Silent as a Grave

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After Mo Laotian finish cleaning and dressing up Daniel, he headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and clean himself as well.

When he was done, he noticed Luangmin was already awake silently playing on his own but the second the little guy notices his father, he giggles calling Laotian "dada" and raised his little limbs showing that he wanted his father to carry him.

Doing so, Laotian carried the little guy then walk to watch Daniel sleeping on the bed.

"Mamma, Sweeping?" The little guy mumbled, he wraps his arms around his father as both of them observe Daniel's sleeping posture.

"Yes, mama's sleeping," Laotian replied.

"Minmin wanna pway. " The little man mumbled again, his nap time is finished so at a time like this he would have a little snack then play.

It's always his routine when it's just Daniel and Luangmin in the house. After snack, Daniel will just place him in a small area in the living room and put a barricade around it.

Sometimes the Omega would play with him or he would busy himself with his sketches or settle at the far side to paint where he could still be able to see the little man play.

" Do you want to play with Daddy instead? " Laotian offered which the little guy enthusiastically nodded. Seeing how excited Luangmin was with his offer, Laotian neared and leaned down towards Daniel.

" Give mommy a goodnight kiss first. " Laotian urges which Luangmin gladly did kissing Daniel on his cheeks.

" Night Night. " Luangmin waves his hand before Laotian pulls him away. The two then trailed the way to the playroom where the whole floor area was covered with soft floor mats that is safe for Luangmin to play on.

Laotian puts down Luangmin on the floor making the little guy crawl all over the place.

Although Laotian said he was gonna play with Luangmin, he was actually just sitting on the chair at the side and silently observe his son toddling around playing on his own.

There were times when the little man would fall on his butt or face front and start to cry but when he sees his father looking, he would stop crying and continues to play again as if nothing happened.

It's like his father being there watching him, assured Luangmin that he was okay despite Laotian not really doing anything.

An hour and a half past, Luangmin and Laotian were still in the playroom when Daniel woke up. He shifted from his position and stretches his body opening his lids. Seeing that neither Laotian or Luangmin was around, he figured they were in the playroom.

Getting off from the bed, Daniel glance at the wall clock to see that it was already past 4 pm and it's almost time for him to prepare dinner.

Since it's the last day of Daniel's supposed to be on heat period, the cook and maids they've recently hired aren't around due to the fact that Mo Laotian doesn't like people around the house at times like that.

Even before he was married, it was actually just David and a few of his men are around the house to clean and then leave when done and the guards are the only once left when Laotian was at the company to work.

When Laotian married Daniel, he thought that it would be good to hire a few people to accompany the Omega and help him take care of Luangmin while he wasn't around the house because of work.

But as mentioned that Daniel was supposed to be on heat, all recently hired personnel were on a holiday as well, so now Daniel will be the one to prepare dinner.

Daniel walked towards the next door where the playroom was located to confirm that the father and son were indeed there. He twisted the doorknob open and instantly, he saw Luangmin playing on some of the toys his Great Grandfather gave him and Mo Laotian on the corner sitting monotonously while watching his son.

When the Alpha noticed Daniel was at the door, he immediately stood up and greeted the Omega with a peck on his lips.

" Did you have a good nap? " Laotian asked and dragged Daniel to sit with him on the chair. Luangmin also notices his mother and excitedly toodles towards the Omega while stumbling on his feet.

" Mamma " Luangmin called pulling on his father's pants now that the Alpha had made Daniel sit on his lap. Picking up Luangmin and putting him on his lap as well, Daniel gave the little boy a kiss on both of his cheeks.

" Did Minmin and Daddy play? " Daniel cooed to the little boy who was obviously happy to see him awake.

" hmmm, Minmin Pway with Dada, " Luangmin nodded giggling. The second Daniel saw his son's giggles, it made him want to pinch the little guy's cheeks so hard. If only he wouldn't cry, Daniel would have done it a million times.

"Oh, that's good. So now what does my baby wanna eat? " successfully suppressed himself, Daniel asked the little kid who instantly replied " Icecweam! Icecweam! " jumping up and down that alerted Laotian so he gently pulled the little guy away from the Omega's stomach.

Noticing this, Daniel apologetically smiled at the Alpha completely forgetting that he was pregnant.

" Okay, then ice cream it is. " Daniel cheerfully replied and lifted the yipping Luangmin up to his arms but a couple of seconds later being snatched away from him.

" Starting today, you're not allowed to carry anything, especially your son, Luangmin. " Laotian adamantly ordered seeing that Daniel had been stubborn and forgetting the doctors advice.

Aside from long land trips, Daniel was strictly forbidden to carry heavy things but now the Omega was forgetting all of that.

Although Laotian was the one who hoped for no second or third baby but now he's the only one who's more concerned about it.

" Okay, I'm sorry but Minmin is too young. And you know how much he likes it when I carry him. " Daniel explained, as long as he was still able he wants to pamper the little guy until he can no longer the moment his stomach starts to bulge out.

