The Youngest Mo

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The road trip ended up being moved the next day. It was like the Omega had been possessed that he was able to last up to three rounds and even initiated the third one, normally the second round was enough to make Daniel faint in exhaustion.

Of course, Laotian was worried about Daniel's body, but since the Omega wanted more he let Daniel on top as he supported each and every move. It was slow but sensual; it was the greatest experience ever. Laotian once again discovered another lovable side of his beloved. He likes it when Daniel was all hot and eager, when lust takes him over.

Their session lasted long hours, so they ended up coming out of their room late afternoon to eat something and recharge from their lost energy.

Laotian suggested having room service but Daniel insisted to eat at the restaurant saying that it would be meaningless if they ended up just eating inside the room so currently, they were trailing the way to the restaurant while hands locked together.

While they were walking people kept stealing glances at the two. They naturally draw attention and today Daniel was emitting a different aura and scent that draw everyone's attention. Laotian, on the other hand, was naturally eye catching with his domineering presence and extremely handsome face.

Noticing that most eyes were on Daniel; Laotian side glanced at the people and gave them a warning glare. Being an Alpha that he is, he didn't like other people looking at his partner. Other Alpha's understood this the most, so they removed their eyes from Daniel as a respect.

The couple was led to their table. The moment they sat on their sits, Daniel pouted at Laotian. After taking an order Laotian looked at Daniel.

"What is it?" Laotian asked in confusion pulling Daniel close to him. Whenever they eat at the house or outside, they never sit opposite to each other and instead, they sit next to each other.

"You're too handsome for your own good." Daniel crossed his arms pouting. Laotian was speechless. Although he was happy that Daniel called him handsome, it looked like the Omega wasn't happy at the fact that he was handsome.

"Do you prefer a less handsome face?" Laotian asks squeezing the Omega's small hands against his big ones.

"I mean, I just hate it when they look at you," Daniel explained leaning on Laotian's shoulder; his other hand holding his stomach.

"Even if they look at me, all my eyes see is you." Laotian said making the Omega to blush a red shade. As the two continued to chat, they didn't realize two pairs of eyes were staring at them intensely. One was having continuous complain while the other had bad intentions.

In the far corner of the room, a man who's almost the same age as Daniel, breathe in in disbelief as he witnessed the surprising behavior of Mo Laotian.

A week ago Mo Hanlu contacted him saying that Mo Laotian had married to someone. He couldn't believe what his second eldest brother had told him so that day he secretly went to Mo Laotian's mansion and witness the couple being lovey-dovey with each other; he even followed the two in Hawaii.

He still couldn't believe the person his brother had married was the same age as him. He even had a very innocent and delicate temperament. Completely opposite to what he was imagining his brother would fall into.

"What the fuck is this all about? Don't tell me he's completely fallen to this frail little figure. A freaking bunny type!?" Mo Tian Zi is 19 years old but his body had fully matured, although slightly smaller, he could still even with his two older brother's body.

Looking at the three brothers, one could tell that the genes of the Mo family was undeniable potent. As far as the younger Alpha knew, there was no Omega or even Beta in the Mo family tree that it shocked Tian Zi when his parents let this happen.

"Mother and Father must have been really desperate to have a grandchild." Tain Zi mumbled to himself. He continued to observe the couple in distress when he noticed a man next to his table also observing the two as he did, however, the man was more like spying.

Tian Zi frowned at the man. He could feel the killing intent on the man's eyes while he looked at his brother and his wife.

Being a cautious person that he is, Tian Zi sneakily took the man's picture using his mobile phone. He always does this whenever he sees someone suspicious because he'd been playing hide and seek with Mo Laotian and Mo Hanlu for more than 6 months.

Tian Zi had been playing a lot of pranks with Laotian and Hanlu since he was young and not once did his two brothers got angry with him. He even once stole Laotian's black card and used it to buy a sports car which he just crashed on a drag race. Tian Zi also had been stealing Hanlu's partners but Hanlu never got angry. He did a lot of other things that his brothers should get angry about but it never happened.

He never wanted to hide from his older brothers but he did something really bad that finally pissed off his eldest brother; he had no choice but to hide and wait for the time when it was okay to go back.

Tian Zi's focus had averted to the man, he didn't realize his brother and his wife finished eating and stood up from their sits. Conveniently, the man also stood up and casually followed the two. Of course, Tian Zi also stood up a couple of seconds after the man planning to follow him but as he was following he discovered the man went in a different direction from his older brother.

Maybe Tian Zi was just imagining things!? Frowning, Tian Zi pushed his thoughts away and followed the couple instead; maybe he was just being paranoid?

Laotian and Daniel continued to chat as they walked by the poolside. They were enjoying themselves like newlyweds are on their honeymoon.

And as Daniel's requested, he wanted to see how fireworks are in Hawaii. Tian Zi quickly got tired watching the two so he headed to the parking lot and to his car planning to drive and find some pub he could drink without the risk of exposing himself to his older brother.

But as Tian Zi was in the midst of starting his engine, he noticed the man he saw earlier suspiciously walking around a car not too far away from where Tian Zi was.

Tian Zi was following his older brother for a week now so he recognizes the man was eyeing on Mo Laotian's service. Tian Zi immediately got alarmed and he quickly took something from his comportment heaving a sigh of relief that he left the device there when he arrived at the country after renting a car.

After taking one of his devices, Tian Zi stealthy followed the suspicious man's figure. The man neared Mo Laotian's car and later on put on something that Tian Zi guessed as a tracking device. The man then casually walks away as if nothing happened and into his car.

Tian Zi quickly makes a move; he gets out of his car and acted like he was just passing by the man's car. He played with his car keys throwing them into the air. Just when he was directly at the man's car, Tian Zi purposely drops his car key. And when he picks it up, he swiftly put his own tracking device to the suspicious man's car before walking towards the smoking area where he pretended to pick a cigarette from his empty pocket.

Tian Zi only stopped his act when he was sure the man disappeared from the area before took his mobile phone and dialed something.