Two-Faced Woman!

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Daniella returned to the Sullen Estate oblivious of the events that had been happening in the Sullen Family. When she walked inside the house everyone aside from Elder Sullen and her mother was gathering in the living room. All their faces were solemn, no one was talking.

The moment George Sullen saw Daniella, he couldn't keep his anger and rushed to her slapping her across her face that shocked Daniella as she held her cheek in belief. The force was so great that the side of her lips earned a cut and started bleeding. She stared wide eyes at her father in disbelief, this is the first time her father had hit her.

" D-Dad! " Daniella uttered with tears dripping off her eyes. She didn't understand what she had done wrong. She glanced at her cousin looking at her in disgust. She really didn't understand what she had done to be slapped the moment she went home.

" You devil. " George angrily spit the words. He was so furious beyond words, he didn't understand why a sweet and innocent girl like Daniella, could do such a thing. George Sullen held the picture on his hands and threw it slapping towards Daniella's face causing it to scatter on the floor.

Yesterday when the rest of the family were about to visit Gabriel Sullen, the Elder were nowhere to be found, they discovered he transferred himself into a different facility and refused to tell anyone where he is. Additionally, the lawyer handling the Sullen's family inheritance called them for a family meeting earlier. Gabriel Sullen owned a total of 49% company shares in the Sullen Corporation, he was the largest shareholder and was the president of the company.

Today he stepped down from his position as the president and officially handed down his assets to his sons. But to shocked everyone, Gabriel Sullen only gave each of his sons a total of 10% shares and the rest was voluntarily given to the Mo Empire. Now, the Mo Empire has owns 29% shares in the Sullen Corp making them the largest shareholder by 11%.

Having a 10% share is enough to make their whole life comfortable even if they decided not to work anymore. Sullen Corporation is a well-established company and won't be bankrupt at least in the next hundred years but for both Gared Sullen and George Sullen, it was the biggest humiliation. Even their own father didn't trust them enough to leave the company in their hands and even willingly gave it to others who are unrelated.

What confuses and shocked the brothers the most is their father was nowhere to be found. The lawyer had told them that Elder Sullen no longer want to be part of the family and decided to live alone somewhere.

No one could do something, his grandsons and granddaughter didn't receive even a 3% share of the company, although trust funds worth almost a million-dollar was equally given to each of the grandchildren, there was this huge question mark in their minds.

What could have happened to their father that made him decide to do this? He was literally giving up his family. It was pretty unusual for the Elder who valued his family the most.

While everyone was still confused, another news came to them and it was about what had happened to Daniel more than 2 years ago before he left the mansion. Honestly, George didn't really care what was the truth behind, even Gared and the three Young Masters of the Sullen also didn't care. All they care about is that because of this news, Gabriel Sullen decided to leave the family and robbed them of the chance to inherit the other 29% share of the company.

As for Gared Sullen and his sons, they wouldn't care if what had happened in the past was the truth or not, they still wouldn't be acting friendly towards the Omega. This news just showed them what kind of person Daniella truly was, no one really thought she was this calculative and scheming woman who would do anything just to get rid of someone she doesn't like.

They wondered how many times had she done this? Stabbing someone's back when they weren't looking? They looked at Daniella in disgust. They already suspected that Daniella isn't what everybody thought she was but they didn't have evidence and didn't really cared as long as the woman didn't bothered them. They just always thought Daniella was a two-faced woman. One was the angel and the other was the devil.

" . . . " A ruthless glint flashed into Daniella's eyes as she saw the pictures of the daughters and granddaughters of the four old men she arranged to **** Daniel that night. The pictures also included the screenshots of her conversation and photos of Daniel being defiled. Daniella's hands trembled as she viewed the evidence proving that she indeed schemed against her twin.

That time the company needed investors so she secretly sold Daniel to the old men in exchange for the investments. She also befriended the spoiled daughters and granddaughters of these old men. She helped the company at that time and she also gained favor.

Daniella was a smart woman and she could compete with her cousins in the company, but she was a woman. And people tend to underestimate a woman. So although she was as smart as her three cousins, she didn't have a chance to excel. People expect her to stay at home and be a woman, whatever that is. Daniella hated that the most.

" H-how!? " She uttered, anger and disbelief in her voice. These photos were in her secret email, who manage to get this? Daniella questioned to herself.

" So you're not denying it? " George Sullen growled. He already had too much to handle this couple of weeks and now this added again. He was already too angry that he wanted to slap Daniella again, it doesn't matter now even if she denies it or not, he just wanted someone he could vent his anger on.

" So what! He deserves it. No one in this house likes him anyway and didn't I helped the company to gather more investors back then? " Daniella burst in outrage. Now that everybody knows what she had done there was no point in hiding. She didn't regret what she did to Daniel because, for her, he deserved it.

He should have just stayed at his adoptive parents but his too ambitious and thought he could ride in the Sullens fame and wealth. So Daniella had to take it to herself and punish the Omega.

