Honeymoon Part 1

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Daniel woke up with Mo Laotian hugging his back. The Alpha's warm callous palms were inside his clothes and rested on his bulging belly. Yesterday, they went to the beach and played all day. Daniel took a lot of photos with Laotian as they enjoyed the beautiful view.

Afterwards, they went swimming; and when it was time to go, they had dinner in a restaurant. Daniel was so tired that when they got home, he almost immediately went to bed and slept first so today the itinerary is to rest all day. Since Daniel's body could not afford to be too stressed; he needed to rest all day before they can go on a road trip around the city the next day.

This is the couple's schedule for the whole week and then in the next week, they will spend their days in a hotel and resort to relax before going back.

"Laotian you're awake aren't you?" Daniel gasped when he felt the Alpha's palms cupped his swelling breast.

"Why do you wake up so early?" Laotian questioned as he kissed Daniel on his nape, he slowly massages the Omegas sensitive breast while grinding his body to him. Laotian went to bed late because he was working with a project they're having at the company. He had only slept for an hour and now its 4 am, and Daniel had woken up to relieve himself.

"I want to pee," Daniel whined preventing the Alpha's hands from moving aggressively.

"Hmmm, okay. I'll come with you." Finally, letting the Omega go, Laotian helped Daniel get up. They both went to the restroom; by now Daniel had gotten used to seeing Laotian guarding him while he goes to the toilet or bathroom.

At first, Daniel gets so embarrass when Laotian does it especially when he's using the toilet compared to taking a bath but now, he's used to it. Daniel fully understands now as to what extent does the Alpha's protectiveness reached as he even had to guard him while going to the toilet.

After relieving himself, Daniel used the bidet and then washed his hands then dried it with a towel. Slowly he walked to Laotian who's leaning on the doorway. The moment Daniel reached Laotian; he was suddenly pulled into a kiss. It took Daniel by surprise so Laotian easily slid in his tongue enjoying the feeling of his beloved's sweet nectar.

As the kiss lasted long, it made Daniel gasped for air clinging on the Alpha's bare arms feeling his knees losing its strength.

"I want you." Laotian whispered against Daniel's ears after pulling away from the kiss. Daniel was already feeling light-headed from the kiss but he blushes hearing the Alpha's request.

"I-If you say it a-after that; h-how can I say no?" Daniel mumbled hiding his face with his small palms. Daniel enjoyed making love with Laotian, he could never say no. He craves for it, he couldn't deny that.

Laotian heard his wife's reply and he couldn't help but smile pulling Daniel into the bed. He was only half-joking when he said he wanted Daniel but seeing the Omega agreeing, he couldn't help but tease him.

Laotian kissed Daniel again before laying him on the bed with his legs hanging on the floor. However, it didn't took long before Laotian lifted Daniel legs and took off Daniel shorts and underwear before spreading it wide and kneeling between them.

Feeling completely exposed to the Alpha, Daniel covered his face feeling embarrassed at his current position.

"L-Laotian that's d-dirty." Daniel gasped feeling the Alpha's mouth settled over his organ. He just came from the bathroom so he must be dirty.

With Laotian not responding, Daniel palmed some of the Alpha's hair but his grip didn't last feeling his strength slowly escape from his body. He felt Laotian's tongue slide inside him and he blushed redder knowing full well the Alpha had no plan of stopping. Laotian had done this before to Daniel; it felt good but he couldn't get used to it. This is too embarrassing.

Laotian held Daniel's growing tower and pump them as he kept sucking and licking Daniel's pinkish mound. Laotian liked the feeling when Daniel tightened around his tongue so he kept teasing Daniel until the Omega's soft and occasionally loud moans filled the once silent room.

"I just realized this now, but, you have very little hair down here," Laotian spoke; making Daniel squeak in surprise.

"D-don't talk when you're d-doing that." Daniel grasped squeezing a pillow on his arms but Laotian only chuckled and continued on with his activity.

Long minutes gone by and Daniel was already on the edge. He felt like coming as his toes curled up; his muscled contracted against Laotian tongue indicating that he was so near and that he couldn't take it anymore.

"E-enough with t-that already. I-I want you inside me." Daniel whined. He didn't like the idea of coming before even having Laotian's inside him. Daniel didn't know how long the Alpha had been doing mouthing him but it had been making him more and more impatient. He felt so wet and needy; the feeling was making him crazy.

Meanwhile, hearing his wife's desperate request, Laotian finally decided it was enough as he draws away from the Omega's pool of moisture and took off his clothes. As he was doing so, Daniel could see the Alpha's proudly standing rod. Daniel knew if he touches it, it would feel hot, hard and massive on his small palms. The image alone made Daniel pucker in need.

Laotian gently moved Daniel in the middle of the bed, carefully placing the pillows in the right places. Seeing this Daniel couldn't help feeling touched, there was so much love on the Alpha's action and that alone made Daniel ten times happier than he already was. Laotian was being too nice and gentle with him, he could hardly imagine his first impression with the Alpha, those intense oppressing aura he felt back then; Daniel couldn't see that anymore. All he sees now is the gentle and caring Alpha that loved him so much.

