Veronica Chime,

* * *

" Veronica Chime? " Daniel asked surprised. The woman was one of the country's most popular female movie stars. She starred at many box office films and was labeled number 10 as one of the world's most beautiful woman in 3 consecutive years.

" Yes, you don't know? She's one of older brother Hanlu's pet. Hmmm, according to my database, older brother spends about a hundred thousand dollars a month for that woman alone. She's really high maintenance. " Tian Zi leisurely replied after tapping on the screen of his phone. He then mischievously faced his cellphone screen to Daniel and showed him the list of names.

" Xiao Zi, stop that! No phone at the dining table. " Mrs. Laura Mo warned which made Tian Zi retract his phone and hide it before something happens.

Daniel on the other hand who had managed to read some of the names went speechless, his mouth drops open in shock. Mrs. Mo and Elder Mo ultimately halted from there lunch, already envisioning the future of Hanlu.

" Is that even legit? " Daniel asked in doubt. There was just no way Hanlu had so many respectful personalities under his Harem.

" *Laughs* You have no idea. " Tian Zi replied laughing at Daniel's reaction but stopped when he felt Mo Laotian's oppressing aura targeted to him alone. Tian Zi glanced at Laotian who seemed busy with his son but was actually listening to him all along.

" . . . " unconscious of the situation, Daniel glances at Laotian. His face suddenly looks like he had so many questions.

" What is it? " the Alpha asked after releasing Tian Zi from his secret attack. He had a very good idea what his wife had been thinking to ask him but he decided to act naive.

" N-Nothing. " Daniel replied timidly then got back to eating his lunch. Mrs. Mo who also saw this glared at Tian Zi and warned him to keep his mouth shut.

After lunch, Daniel and Laotian stayed for a couple of minutes then left with Luangmin after a while. In the car, Daniel stayed silent which the Alpha didn't like.

" What is the matter? " Laotian ask, Daniel was rubbing his own stomach and paused when the Alpha suddenly talked.

" Nothing..." Daniel replied, Laotian didn't ask anymore and waited for Daniel to continue. " Uhmm actually, I want to ask you something. " Daniel added shifting to look at his husband. Daniel knew he shouldn't compare his husband to Hanlu but Mo Hanlu's relationships really bothered him.

He doesn't know if the question on his mind would upset Laotian or not but he had been dying to ask the Alpha since earlier. He just wanted to clear his mind.

" But promise me you won't get upset. " Daniel made sure as his hand landed on the Alpha's thigh.

" I won't. "

" Okay, it's nothing special actually. "

" Okay, what is it? " Laotian replied softly, urging Daniel to continue.

" D-Do you normally get to meet people like V-Veronica Chime on a regular basis? For example, at work? " Daniel finally asked, mumbling his words that it's almost difficult to understand.

" *sighs* We do. I do get to meet them as my clients or investors, but I'm a businessman it's nothing personal. "

" Hmmn, D-Do they try to...uhmmn," Daniel asked again but wasn't able to finish his words.

" My eyes are only set for you. " Laotian simply replied and at the exact moment, they finally arrived at their home without Daniel noticing. Clearly, he was distracted by his thoughts. Laotian then leaned close to Daniel and forced to open his mouth for him to take.

" Hanlu's relationships had nothing to do with me, you don't have to worry. " Laotian assured after they pull away from the kiss with Daniel gasping.

" You must know, my last relationship only lasted 2 weeks, after that, he proposed to me and got married that very day. " Laotian held Daniel's cheeks, hearing what the Alpha had said, Daniel blushed before hiding himself in embarrassment.

That's right! He was the one who proposed after dating only for 2 weeks, but then despite that, Laotian was the one who bought them a ring. Daniel remembered how their relationship had progressed so quickly and realized how easy he was.

" Why are you being shy now? " Laotian smirked, he had the urged to pull the Omega on his lap and tease him more, by that way, Daniel won't be able to fully hide since he will be there to stop him.

" I was so easy. " Daniel mumbled, still hiding.

" Saved me so much time. " Laotian replied. The two stayed inside the car talking until finally, Luangmin woke up from his nap crying and calling Daniel " mama " feeling uncomfortable in his seat. So to hush the baby from crying, they decided to go inside halting their conversation.

As they were headed into the building, Laotian received a call from someone.

" Go take it. I'll try and make Minmin sleep again. " Daniel suggested seeing that the Alpha was hesitating to accept the call. Today was the third day of his monthly scheduled holiday for Daniel's heat period.

The Alpha absolutely hated being disturbed on his holiday but seeing the caller ID, he contemplated whether to accept it or not. Because he knew whenever this caller ID flashes on his screen something not good will happen.

" No, it's okay. Today is a holiday, I promise no work when its holiday. " Laotian replied and canceled the call, honoring his promise. He walked along with Daniel to their room, when they arrived Daniel tried to make his son fall asleep and thankfully he did on Daniel's chest.

" Are you sure it's okay not to accept that call. It might be important. " Daniel asked saying Luangmin on his arm, Laotian was at his back hugging him as well as helping him carry the two-year old's heavy weight.

" They'll call back if it's really important. " Laotian whispered, he kissed Daniel's nape as he inhaled his sweet powdery scent.