George Sullen was boiling in anger and walked to closer to his unfilial daughter. He was so furious, he still couldn't believe that the daughter he had been raising for more than 19 years was actually like this.

" Stand Up. " George growl. He had so much faith in this daughter of his. He thought Daniella could easily surpass his cousins into inheriting the company, but now, she was actually the reason why the Sullen Corporation doesn't belong to the Sullens anymore.

Daniella slowly stood up and faced his father fearlessly but the next second she was thrown again on the floor as he slapped her again.

" Because of what you've done, the Sullen Corporation doesn't belong to this family anymore. You didn't inherit a single share in the company. " Daniella was holding her cheeks in pain as she listens to his father. The moment George Sullen told her that she didn't inherit a single share and that the Sullen family does not belong to the Sullens anymore, Daniella finally changed her expression.

" W-what? " she asked in disbelief. She didn't inherit a single share and the company doesn't belong to the Sullens? Daniella opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of the water. She couldn't say anything.

' N-No! It can't be! It can't be! " Daniella thought to herself. She had done a lot of sacrifices for the company, they just can't say she can't inherit even a single percent.

" W-where's grandfather!? " Daniella asked in a panic. The Elder can't do this to her, she's his only granddaughter. How can he robbed her, her inheritance just because she did something wrong once!? She worked a lot to gain people's trust and now they're saying this!? This can't happen.

" You've been gone for a week. Your mother is in a special mental facility and your grandfather is nowhere to be found. According to the lawyer he no longer wants to be part of this family. " Father Sullen said furiously. He was still so mad. The company is the only way he could get revenge from his older brother when he finally becomes the CEO but now it might not happen anymore.

" W-what the hell happened!? " Daniella mumbled. Her mother is in a mental facility and grandfather left the family!? How can all of this happen in a span of one week? How can her years of hard work ruin in a matter of one week?

" Even if you kill your daughter now you can't bring back what's have been done. You are really bad luck to this family. After killing my mother, now your daughter ruined my family. " Gared Sullen calmly said while sitting on the couch. His three sons looked at the father and daughter unamused.

Since they were little, they were always taught never to be friendly towards their uncle and cousins. Although they didn't hate them as their father did, they treat everyone else aside from the Elder Sullen an outsider. Like they weren't even related. Now that unrelated people had caused them to lose the company they didn't know what to feel aside from anger and disgust.

" . . . " George Sullen didn't say anything and just squeeze his fingers into a fist.

" Ahhh so shameless. The whole family is so shameless. The Omega was more acceptable. " Gared Sullen sigh. He was disappointed that he only got a 10% share but at least he could humiliate George for this.

" You better go and apologize to Daniel, then your grandfather might change his mind. " George Sullen didn't listen to his older brother's mocking and just said this to Daniella. Daniella glare at Daniel's photo as she mumbled okay to his Father.

' They want me to apologize to that Omega!? So be it but after I get back what's rightfully mine I will make them pay.'

George Sullen left not saying anything leaving Daniella on the floor. After a couple of seconds, Gared with his sons also left.

" . . . " Daniella trembled in anger. Her face was turning red as if she was going to explode. Standing up, Daniella runs into her room before screaming throwing everything she sees and reaches.

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" Laotian, is grandfather okay? " Daniel held the phone against his ears. It's been days since his confession and he hasn't seen the Elder since then. Only Laotian had been visiting the Elder because Daniel can't stay too much in the hospital as he might catch something and passed to Luangmin. Elder Sullen also refused to see Daniel at the moment as he was too heartbroken to see him. He regretted that he couldn't help Daniel at that time, so to avoid heart pain, he needed to distance himself from Daniel for the time being.

" hmmm, he will be moved into a normal ward soon if he continues to be healthy. Don't worry. " Laotian replied leaning on his chair. He's currently in his office, he did visit the elder earlier for a couple of minutes for Daniel. He also arranged a person to monitor the Elder's condition and update him every move.

" Okay, sorry to disturb you Laotian. I'll hang up now. " Daniel said causing the Alpha to be upset. He was upset that Daniel only called him because of his grandfather. Laotian didn't say anything and waited for Daniel to hang up but Daniel didn't.

" What is it? " Laotian finally asked after Daniel didn't hang up.

" I love you. " Daniel said blushing before finally hanging up too embarrassed. Laotian and Daniel don't really say I love every day to each other, so now Daniel got shy.

Glancing at his phone, Laotian couldn't hide his smile. Tian Zi who was actually at Laotian's office at the moment cringes seeing his eldest brother smile. He's not used to Laotian smiling so he didn't know what to feel.

Just a moment ago before Daniel called, his elder brother was still releasing a heavy atmosphere like he was about to destroy someone but now he was actually smiling warmly. It's amazing how the chills earlier disappeared and turned into a warm radiant feeling like the whole room had turned pink and flowers floating all around.

Tian Zi sighs and made up his mind. If this is what happened to you when you're in love then he'll never fall in love. It's too warm and pink for him.