" Yeah, I know. But I don't want anything to happen to you or the twins and Luangmin, Okay? Don't be stubborn, I'll take care of Luangmin from now on. " The Alpha cooed which Daniel nodded helplessly.

Because it was time to prepare dinner, they soon headed to the kitchen but seeing yet again how dangerous the kitchen was in his view, Laotian grabs Daniel's arms preventing him from fully entering the area.

Currently, on his eyes, it's as if every utensil in the room was a threat to his family.

" On second thought, how about I call David now and let him stay here again to also take care of you and Luangmin. " Laotian offered that made Daniel frown.

David is staying at Mo Hanlu's mansion at the moment but Laotian could always steal him back, Mo Laotian was thinking that it's not like Hanlu needed David.

The old man was just at Hanlu's place simply because Hanlu likes the way he cooks.

" Ummm? Okay, but it's late. Mr. David must be busy right now, we can call him tomorrow. " Daniel replied.

"No, it's best for you to stay away from the kitchen. I'll call David now. " Laotian insisted which Daniel couldn't really argue. He just let the Alpha do what he wants but the Alpha didn't escape from earning a fruity laugh from the Omega.

After 30 minutes of waiting, David actually came in with a single suitcase. There wasn't much talk exchange except a simple greeting before the old Alpha went and secluded himself in the kitchen while Laotian, Daniel and Luangmin enjoyed a whole bucket of ice cream watching TV which the little guy had requested.

" Will you be angry? " As they were enjoying the Movie on TV, Laotian suddenly asked combing Daniel's silky hair with his fingers.

" hmmm? Why? " Daniel asked feeding Luangmin a spoon of ice cream.

" Emergency, at the company. I need to go. " Laotian replied making Daniel worried about the emergency. He wondered what could have happened that Laotian needed to go even though it was already dark outside.

He didn't want the Alpha to go but he understood the urgency.

" No, you know I won't Laotian. You can go, only after dinner, Okay? " Daniel lovingly replied then leaned down to kiss his husband.

Meanwhile, on Hanlu's side, after he thought of a good excuse to leave Lan and Ian after dinner. Hanlu immediately drives to the base. The moment he arrives, the atmosphere around him changes.

Usually, Hanlu is very idle when a situation like this occurs but simply because he didn't wanna go and leave Lan and Ian. Hanlu was obviously upset and currently wants to pull out the spy's tongue and force him to talk.

Just for one spy, he needed to come and leave Lan and Ian where their relationship was still very delicate.

" Progress? " Hanlu asked slamming the door behind him, his eyes peers at the man tied up on a concrete chair seemingly unconscious.

Although the whole room was slightly dim, Hanlu could tell the man's body was covered with fresh and dry blood. It is also because the whole room had a strong stench of iron-like liquid known as blood.

Aside from that, Hanlu also notices a few of the man's fingers were bent in a direction it shouldn't be.

" Silent as a grave. " One man replied. Hanlu groans internally before he walked directly in front of the blooded man dragging with him a wooden chair.

" Don't worry about these, a doctor will come later to fix you. " Hanlu assured forcing the man's completely broken fingers down before he sat on his chair facing the man who hasn't even let out a single gasp despite his tortured figure.

If he wasn't glaring directly at Hanlu, you would think he was already dead by the amount of torture he went through.

" Completely clean! So? Who's your boss? Since none of us have ever seen you before, it's safe to say you're working under someone? " Hanlu chatted, he already knew the heads up. The man was completely clean.

According to the initial investigation, he was just a normal South African American citizen who just recently moved to the country but obviously he wasn't, considering how he was able to sneak into the base and manage to kill two of his elite men.

" . . . " not saying anything the man continued to glare at Hanlu earning a huge grin from the Alpha.

" I salute you! I like tough guys. Do you know why? " Hanlu asked thrilled. " Cause it's fun to see them when they finally break. I really hope you don't break so soon. " Hanlu added and grin excitedly as he stood up.

Hanlu had done this work a hundred times and he knew the man was never gonna talk no matter what kind of torture being thrown to him.

But that's what Hanlu likes to see most, the tougher the better. Tough guys are the most amusing to see when finally broken.

" Hey, you! Go get the tools. " Hanlu ordered pointing at the guy on his left side and afterward smiles at the tied up spy who's still glaring at him.

Hanlu then later on leisurely walked out of the room following with him the man in charge of the spy.

" We manage to track down his base and our men confiscated a few things that may lead us to answers," he reported to Hanlu who's now busy texting Ian saying that was he already bored and wants to go back.

Earlier when he lied to the Omega, he was feeling guilty because he promised he would not lie to him anymore but with Ian's line of work, this side of Hanlu's identity will sure make yet another conflict between them.

" I've received a report that they arrived just now," The guy reporting added which made Hanlu instantly glance at him but his fingers never stopped typing words after words on his mobile phone.

" Now, you're talking. Let's go! I want to end this early. " Hanlu whine and followed the guy.