Finally, Fallen In-Love!?

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If Laotian hadn't reminded the Omega about baby Luangmin's feeding time, Daniel might have started sleeping beside the tomb of baby Luangmie. Daniel was reluctant to leave the memorial park earlier but now that he's back, he refused to return baby Laungmin back to the incubator and just kept crying looking at the small creature.

Laotian sighed looking at his depressed wife. Daniel's loud sobs echoed across the whole room and the Alpha couldn't do anything about it. All he could do is hate the person who did this to Daniel more and more. Thankfully, no matter how much Daniel was crying, their son wasn't in a little bit bothered by his mother's loud sobs. The tiny baby was still deeply asleep sucking his little red thumb while his mother embraces him.

It took a couple more hours before the nurse could take and put the baby back to his incubator when Daniel finally slept. Dry tears stained all his cheeks. Laotian caress Daniel's hair waking Daniel up, he looked at Laotian's brown eyes and started crying again. Laotian helplessly held Daniel and tried his best to comfort him. He concluded that he'll start making a move when Daniel is finally okay.

The next day, Daniel came back to his normal self worrying Mo Laotian even more but he let it slide nevertheless because he knew Daniel wanted to be strong for their son. Laotian continued to observe Daniel while he breastfeeds their son, baby Luangmin until he decided to stand up from his chair and walk beside him. He sat next to Daniel then he watched how the small baby was sucking on to Daniel's milk filled breast.

" Laotian, you don't have work today?? " Daniel asked confused after noticing the Alpha leisurely doing nothing. Since the day Daniel woke up, the Alpha seemed to be so busy with Hanlu and Tian Zi and yesterday Laotian even gone somewhere with the two for work so Daniel wondered if the Alpha's work was done.

" No, I left Hanlu to manage everything for the time being. And surprisingly Tian Zi was helping him. " The Alpha explained. It wasn't easy to make that brat Tian Zi work so something good kinda happened out of this although the Alpha prefers this not to happen at all.

" Hmmm, " Daniel didn't say anymore and resume to observing his son as he latched on his breast. Daniel couldn't stop thinking of baby Luangmie as he looks at his son but Daniel had decided to move on for Luangmin. If Daniel kept on being sad about what had happened then he won't be able to properly take care of his son. His precious wouldn't want that for sure.

" Laotian, when are we going home? " Daniel asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

" When Luangmin is safe enough to travel. " Laotian replied. He was thinking, it would be much easier to handle things with Daniella when they're home and closer to her. But for now, he needed Daniel and Luangmin to recover before they go back. If they went back with Daniel full of scratches on his body, the elders would surely find out what happened.

" Hmm, does grandfather knows? "

" No, he doesn't. " Laotian replied, no one aside from the three brothers, Franco and Aldrin's security team knew about what had happened, even David doesn't know what had happened. Laotian ask him to fly back home first after he was done with his transactions.

" Don't tell grandfather, his heart isn't very healthy as it used to be. I'm afraid he'll have a heart attack if he discovers. " Daniel softly asked looking into the Alpha's eyes.

" hmmm, I won't. "

" Laotian, I love you. " Daniel's words came out of nowhere. Laotian smiles holding Daniel's cheek before kissing him then drew away seconds later. Laotian could feel how Daniel was feeling depressed with the death of their daughter but he was trying to act strong for Luangmin and him. Laotian once again kissed Daniel's forehead affectionately, he truly appreciated what Daniel was doing.

" I love you more than anything in this world. " Laotian respond showering Daniel with soft kisses earning a smile. Finally, both of them stared at the little creature still busily feeding on his mother's milk.

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Another week had passed and finally, Daniel was fully recovered but still can't check out of the hospital because of Luangmin.

A few days ago William came to visit Daniel and Laotian and to also borrow the couple's rings as promised for his gallery event in the next days. Laotian wasn't going to keep his promise at first but because of Daniel, he let the blue-eyed man take their rings with a warning not to spread any rumors about what had happened.

At the moment, Daniel was carefully sponge bathing the baby while Laotian observe him from afar. Laotian thought that Daniel had become more like a mother each day had passed and he couldn't help but fall for the Omega's caring personality more and more. He couldn't stop thinking how sexy his wife looked while holding there son on his arms. Although Daniel was only 19 years old, he's more mature than anyone else in making decisions. Laotian admire this side of Daniel.

Laotian continued to observe his wife as he himself worked on a small desk in a corner.

The couple's routine had continued like that, while Laotian had resumed his work staying close at Daniel 24/7. Another week had passed until a month had passed and Daniel was finally allowed to take the baby home after learning everything he had to learn about taking care of a premature baby. With that, the couple flies back to their country.

The moment the couple steps into the airport. A piece of news from an anonymous source had been uploaded on the internet, the news was about the only young mistress of the Sullen family and Mo Empire's eldest heir, Mo Laotian, had been in a secret relationship, came out of nowhere with a follow-up picture with the two being in a romantic date on a high-class restaurant. Truly, they did have dinner together and it was Mo Laotian and Daniella Sullen on the photo but that photo was taken almost a year and a half ago and the photo only came out now causing a huge ruckus in the media and public.

