Kissed Someone.

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"Are you mad?" Hanlu asked Ian after the Omega finished fitting the suit he was going to where later on at the party. Honestly, he wished he said he didn't want to attend or even agreed to visit the Mo residence because ever since he arrived at that mansion, nothing was going his way.

His heart felt warm at how Lan was welcomed in the Mo family, but he didn't think he will be treated so nicely as well. Mrs. Laura Mo and Mr. Mo Chendong were clearly hoping Hanlu and he will marry soon. Obviously, Ian was not happy. And now, Hanlu had the nerve to ask him?

"What do you think?" Ian snarled like a wild animal and then smiling right after Lan called him to look at how he looked.

"Mommy, look. Will I be matching Daddy?" Lan asked cheerfully after he heard Hanlu earlier to find him a suit that would match his since Hanlu already had his suit tailored weeks ago.

"My baby looked so handsome. I'm sure you will look good even more when you match your daddy later." Ian said in approval and as soon as the little boy runs towards the man who took his measurement, Ian faced Hanlu with his raging glare.

"I don't understand why you're so angry. Please, baby, tell me," Hanlu cooed and wrapped his arms around Ian, pulling him close to his body.

"I told you I will not marry you. Please make your parents understand." Ian insisted and tried to struggle against Hanlu's hold. Even though the place was deserted, he wouldn't want to risk anybody from seeing him with Mo Hanlu in an intimate position.

"But I am planning to make you my wife. I'm pretty determined with it." Hanlu replied leisurely and tightened his grip so Ian won't escape his embrace.

"And I told you for a thousand times, NO! I will not marry you, ever. Understand!? So let go or people might misunderstand." Ian insisted again before pushing Hanlu. But in vain he was not able to push him. He was starting to get really irritated now.

"And I'm telling you for a million times that I AM marrying you. Understand?! Seriously, what are you so dissatisfied about? I'll treat you right. Have I not always?"

"Fuck you, Luu. You're planning to marry someone when you have other lovers you're messing around with? You think that's treating me right? No thank you." Ian glared at Hanlu. He gathered all his strength this time and managed to push him away.

After hearing what Ian said, a smile suddenly appeared on Hanlu lips. "Of course I'll break up with all of them. You'll be my only one. Will you marry me then?" Hanlu stated confidently. It's not like he likes having many rumored lovers as well. Maybe it was time to stick to one since he was seriously considering marriage even though he sounded like he was just playing again.

"Whatever." Ian replied and walked to the other side of the shop to avoid Hanlu. He didn't want to talk anymore. Be his one and only?! That's just too good to be true. No matter how Ian thought, Hanlu sticking to one person was just impossible to believe.

Even if he did break up with all of his lovers, that doesn't mean he'll stay faithful forever. In the end, he'll be just like those other Alphas who easily get bored and find someone else. Marriage these days doesn't mean forever, there was always a divorce available.

Before he could experience that with Hanlu, he should just not marry at all and save himself from those future pain and heartaches. Additionally, he never wants Lan to experience what he experienced as a kid.

Falling into deep thought, Ian didn't realize Hanlu getting close to him again until he felt his breath against his neck and arms around his waist. "Hey, I'm serious. From now on your my one and only. I promise." Hanlu whispered and sneaked in a kiss on the Omega's exposed nape.

Ian was about to react strongly when Lan arrived and hugged both of them after seeing both his parents in a hug as well.

"Did you finished?" Letting go of Ian, Hanlu bends down to pick his son.

"Yup. Can we go and buy ice cream now?" Lan reminded again. Earlier he wanted to eat ice cream but since they had been scheduled to see the tailor shop first, Lan had no choice but to wait until they finish.

"Okay, let's go. I'll buy anything that my baby wants." Hanlu declared as they started to walk. And true to his words, Hanlu did spoiled Lan so much that it once again brought warmth to Ian's heart. He had always dreamed of this, a happy date out just the three of them for a very long time, and now, it's really happening.

The view actually made Ian think through his earlier decision. If Hanlu was truly true with his words, even if he doesn't love Ian in the end, as long as he treats him right and be always a good father figure to Lan. Shouldn't he just marry and see things through?

