I'm Yours

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Turning pale in horror, Ian gathered up all the strength that was left on his exhausted body and pushed Hanlu away. "I said pull the fuck out!" Ian yelled and manages to separate their connection.

Although he loves Lan with all his heart, the Omega refused to make another one for the reason that pregnancy terrifies him to hell. Nothing in this world terrifies Ian the most than falling pregnant again. Just the thought of a human being growing inside him terrifies him enough to make him faint.

When Ian was pregnant with Lan, it was the lowest point of his life, he was the constant target of nightmares and anxiety. Up until today, it still surprises him how he manage 9 months of the hellish experience. After labor, he even considered having his ovaries cut down but decided against it after being advised not to do it.

Stumbling as he jumps off the counter, Hanlu supported Ian in worry. "Hey, be careful. I was just joking, I was gonna pull out. No need to get aggressive." Hanlu said.

"Liar! You were planning to do it again." Ian glared at Hanlu who's obviously lying through his teeth.

"Okay! Okay! I was gonna do it again but hey, I missed you. And although you don't trust me, I honestly didn't nested some bitch like you said I was, I was busy with work and that semen is genuinely three months worth. I saved that all for you." Hanlu pouted which made Ian blushed at the confession, true or not.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ian yelled still red in hue. He glances at the Alpha's tower and regretted seeing it was still ready to go another round.

"Okay, geez don't be angry." Hanlu scratches his nape, his eyes also landed on his erection then to Ian and as if knowing what the Alpha meant with his stares, Ian blushed another deeper shade of red. Hanlu saw this and smiled pulling Ian close to him and rubbing on his flesh to the Omega's bare skin.

"Another one and I'm done. Please." Hanlu begged and brought Ian's palms on his penis. Hanlu took advantage of the fact that never once could Ian resist him when they've gone this far.

Suddenly intoxicated, Ian started panting hard. He bites on his lips and leaned close to nuzzle in the crook of Hanlu's neck. "D-don't come inside." Ian simply whispered.

The moment Hanlu heard it, he immediately lifted the Omega claiming his lips. Ian was made to sit at the counter again and before they know it, the room was filled with mating pheromones and passionate moans from the couple.

Another 15 minutes gone by and the Alpha and Omega finally reach their climax.

* * *

" What? " Ian glared at Hanlu as he sat across the table. Both ended up taking a bath together after being covered in both sweat and semen and now Hanlu was currently eating his late breakfast when he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

" I'm happy. " Hanlu replied still smiling.

" Why is Daddy happy? " This time Lan asked also noticing his father's weird grinning face.

" Well, because mommy and daddy are now dating. " Hanlu replied shifting his attention to the little boy, Ian, on the other hand, blushed again hearing it from Hanlu. He was thinking if he was just hallucinating what had happened earlier but now, Hanlu definitely said they're dating and this time not because of sex.

They're dating with marriage into consideration, they're dating as in, Hanlu would be Ian's lover, and vice versa, Ian will be Hanlu's ONLY lover.

Never in his wildest dream was Ian thinking his relationship with Hanlu would finally progress after 12 years since he realized he loved Hanlu. He was so ready to finally move on but here he was now, giving the Alpha another chance and Hanlu might break it again or treasure it like Ian had hoped for from the very beginning.

" What is dating? " Lan questioned confused, he doesn't know what the word means unlike how he knew what marriage means.

" It means mommy and daddy, will get married soon, buddy. " Hanlu excitedly replied making Lan yelp in joy understanding what getting married meant.

For the little kid, it meant he'll be seeing his daddy often or Hanlu might even live with them in the house. Overall, Lan knows that the word meant that he's finally going to have a real family. It meant the during school events, he won't be the only kid in class with just a mommy.

" But of course baby, Mommy still has the last decision. I might not want to marry daddy after all. " Ian added which made both Hanlu and Lan pout towards the Omega.

" Don't worry buddy, Daddy will make sure Mommy will marry me and by then let's get you a little sister. " Hanlu assured which made the little boy squeal in excitement.

" I want a baby sister. Mommy, can I really have a baby sister? " The moment the little kid heard the amazing news, he stood up from his chair and leaned down to his mother almost climbing on the dining table.

Lan never imagined it was possible for him to have a baby sister or baby brother but as his father mentioned it, his eyes burst open in excitement and asked his mother for confirmation.

Meanwhile, Ian mentally cursed Hanlu for saying such a thing. Even if they indeed end up getting married, a second baby was never on his plan. He just can't take and go through with that traumatic experience ever again.

" Hey, don't get too excited. Mommy is already 31, it might be difficult to have a baby sister or baby brother, okay? " Ian said and hopefully erase the idea on both the father and son. Hearing this, Lan disappointedly leaned back and sat again on his chair.

" Don't worry buddy. Daddy will find ways. " Hanlu whispered to the kid earning a kick from the Omega who was also listening. Hanlu wanted to retaliate but decided against it not wanting to upset Ian. But on his mind, a plan was already set. Achieving pregnancy at 31 is never really that difficult with the right procedure, in fact, 31 is still too young.

The Omega can sure bear another one or two if he just let Hanlu.

As the family of three continued to chat, the doorbell suddenly rang. Frowning, Ian thought who might it be and suddenly turned pale as he remembered he agreed to go on a date with someone who he knew had been crushing him at work from the moment the young man started working at his department and today was that day.