Mo Laotian, is a famous business personality, and had caught the eyes of every wealthy family in the country. A lot of people wanted to form a connection with the Mo family in any way possible so when this news had come out it immediately went viral. I was the talk fo all socialite and non-socialite families.

The article received a lot of negative comments but it didn't stop the fact that the young mistress of the Sullen family and Mo Laotian of the Mo empire had indeed gone out on a date. No matter how people thought of it, Mo Laotian wouldn't have a romantic date with a woman he doesn't like so maybe the ice Alpha King had finally fallen in love!?

But Daniella Sullen was already with the Hymlyn Corporation eldest heir Paul Hymlyn and even announced their engagement in public a couple of months ago so how come this news came out?

Not knowing anything, Daniel protectively carried baby Luangmin on his arms while Laotian's arms were around his smaller body. The two had no clue what's been going on in social media and went straight to their service.

Just before the two went inside the car, someone had taken a picture of the two with the Alpha lovingly holding Daniel. The picture wasn't very clear as it was far away and taken from a mobile phone. Daniel was wearing thick clothes because of the cold temperature of the night but it obviously wasn't Daniella Sullen who was with Mo Laotian in the picture. The person who took it had seen Mo Laotian in a magazine before and his brother works as a journalist. With the picture going on online he was thinking maybe he could sell the photos at a high price or help his brother be promoted.

The heavily tinted car drive away from the airport unnoticed to the public eye except to that one person. Daniel heave a sigh of relief after entering the vehicle and leaned against Laotian's arms. They were headed straight to the Mo family's main house as they planned to let the elders know about the early arrival of the first heir of Mo Laotian.

When the two arrived, the Elders were worried about how would the couple react about the news, Mo Hanlu had sent them the news about Daniella and Laotian having a secret relationship. Mo Hanlu had already done his best to suppress the news but whenever it was deleted someone else uploaded the same article again, Tian Zi was also working on blocking and deleting every account who uploaded the article but the other side clearly has a motive as it keeps coming back. Mo Hanlu was worried his older brother might kill every person who uploaded the same picture after he learns about this. For now, he couldn't do anything about it since he's out of the country to settle some business transactions.

As the two arrived, instead of the elders' worried face, after seeing Daniel carrying a small creature on his arms the two elders immediately forgot about that news and rush towards Daniel to see the baby.

" W-what happened? Oh My Gosh. Honey the baby looks exactly like Laotian. " Mrs. Mo excitedly squeals towards her husband.

" Mother please, let Daniel have a sit first. " Laotian sigh helplessly. He knew already the elders would be so excited seeing their very first grandchild.

" Oh, of course, Darling come sit with mother-in-law. Tell me what had happened!? " Mrs. Mo asked with a mixture of emotions. As she remembers the baby shouldn't have come till this week, she never thought this would happen. She was happy that the couple extended their stay in Hawaii because she was afraid that flying back would cause premature labor to the Omega, but with this now Mrs. Mo was shocked. She was already worried about why the couple decided to comes back now. So this what happened.

Hearing the question Daniel glanced at Laotian. They had already made up a story to cover up what had originally happened to prevent the elders from worrying too much but thinking about baby Laungmie, Daniel started to stutter and his tears slowly build up at the side of his eyes.

If the elders knew about the accident, Daniel doesn't know how the Elders would react, will they take it easy or not?

" T-the doctor said that uhmm... " before Daniel continued talking Laotian interrupt him.

" It was my fault. I couldn't help myself and overdid it so the baby came out earlier than expected. " Laotian explained and walked towards Daniel who's now chewing on his lips.

" Xiao Lao, what were you thinking? Good thing nothing bad happened. " Mrs. Mo exclaimed. Laotian not saying anything else, he let the elders feast on his son for a couple more before sending Daniel to their room to get some rest.

"Is what you said true? Why didn't you tell us what had happened in Hawaii?" Elder Mo asked suspiciously towards his son. Although most of the time he couldn't read this son of his, surprisingly he always knew when Laotian wanted to kill someone because he was the one who taught Laotian how to handle things if something came out of hand. Not everything can be solved easily, sometimes you need to do it the hard way.

" Father, you only need to know what I want you to know. " Laotian said sipping onto his wine. Mrs. Mo was helping Daniel with the baby while Elder Mo and Laotian talked. Elder Mo nod at Laotian completely understanding his son. Sometimes there are things that are meant to stay hidden.

" Did you look at the article going on online? It's about you and Daniel's twin sister having a secret relationship. " Elder Mo said looking at his glass of wine. Hearing what his father said, Laotian's was furious and rage fill his heart. He was so unhappy that it was even showing on his aura. Elder Mo stood up and pat Laotian's shoulder.

" Whatever it is, your family will always be by your side. " Elder Mo said softly, there was a lot of things Laotian had hidden from Elder Mo but not this thing. Although Elder Sullen is his good old friend he wouldn't betray his family for it.