Family Gathering,

* * *

Later in the day, to truly celebrate their triumph. The Mo family hosted a simple family and friends dinner that was located only at the Mo estates backyard garden.

A long table was erected on the garden's grounds, with proper table settings and lights arranged beautifully, not to mention food and drinks suddenly appearing left and right. The place transformed into the most perfect place to have dinner. The ambiance was pleasant and slightly enchanting.

It really amazes Daniel how it was so easy for his mother-in-law to arrange a last-minute event. She was carefully ordering around and later in the night, guests arrived which was literally just less than ten people, consisted with the closes friend and family. Gabriel Sullen included with his personal assistant, John.

Even though the Elder was now holding a crane, Daniel was ecstatic to see him on his feet after the last time they've met. He quickly hugged the Elder and apologized.

"You don't need to apologize, my boy. You didn't do anything wrong. Grandfather should be the one who should apologize." Gabriel replied and hugged Daniel back, happy to see the Omega as well. But if there was someone who should apologize, it should have been him for not noticing what was happening in his family.

He was the one who took the Omega from his comfort and brought him to the Sullen family, that eventually costs him pain. Gabriel Sullen failed as a grandfather.

"No, grandfather. Y-you didn't do anything wrong." Daniel shakes his head. "but I'm really so glad you're here. I miss you so much. Please don't think it was your fault." Daniel said and hugged the Elder again. It wasn't until Laotian arrived with Luangmin that he drew away.

"hmm, Silly child. Of course, I would come, I want to thank especially your husband for granting my request." the Elder said and glanced at Laotian approvingly. Honestly, he was not especially happy that his beloved grandson married a man 15 years older even though he was the son of his friend. But now, Gabriel Sullen was happy because Mo Laotian proved to him that he truly loves Daniel.

"It was my wish as well to serve my wife what was right for him." Laotian mentioned shaking hands with the Elder.

"That's good to hear but let me still thank you at least for taking care of Daniel. I can now rest assured that I am leaving him in good hands." Gabriel said with a smile making Daniel pout at his words.

"Yes, rest assured I will do the best that I can to love and make him happy," Laotian replied with a nod before glancing at his beloved Daniel with the usual loving expression only directed to him. Daniel blushed hearing the Alpha and so he quickly snatched Minmin to hide. Laotian helplessly handed Luangmin and invited the Elder to the table where everyone was sitting.

"Glad you could come here, my friend." Mo Chendong greeted as Gabriel Sullen walked in view. Another set of greetings emerged on the crowd. A couple of minutes later Franco and his partner arrived which Daniel and Laotian once again welcomed as they made as the main host of the gathering.

"Congratulations to your success, I'm glad seeing you two being so lively." Franco greeted Daniel who's carrying Luangmin. The last time he had seen the Omega and Mo Luangmin, Daniel was so thin due to his one week vegetation state. He was also covered with scratches and bruises from the accident that it was a little difficult to decern his natural beauty.

Meanwhile, That time Mo Luangmin was so small and red. He was in the ICU for the whole time Franco was in Hawaii. Honestly, he didn't expect the baby would actually survive after seeing what he looked like then. But now, he's glad that both are lively and healthy-looking.

"Thank you. It's all because of Laotian actually. I didn't do anything." Daniel smiled which Franco nodded because he knew full well what his friend did in order to send Daniella Sullen in prison.

"Oh, I believe this is your first time meeting Aidan, my wife. He may look like this but he's actually an Omega like you." Franco introduced the tall and handsome man beside him who Daniel thought was his assistant or bodyguard.

But when Daniel heard Franco, he almost had his eyes drop on the ground. He couldn't believe the man was an Omega, he didn't even think Omegas could actually build up their feminine bodies into such length.

"O-Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. Aidan." Daniel greeted and offered his hand which the man took with a charming smile on his lips. Daniel almost had his heart skip a beat seeing such a handsome and macho Omega.

Gawking at the man in disbelief, Daniel's masculinity was being attacked. They were worlds apart in body size.

"Nice to meet you too, Princess, but Aidan is just fine," Aiden replied like a gentleman, their hands continued to stay connected that Franco had to laugh seeing the little Omega's reaction.

"Laotian, you have to be careful. Your wife might fall for my wife." Franco joked earning a blush on Daniel's cheeks as he quickly withdraws his hand feeling embarrassed realizing how he just reacted.

Laotian also noticing Daniel's reaction, his mood suddenly turned black. His arms quickly wrap around Daniel's waist in a possessive way before he glares at both his friend and his wife as if his face saying. 'Don't be ridiculous. There is no way my Daniel will fall for such a brute looking man.'

*laughs* "I get it! I get it! Anyways, still no sign of the other one?" Franco laughs and asked, he wrapped his arms around Aidan's waist and quickly showered him with his pheromones to counter Mo Laotian's aggressive ones.

"No, Still in Europe," Laotian rumble still on his possessive stance. Because the situation turned sour, Daniel had to step in and awkwardly spread one of his arms towards where William and his wife and kids are.