" Luangmin's heavy. You need to put him down soon. " Laotian reminded still latching on Daniel's neck.

" Laotian, stop that. I haven't taken a bath yet. I must smell bad. " Daniel pulled away a little noticing the Alpha's advances.

" No, you're not. I love the way you smelled. " Laotian seductively whispered, he urged Daniel to turn around and took his sleeping son on Daniel's arm.

" But look at him. He looks so peaceful, when he wakes up he'll start following me around again. " Luangmin on Laotian's arm, Daniel caresses Minmin's hair. His thoughts drifted on his stomach, he can't believe he has another two growing inside him.

Surprisingly, despite the fact that he's three months far, his stomach wasn't bulging. Daniel knew for sure he doesn't have a flat stomach anymore but it still didn't look like there's two in him, unlike his first pregnancy.

" The more we need to put him down now. " Laotian said and puts down Luangmin on his now larger crib.

* * *

Hanlu woke up feeling refreshed, slowly lifting his lashes he noticed he was at a room he doesn't recognize. Cursing as he sits up, Hanlu immediately checks his body. He calmed down instantly when it doesn't seem like he ended up sleeping with someone again.

Looking around the whole room, he once again realized he's at the place he most wanted to be. He inhaled the scent of the whole room and found himself smiling.

Getting off of the bed, Hanlu walked to find Ian and Lan at the utility room. Ian was on his normal house attire while doing laundry, Lan was there attempting to help his mother separate the whites from the colored ones.

The moment Hanlu walked into the tiny room, Lan quickly noticed him and smiled dropping the clothes on his hand to run towards his father.

" Daddy, daddy! Good morning! " Lan excitedly asked, Hanlu catch his son smiling and soon after, he peeks at Ian who was now staring at him.

" Good morning buddy! Did you miss me? " Hanlu asked rubbing the little boy's hair.

" hmm, I miss daddy. Is daddy done with work now? " The innocent boy asked which caused Hanlu to feel guilty. He smiled again nodding.

" Yeah, work is done. Daddy will have more time for you from now on. " Hanlu declared which earned a huge smile from the little boy but Ian, on the other hand, felt slightly irritated. He walked towards the two and picks Lan from Hanlu.

" Really!? " Lan asked which Hanlu replied with a nod.

" Baby, Daddy must be hungry right now. How about you go to the kitchen and prepare the food we left for him. " Ian suggested which Lan nods enthusiastically. The moment the little guy left the room, Ian pulled Hanlu in and pushed him against the wall glaring.

" I already told you. Don't promise something you can't keep. " Ian growled at him but to his surprise, he was suddenly pulled then pushed against the wall instead.

" I missed you so much. " Hanlu mumbled then buried his face against the crook of Ian's neck. Ian was so surprised he was frozen for seconds. It had been such a long time since the last time Hanlu had cornered him against the wall.

" W-what's wrong with you? L-let me go! " Ian stuttered feeling his strength had suddenly left his body. He tugs on the Alpha's clothes attempting to remove him from their embrace but he didn't budge.

Frustrated as Ian remembered how they've been on college, how the Alpha would stubbornly and persistently be with him after something had first happened to them.

Back then, when they first met, Hanlu wasn't so much of a clown. He was quite and serious most of the time. He hated attention that's why he frequented at the library Ian had worked because it was quiet and not a lot of people comes.

But suddenly when the Alpha graduated, he started changing, he turned into what he was now: Loud, humorous and playful. This new character Hanlu built got worst when Ian saw him again after he gave birth to Lan. Ian fell in love with Hanlu's quite and persistent personality, he thought that if Hanlu changed he wouldn't fall for him anymore but he was wrong. Before he knew it, 8 years had passed and he's still inlove with the Alpha.

" Shhhh, it's just a hug. " Hanlu said softly and nuzzled on Ian's neck.

" No! Please let go, Luu. " Ian pulled Hanlu's clothes again begging. This hug of his will be the death of him, Ian thought. Before he realized his tears started flowing in frustration, Ian was trying to move on but here Hanlu was, making it difficult for him.

He was well aware of the possibility that he might have bonded with the Alpha alone because of his feelings, that's why he couldn't resist being with him.

He was also well aware that the only way to move on from a one-sided bond is for them to separate until his body gets used to it.

" Shhh, don't cry. It's just a hug. Please don't cry. " Hanlu panicked hearing that Ian had started crying. It confused him. Why? Did he hate it so much? For unknown reasons, his heart pounded in pain.

" It's your fault. You're stupid! You manwhore. " Ian cried and punch Hanlu, his dream earlier and Hanlu's nine days absence really put him on the edge.

Ian knew the Alpha's absence was convenient for him if he wanted to be released from the one-sided bond but every day it slowly broke him. It was very difficult.

" After nesting some bitch for nine days and now you're here with me? I hate you! I gave all to you, am I not enough!? I hate you! " Ian burst and punch Hanlu, his tears wouldn't stop flowing. Everything suddenly burst out into the surface.

Ian was still crying all his years of pain when Hanlu's lips touched his. The act caught Ian by surprise, he wanted to struggle away but as he couldn't get away, he slowly drowns into the kiss.