"This should be enough," Laotian commented as he placed a small pillow underneath Daniel's lower back before he settles himself. He grabs his aching erection and rubs it gently before placing it directly to where he was going to slide it in. He rubs the head against it until it was coated with Daniel's leaking slick.

"Hmmm," Daniel softly moans feeling himself pucker in anticipation. And when it was finally time; he whined loudly feeling the massive length enter him slowly. His earlier delayed release exploded as his husband's hard cock rested inside him.

"Hsss, it's tight." Laotian hissed not expected such tight hole. He didn't realize Daniel had climax until he slightly pulled out and pushed back in and noticing the Omega's shaking body.

"Hmmm, I-I'm sorry—Ahh," Daniel apologized but couldn't finish talking when Laotian started thrusting in. Laotian was already holding back too much but seeing his beloved wife coming just by him entering; he couldn't help but to more aroused.

The way Daniel's body shakes as he came was just too much for him to handle. Even with a bulging belly, it didn't make Daniel any less erotic.

Daniel held the Alpha's arm as he entered his own world while being penetrated. There wasn't much talking between them and kissing in this position wasn't an option either. Laotian seeing his wife lost for words almost made him come. The visuals were just too much for him who's been holding back way too much for his pregnant wife.

"L-Laotian!" Daniel screamed. His eyes were closed and his body arches backward. Laotian hummed and response but he never halted from his movements. Their bodies danced gently on top of the bed as both of them lost in their own world.

"Hmmm, s-so good! Ahh!" Daniel confessed as he tightened around his husband's hard rod. He gripped on his arms feeling light-headed. Every time Laotian thrusts inside him and his hot flesh hit his deepest corner, Daniel's body would tremble like crazy. If this continues, he might really become crazy.

Another minute gone by, Daniel finally felt the need to release but with how Laotian's movements are pacing steadily. Daniel couldn't help but beg. "Hmmm, n-no more! Stop." Daniel tried to open his eyes but it would only end up rolling at the back, his hands crumpled the pillow below his head like he was about to rip it apart as he kept moaning from his orgasm.

Laotian didn't know what was happening to Daniel, but he knew his beloved wife was enjoying what he's doing to him that he never stopped his pace finding his own release. Additionally, he liked that Daniel was squeezing him as if he was afraid he would slip out. The pleasure was making his head feeling light.

He was not planning to do this earlier but now that it had come to this. He was glad he asked Daniel. He was never the kind to succumb to his sexual needs but with Daniel, he couldn't stop himself. It just felt so good when it comes to the person he loved. It felt like he belonged. He belonged to Daniel and Daniel to him.

Leaning forward to kiss the moaning Omega while making sure he wasn't squeezing his stomach, Laotian soon felt the need to come. He hastily pulls away and thrusts all his length inside Daniel groaning in delight but quickly breathing his curses when he realized he had come deeper than he was planning.

"Damn." Laotian pulled out immediately and came what's left outside Daniel's quivering hole.

Meanwhile, Daniel was still softly moaning trying to breathe in as much air he needed while his body trembled from their activity. Laotian affectionately watched him and leaned down again kissing his forehead, however, the next words he heard from the Omega made him confused.

"L-Laotian, you meanie!" Daniel cried with a trembling voice. His tears were already flowing out of his eyes making the Alpha panic; unaware of what he did wrong. He thought both of them were enjoying it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Laotian immediately cooed Daniel kissing and hugging him softly thinking he might have hurt Daniel. His heart started pounding aggressively, hoping that-that wasn't the case.

"I-I already said stop." Daniel cried punching the Alpha softly. Laotian accepted Daniel's punches and hugged Daniel a little tighter while Daniel sobbed against his chest.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Laotian cooed kissing Daniel's temples. He still wondered what he did wrong but Laotian kept hugging Daniel hoping he would quickly calm down.

At last, after Daniel calmed down, Laotian suggested taking a bath and that he would bathe the Omega clean. Thankfully Daniel agreed. As they take a bath, it relieved Laotian when he didn't find any traces of blood while he cleaned Daniel. Even though he still felt uneasy, he was slightly relieved that he didn't hurt Daniel or their baby.

The two already finished bathing but Laotian suggested again to stay soaked in the warm water so Daniel's muscles would relax. Daniel didn't have much energy to argue and so he let Laotian do what he wanted as he slept peacefully against his chest feeling tired at their previous activity.

While Laotian gently draped warm water on Daniel's body, he rested his face against the Omega's neck enjoying the remaining pheromones from their earlier activity. Its sweet and powdery scent didn't have aphrodisiac affect anymore and instead, the scent made Laotian calmed and relaxed. Slowly, his lips formed into a tender smile. He kissed Daniel soft neck before his warm palms landed on his bulging belly, when he suddenly felt a sudden kick.

"Hey, you better behave and let mommy rest." Laotian conversed and rubbed his wife's belly more and soothes the baby's tantrum. Just from this, he quickly regretted suggested a lively name as he didn't want his child to grow as lively and annoying as Hanlu. He thought a behaved and well-mannered child like he was should have been more desirable.

Shaking the thought out of his mind in order not to jinx it; Laotian carefully lifted Daniel out of the tub. He quickly dried him and dressed him up before he laid Daniel to the bed all fresh and dressed in pajamas. After they rested for the whole day today, they're going on a road trip around the city tomorrow after moving to an exclusive resort.