"Uhmm, anyways thank you for coming. You can join William over there." Daniel smiled. Franco didn't complain and quickly removed his own wife from Mo Laotian's sight. When the couple had finally left completing the guest list, Laotian leaned down against Daniel's neck ignoring Luangmin's little fingers playing with his hair as soon as he neared.

"You like that kind of man?" Laotian asked upset, completely forgetting that he himself had a body like Franco and Aidan, actually a couple of muscles more and a tad bit taller.

"Laotian, don't be ridiculous! He's an Omega." Daniel replied in disbelief. Even though it was also possible for an Omega to marry an Omega. Daniel was not into that stuff, having a relationship with the same second gender was not his style.

"So!? You look at him like you're star-struck."

"That's completely because it's my first time to see a macho Omega. Aren't you amazed seeing him as well?" Daniel defended. Laotian didn't reply which Daniel took as that Laotian understood his reaction but when he felt the Alpha bit his neck, he yelps in surprise jumping away.

"Laotian!!!" Daniel cried in disbelief, he held where the Alpha bit him and a blush suddenly appeared on his cheeks all the way to ears. He wanted to ask why the Alpha bit him but his words were stuck on his throat as he remained silent. He quickly wondered if someone had seen what had happened.

"I don't want you looking at other men like that aside from me." Laotian declared, he walked close to Daniel and leaned down again kissing the area he had bitten earlier. His lips moved to the back of his ears and then to his cheeks.

"Let's go and have dinner," he whispered almost seductively before drawing away picking Luangmin and then walking towards where the guests were. Daniel was left all red as if his ears were releasing steam. It took him a minute before he gathered up all his confidence and followed Laotian hoping that no one had seen them.

But as he neared the long table, his blush once again returned to his cheeks when he realized all eyes were on him as he walked to his chair next to his husband and Luangmin. Playful teasing erupted from the small crowd that Daniel just wanted to dig up a hole on the ground and hide.

"Should we expect a second baby soon?" Hanlu cheered earning yeses from the crowd. William who had a similar chatty personality as Mo Hanlu whistled making everyone laugh while Daniel turns redder and redder because of the bullying. Laotian had to step in and hide him in his embrace.

"Please everyone, stop bullying my wife." Laotian requested but it was obvious that he himself was enjoying, he wanted to punish Daniel after all for looking at another man.

"Okay. Okay. Listen up everyone, as much as I want this lively atmosphere to last. I have to help my son-in-law or else the opposite will happen." Laura Mo started after catching everyone's attention by tapping her fork to her glass of champagne. Everyone laughed at her remark but they nodded agreeing seeing how the Omega was turning red like a tomato.

"Are you okay, Darling?" Laura asked. Daniel briefly nodded thankfully to his mother-in-law for helping him. "Okay that's good, darling, but I am also expecting that second baby okay?" She added and another laugh erupted.

"That aside. I would like to thank everyone for coming here tonight to join us in this wonderful gathering. Our Mo family's simple dinner celebration for today's event."

"What happened were truly depressing. We all do feel sad that it had to come this way between the Sullens and the Mos but it is now resolved and justice is served to our precious Daniel. Congratulations Darling. Please, everyone, enjoy the food."

After Mrs. Laura Mo said her piece, everyone applauded her and on cue, the food arrived and was beautifully served on the table indicating that dinner had now started.

Music started to play as they eat happily. Daniel secretly observes the dinner table with everyone happily eating and chatting. He couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He was so happy, even though he was bullied earlier.

"What's the matter?" Noticing Daniel's attention was not on his plate or Luangmin, he leaned closer to his ears and whispered.

"Hmmm? Nothing, I'm just so happy. I never had this kind of gathering before. I like it." Daniel replied softly which made Laotian smile briefly before he leaned close again.

"If you want, we can do this on a monthly bases. It's always good to have good relations with family and friends." Laotian offered dotingly making Daniel giggle.

"It's okay. It's more special this way and besides, they also have their own schedule. But it's good to do this occasionally. Like announcing a second baby," Daniel joked. Laotian twitched a little but he didn't let Daniel noticed it. It was okay when other people teased him about having a second baby but it's different when Daniel says it.

"You want another baby?" Laotian asked a little bit surprised because he thought the Omega was already planning to go back to school as soon as Luangmin turns two years old.

Honestly, Laotian wasn't even planning a second baby. One was enough to him.

But Daniel didn't need to know that.

"Oh Gosh no!! I'm just joking. Minmin hasn't even turned one. I'm just saying it's good to have a dinner like this for simple occasions like maybe anniversary!?" Daniel laughs this time facing the Alpha. He wondered if Laotian wanted a second baby.

"Why? You want one?" Daniel asked this time that made Laotian almost choke on his own saliva. He quickly clears his throat and picked his champagne to drink a little.

"It's best to leave these things to fate." He replied enigmatically that Daniel had no choice but the nod chuckling.