He had no right to stripped Lan off this chance when Hanlu was actually trying to be a father to him. Shouldn't he just give in and think of his son's happiness? Either way, he's already used to Hanlu. Even if there's no love between them as long as Lan was happy, Ian should just be happy as well.

Ian watched the father and son happy figures that brought a gentle smile Ian's lips. And then he finally decided again, he should talk to Hanlu later after the party. Ian thought. However, he didn't expect that after tonight's event. His slightly softened heart would once again turn cold.

In the middle of Luangmin's birthday party.

"Do you want to call it day as well? " As the party was still lively and everyone was busy socializing in hopes of strengthening their connections, Mo Laotian after talking to a few of his friends and seeing that Hanlu and his partner had sneakily left the hall, walked to Daniel who's been holding their sleeping son on his arms.

It had been a while since the party had started and even though Daniel had this approachable presence, no one dared to talk to him except those who already knew him or simply want to greet the host of the party. In reality, because although Daniel looked like he's fun to talk to, he also had a presence that he's not someone who you can just suddenly approach. For some reason unknown, other people felt intimidated.

"Hmmm, okay. Mommy do you want to come and rest as well?" Daniel asked Diane Lopez who had also been silently accompanying his son and grandson. She was not used to these kinds of event and so she decided to stay close with his son and grandson.

"Hmmm, it's best to leave these things to your Dad. I'm also worried that Minmin won't rest well with the noise." Mrs. Lopez commented looking at his grandson who's obviously not even bothered by the noise as long as he's on his mother's arms.

Hearing his mother's reply, Daniel smiled and had Mo Laotian help him carry Luangmin. Men and women who had seen this couldn't help but feel jealous. More than two years had passed since the two announce their marriage and people could still see how the two loved each other.

Even though Mo Laotian was now exclusive, men and woman still couldn't help but fall. Wishing someday they'll find a man just like Mo Laotian. Even though they're also targeting Mo Hanlu, earlier, the Alpha suddenly announced he had a son. It shocked everyone and questions surfaced in their minds.

Hanlu didn't mention the mother but knowing the Mo Household, there was a high possibility that even Mo Hanlu will soon become exclusive to someone as well. There will be no chance to enter the Mo household anymore, the chances were getting lower.

Especially when even the third son was not bit any interested in any other human being. There was not a lot of news when it comes to him. It's not that young men and woman didn't like Tian Zi. Honestly, he was as handsome as his older brothers. However, whenever he attended these kinds of events, he would only appear for a couple of minutes and then mysteriously disappears elsewhere.

Rumors says that the third son likes to steal Mo Hanlu's lovers but no girls had come out and said so. If people might say, the third son of the Mo household was a mysterious man, no one could touch him. So it's already safe to say that those who are aiming to enter the Mo family registry should just give up now or they'll just waste their time and end up single for life.

"Are you sure it's okay to leave the guests?" Daniel asked feeling all eyes on their retreating figures.

"Hmmm, I've already asked Mother and Father," Laotian replied carefully patting Luangmin's back when he shifted on his sleeping position.

Hearing the Alpha's reply, Daniel finally nodded as they proceed to their respective rooms. Because Daniel is currently in heat, Mrs. Lopez volunteered to take care of Luangmin for the time being and just like that the day had finished without a hassle, well at least on their side.

On Hanlu's side, after announcing his son's identity to the public, he was approached by his lovers who he had recently forgotten. Of course, this didn't escape Ian's eyes so the two ended up in an awkward situation.

Ian knew himself that he didn't have the right to get angry with the Alpha or even feel jealous because he knew already, he knew from the very start that he was not the only one.

But seeing the Alpha who had just promised to make him his one and only earlier in the morning, promised to make him happy and marry him, suddenly pressing a woman against the hallway while kissing her intimately. Ian's heart shattered for the billionth times, his heart turns cold almost immediately as he quickly pulls Lan to his embrace just before his innocent eyes could see it and turns around.

Because of the scene that he had witnessed, Ian rushed and left the event cradling Lan without even giving his thanks to the host. He ignored Hanlu's plea and hastily left with the taxi. Just when he decided to finally give him a chance, Hanlu once again proves him wrong that he trusted his promises.

This experience was clearly a sign saying to him that he shouldn't trust Hanlu.