The man was only 27 years old so Ian was hesitating whether to accept the invitation or not, but because Hanlu had not been showing himself for 9 days. The thought that the Alpha might have been nesting some bitch movie star overwhelmed Ian and without really thinking, he finally accepted the young man's invitation.

" I'll go get it. " Hanlu offered standing up but halted when Ian gushed saying " NO " and stood up rushing to the door.

Confused, Hanlu followed Ian's figure until he disappeared behind the front door. Meanwhile, behind the door, Ian was surprised to see the young Alpha all dressed up and even with a bouquet of flowers with him.

Seeing this, Ian immediately felt so bad. In order for Ian to agree with the date, the young man even agreed to let Lan come with them as he couldn't leave his son alone in the house.

" *nervous smiles* G-Grey. " Ian called nervously, he needed to find a way to make the young man leave without Hanlu noticing. Although he wasn't particularly doing something bad, he didn't want to touch Hanlu's jealous side or things would turn nasty.

" Hey! here, flowers for you. I see you haven't got ready yet. " the young man noticed seeing Ian dressed in his house attire. Ian accepted the flowers despite hesitating, he smiles nervously again unable to think of the right excuse.

" Y-Yeah I have a visitor inside and forgot the time. " Ian excused but observing his discomfort, the young man chuckles and puts his palm inside his pockets.

" You forgot, didn't you? " Grey guessed which Ian slowly nodded as a yes. He didn't just forget, he's even unable to go with him on a date now.

" That's okay, I can still wait. I actually came earlier than scheduled. " the young man said which made Ian feel a lot worse than he already is.

The two was still conversing when Hanlu came out of the front door with a heavy atmosphere around him, without saying anything he neared the two and took the flowers from Ian as soon as he noticed its annoyingly red pigment.

" Ian likes white roses. Are you sure you're trying to date him? How old are you kid? " Hanlu said and interrogated like he's a different person from the usual Mo Hanlu. His usually hidden domineering presence suddenly burst out making it difficult for the young man to reply or even breathe for that matter.

Grey obviously knew Mo Hanlu, he's known to be one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country who dates different celebrities, Veronica Chime being one of them.

The people associated with the man showed the public how powerful he was. But the thing he didn't understand is that how come someone like Mo Hanlu was at his senior inspector's house and wearing a shirt with the phrase " I love Mommy! " printed on it?

Seeing that the young man had lost the ability to talk, Hanlu shoves the flower back to him.

" Go home, kid. You don't have what it takes. " Hanlu suggested before turning back and dragging Ian with him to the house but before they could finally walk inside, Hanlu pulled Ian into a french kiss and gripping on his round behind.

His stance was clearly saying Ian Andrews is his and no one should even think of trying to snatch him away from him.

Ian, on the other hand, he let Hanlu did what he wants in order to avoid something much worst. Although Ian felt bad, it's still much better than having the young man removed from his job at the station.

" Who was that? " Hanlu growled in annoyance, he had always hated every person he felt who had a crush on Ian and he had been secretly and openly eliminating all of them.

"He's no one. Seriously stop getting jealous at random people. " Ian complained, back then Ian assumed Hanlu had been always like this to all his lovers since it's his nature to be possessive but now he wishes Hanlu was only like this to him.

Although it was annoying at times, Ian felt happy every time Hanlu shows how possessive he is towards him.

In reality, just like how TianZi had said, Hanlu was indeed unconsciously doing it. He's possessive side comes out only when Ian was involved. Mo Hanlu was never stingy and he never gets angry when TianZi slept with his flings but one particular moment when TianZi asked about who Ian Andrews was, TianZi felt the familiar oppressive air he felt when he's around an angry Mo Laotian.

Since that time, TianZi learned that he can do anything to Hanlu just don't touch Ian Andrews and anything related to him.

"No one? It looked like you two were supposed to go out on a date." Hanlu growl again which Ian found cute actually.

"Yeah, we were but now we're not." Ian taunted, one of his brows raised which made Hanlu's mind go mad. He gripped on Ian's arms tighter.

"Did the two of you s-sleep together?" Hanlu muttered trying to calm himself. His mind already thought of things how to murder the man. "Careful what you say, I might really kill him," Hanlu added as a warning, Ian who was planning to tease the Alpha decided against his thought and pulled Hanlu down a little to give him a little peck on the lips.

This act always works wonders.

" I don't want to admit it but I don't want you to kill my junior colleague. " Ian started after pulling away, " You were my only man. " Ian simply said and it instantly assured Hanlu. He knew Ian's words were the truth and even if he was lying Hanlu will still believe the Omega.

"Good, because you're mine!" Hanlu claimed as he loosened his bruising grip and finally calmed down. The warm radiant smile that's always on his lips finally came back.

"And am I safe to you're mine?" Ian asked. He had dreamed of the day he could finally ask this question to Hanlu. From the moment they started sleeping with each other to the day he found out he's pregnant. The moment he left and came back only to have yet another ambiguous relationship with the Alpha.

Ian thought he had enough of it but now he's finally asking the question, only took him more than 10 years.

"Yes, I'm yours!" Hanlu softly smiled, "Only yours," he repeated kissing Ian's forehead.