Use Daniel to his Advantage!

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After he learned what had happened to his wife and calling the family lawyer, George Sullen quickly called his driver to drive him to the police station. When arrived at the building and faced the police in charged, he was oriented with his wife's case and now he was too shocked and angry to even care for her situation.

"Susan, h-how? How did you manage to provoke the Mos? How can you act so reckless? We haven't recovered from Daniella's scandal and here you are making troubles yourself. " George Sullen asked frustratingly when he was finally allowed to go see her. He was so busy with the company after what had happened with Daniella when he discovered this happened too.

He was very disappointed and angry at the moment. How can his wife be put in jail for slander!? He keeps on doing his best to curry favor in the company and the two woman in his life seem to find it easier to ruin his opportunities! If this comes out after his daughter's scandal, then he could just kiss the CEO title goodbye.

" I-I'm sorry I didn't know she was Laura Mo! I truly don't know!" Mrs. Sullen said with her voice trembling, it has been a couple of hours since she was put behind bars and she was already very afraid. The prison is not meant for her, she is the only daughter-in-law of the Sullen family, she does not deserve such treatment.

'How can I be in prison right now? This will embarrass me for the rest of my life.' Susan Sullen thought. Her body remained quivering, she felt cold despite the lack of air-conditioning in the prison cell.

"You stupid woman! How did you even manage to get on a fight with her!? Even if it was not her, you should have restrained yourself from making trouble after we had fixed Daniella's case. " George Sullen spoke furiously. He thought his wife was a well-educated woman. She would not fight recklessly.

But this event prove him wrong. 'Was she digging her own grave!? Fighting against a Mo was equals to a total defeat even for the Sullens.' George thought, outraged. Although the old heads of the two households had been friends for years, that does not mean they would spare them for a crime, especially now that the Mo family had changed their head.

"D-Daniel. It's him! That slut seduced Mr. Mo and even had a son with him. He asked him to put me in jail. I should have killed that animal, I should have killed him the moment he was born. He's the only thorn in my life, in our life. " Mrs. Sullen trembled hugging herself. Her eyes flashed a vengeful glint as she remembered what had happened earlier but that surge of spark quickly dissipated as she felt the cold metal bar of the prison cell.

It was so cold that it almost froze her terrified. She wished her husband would quickly get her out of there as she squeezed herself in the corner, afraid to get close with the other prisoners.

After hearing his wife, George Sullen's suddenly felt bitter. And moments later, the air around him had become dark and dangerous.

' Good! Very Good! The Omega was more capable than I thought he is. Who would have thought he'd be able to seduce Mr. Mo. ' George Sullen thought, If he had known the Omega was that capable, he should not have acted recklessly before, alas now he needed to talk and be nice to Daniel. And if all went smoothly, he could use the Omega to help him with the company.

If Daniel could agree to it and put on some nice words for him to Mr. Mo then, George Sullen could gain favor among the shareholders and Elder Sullen will not have a choice but make him the CEO instead of the Eldest son. He attempted to do this plan through Daniella before. Unfortunately, Daniella was rejected by the unfeeling man and so George gave up on the thought.

But now, there was a chance again, he could use Daniel to his advantage.

"Behave and wait for me. I will talk to the lawyer and see if I can get you out of here. " George Sullen assured looking at his wife's pitiful appearance. She was obviously terrified that she lost her usual arrogant demeanor.

He knew his wife had an extreme case of paranoia and been in medication since, even before they had gotten married. This was unknown to him until her paranoia attacks started occurring when they discovered she was pregnant with twins and that one of the babies was an Omega. They couldn't get rid of the baby Omega without hurting the other baby so when she was on labor and the Omega baby came out, she wanted to throw it right away.

It was not clear to George Sullen what was the true reason for his wife's behavior but he knew it had something to do with how she had been brought up. As for him, he was afraid his reputation would be ruined if people discovered he had an Omega son, unlike his older brother who had three Alpha sons. Alas, George Sullen also decided to throw the baby away as he felt he could not love it anyway.

From that onward, his wife never got attacks again, she became normal and happy with her daughter. But seeing her now, he knew it had come back, however, this is the first time George Sullen had seen his wife in this alarming state, after more than 19 years.

" You must teach that Omega a lesson. He's just an Omega. You must teach him! You must teach him. " Mrs. Sullen mumbled looking at an empty space while she rocks her body back and forth. George Sullen sighs and assured his wife again before leaving with the lawyer after tipping a few policemen to take good care of his wife.

" Mr. Sullen, the evidence against your wife is powerful as the onlookers had taken videos where your wife clearly slandered Mr. Daniel. If there wasn't a video we could simply deny it but that is not the case. Also, Mr. Mo purposely made it so that you can't bail out your wife until the court hearing, this fight is tough and bribing would also be impossible. If Madam is sentenced guilty, the punishment would at most be 1-2 years of imprisonment. Filing for parole will be after 6 months. " The lawyer informed George Sullen.

" Are there any possible ways to get her out? " Sighing frustratingly, George Sullen asked helplessly. Although he was angry with his wife, he can't just leave her in the facility. It would be a great disgrace if people discover this after Daniella's scandal.

" There is, Madam can temporarily get out for medical purposes, there will be police monitoring her but it's better than behind bars. The other way is if Mr. Mo's party backs out. " The lawyer said straightforwardly, there is no other way. He already exhausted all the possible ways. Mr. Mo is a very difficult enemy and his lawyer had never lost a case before. The Mos have extremely capable lawyers and he clearly knew he can't win this fight against the Mos.

" Okay Mr. Pines, I appreciate your help. I will try and convince Daniel to pull out the case. " George Sullen understood the situation. The Mo family is difficult to deal with even for the Sullens. This time, he can't ask his father's help since the Elder dotes on Daniel more than anything. If Elder Sullen knew this, George Sullen was afraid his wife would lose her favor.

Of course George Sullen doesn't know that Elder Sullen already learned what had happened at this moment. The second Laura Mo arrived home, she instantly saw her husband in the living room reading his book like usual, and like a spoiled wife that she is, she immediately reported all her displeasure on the earlier event. Complaining all her heart's content.

Diane Lopez on the other hand, left after his husband arrived to fetch her. She was a little depressed but after his husband comforted her, she felt a little better.

Of course, as a man who loves his wife so dearly, Mo Chendong was displeased and was offended. The woman was too impudent for her own good. And so he called his old friend later on and reported what had happened. He wanted to ask how his kind friend managed to acquire such a woman to be his daughter-in-law. If it was him, Mo Chendong would never allow such a person in his Mo family.

While George Sullen still believes his father didn't know this, he did his best to keep this matter as a secret but failed to understand that the only reason why this news hasn't been known to the public is because Mo Laotian suppressed any videos or discussions from coming out as a favor from Daniel for the sole purpose of not wanting to upset Elder Sullen and caused to worry about something so small.

He also feels that something like this should be kept within the family. He does not want his squabble with his biological mother to be the topic of all people in the country. Mo Laotian also agreed as he was never the kind to like drawing out negative attention.