sickness is one of the most annoying things a pregnant person could experience but he didn't expect it to be this bad that it would make the Omega look so weak and pale.

"David! David! Oh my God...!" when Daniel nodded to the Alpha's question, Hanlu was dragging David into the bathroom reporting what just happened. It was visible on his face that he was so shocked, scared, even went pale at the scene he just witnessed.

He never saw his mother became like that when she was pregnant with their younger brother so this was really new to him and it made him so worried and thought that maybe something wrong is happening.

"Second Young Master, let's leave this matter to Eldest Young Master. Morning sickness is a normal thing for someone that's pregnant. In fact when Madam Mo was pregnant with You and Eldest Young master she was also nearly in this state."

"T-Then w-what do we do now?? Is the baby okay??" Hanlu asks worriedly.

"What do you normally do when this happens?" Laotian ignored his younger brother and asked Daniel while putting the towel at the side.

"I go to bed and rest. If I recover from the dizziness I go to school." Daniel replied honestly making Laotian nod in understanding before facing David.

"Make something that his stomach would accept and bring it upstairs," he ordered before swiftly carrying Daniel into his arms and climbing upstairs to his room. Daniel wanted to refute but the dizziness made him close his eyes instead.

Meanwhile, Mo Hanlu was surprised that his older brother was being so gentle towards the Omega and even more so when his brother carried Daniel on his arms. He just stood there with mouth wide open. He had never seen his brother carried someone on his arms until today. His older brother was never that kind of person. He would never touch or do a favor for someone, Omega or not, unless it's family or a close a friend. But even so, Mo Laotian wouldn't care.