There won't be a New Contract!

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Veronica Chime had been an actress since she was 18 but she had never secured main roles in movies.

When she met Mo Hanlu, she was already 24 and still struggling with her career because unlike others, she was against using her body to climb at the top. Mo Hanlu is known to have many short term lovers; he had broken many hearts and when he approached Veronica, she declined.

She was full of pride and refused to give up her dreams until one day, she couldn't secure a role even as a small side character. Her career was about to finish, she was terrified and it drives her to throw herself to the Alpha.

Mo Hanlu had clearly told her what he wanted, what he likes about her and where it ends. At first, she was disgusted by herself but Mo Hanlu was never rough with her, he was sweet and really cared for her despite her personality. 

Slowly she climbed up into the ladder of fame and Veronica forgot her place. She was the only partner that lasted more than five years with Mo Hanlu and she thought the Alpha was in love with her but just didn't know how to say it.

Even though she didn't fully love Mo Hanlu, Veronica was okay with it. She was okay as long as she could remain at the top. But now, she had yet again struggled to maintain her place in the acting industry.

"Here, drink this. It would help you calm down." her manager offered after inviting herself to the pantry and made coffee for both of them.

Looking at coffee, Veronica abruptly covered her nose and mouth feeling sick.

"Vicky, are you okay? If you're not okay we can always reschedule the contract signing." Noticing Veronica's sudden action, Remi Long puts down the coffee and approaches Veronica.

"I-I'm okay, I'm just a little sick." Veronica excused.

"Okay, I'll try and convince the receptionist to call Mo Hanlu to meet you and we can leave immediately." 

"Hmmm, okay." Veronica hummed then leaned her back to the couch. Her manager then left to talk to the receptionist and a couple of minutes later she came back with a smile.

"Great news, We can go now and meet him. Let's go!"

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"Baby, I'm really sorry! Mo Laotian couldn't give this job to anyone aside from me, but I will be back as soon as I'm done. Okay?" Hanlu cooed, finally he was able to call Ian. He was in the car at the moment and on the way to the airport.

When Mo Laotian said he was going to leave in the afternoon he didn't expect to leave when it wasn't even afternoon. It turns out he needed to associate with the engineers as they will the ones to guide him to the land site and all that needed to do in South Africa.

"Yeah, Okay. Be careful and call Lan after this and tell him properly what you needed to do." Ian suggested. Although Hanlu was now his lover, he understood that Hanlu was a busy person.

This matter was never new to him.

"Baby, why do you sound like you don't care? I'm leaving for a week you know." Hanlu pouted.

"Luu, don't be such a baby. We're grown-ups and I understand that you're busy. If you want someone to stop you from leaving then call your son." Ian said again, half of his mind was focused on the files in front of him. He's back to work now and all his case was passed back to him after being unable to close it.

"Oh, and will you please move Grey back here? You're ruining the young man's life. Don't you think the outskirts were too far? Really Luu, stop sending people away." Ian added as he complained. Just like what he expected, Grey was suddenly transferred to the outskirts of the city.

Ian mentally reminded himself to talk to Hanlu about this but since the Alpha called, he thought it's the best time to tell him knowing now that he's going on a business trip for a week.

"No way! He deserves it. He dared want to date you." Hanlu pouted again and stubbornly stated, he would never send someone who had a crush on Ian close to the Omega where he could seduce Ian when Hanlu's not around. 

"Okay then, you don't have to send him back here but at least not on the outskirts. The kid's a city boy, Luu, he won't be able to adjust back there." Ian said again finally taking off his eyes from the files. 

"hmmm, I'll think about it and decide what I want after I get back,"  Hanlu replied still pouting. His tune obviously indicating that he didn't want to.

"Arg! Why are you so stubborn?" Ian groans in frustration. He was really guilty about what had happened to Grey, if he didn't accept the young Alpha's offer then he would not have been caught by Hanlu and now transferred to a new station.

"If I'm going to suffer for a week, then he should as well," Hanlu said unreasonably which made Ian shook his head and questioned himself again. 'How the heck did I fell in love with a person like Mo Hanlu again!?'

"Okay. Okay. I expect you to transfer him back into the city the second you come back."

"I'll think about it." Hanlu mischievously replied causing Ian's eyebrow to twitch in irritation. He badly wants to punch Hanlu at this moment. 

"I'm hanging up! Take care and call your son!" Ian sputtered, Hanlu always had his own unique ways of triggering Ian's mood swings and sometimes it really amazes him how he stayed with the Alpha for more than 10 years.

Meanwhile, after Ian hangs up, Hanlu smiled fondly. Teasing Ian was always the best for Hanlu as he found it cute because despite how Ian was irritated to him, the Omega would still end up staying with him.

Laughing on his own, Hanlu finally scanned for Lan's number and press on it. It rang for a couple of seconds before someone that is not Lan answered.

"Hi, you must be Lan's teacher. Can you please hand over the phone to him? I just want to talk to my son for a couple of minutes. It's very important." Hanlu said after the voice said "Hello."

"Yeah sure sir, . . . Lan Andrews, come here, your dad wants to talk to you." The teacher said in the other line and a couple of seconds later, Lan was finally on the phone calling "Daddy!"

"Yeah baby, I'm sorry daddy had to call you in the middle of class."

"It's okay, Lan is happy daddy called." The little boy said enthusiastically.

"Hmmm, Thank you, baby, but you see, daddy called today because I want to tell you that Daddy won't be around for a week. Daddy has work and needs to go to South Africa, will my baby Lan be good and understand?"

*pouts* "B-But Daddy said you're done with work! Can't Daddy just stay?" Lan pleaded about to cry. Hanlu just got back from work and now he's going to work again?

"I know baby, I know. How about this? When Daddy gets back, I'll teach you how to ride horses at grandfather Chen's ranch. Is that okay?" Hanlu offered, he remembered the little kid was very fond of horses when they once visited his father's ranch.

Although Hanlu didn't know how to ride as well, Lan didn't have to know that. Hanlu just have to learn impromptu and he will hire a trainer as well.

*sniffles* "But Grandfather Chen said, I can't ride horses yet!" Lan replied remembering what his grandfather had said.

"We can start with the ponies." Hanlu thought, and indeed horses are too big for Lan.

"Can I really, Daddy?" 

"Yes, of course, Baby. So can I expect Lan to understand Daddy's work?"

"hmmm, Lan understands. But Lan will miss Daddy so much."

"I know baby, Daddy will miss you and mommy as well."  Hanlu cooed, he was proud he had a very understanding son like Lan. Too understanding that sometimes he wishes for the kid to be selfish sometimes.

"Okay, Daddy just called to tell you. I already called mommy and I'm on the way to the airplane right now. Daddy will need to say goodbye already." Hanlu said and finally, they both said their goodbyes and ended the call with Hanlu sighing in desolate.

Just recently, he was always ready to go out of the country when his older brother said so but at this moment he was leaving with a heavy heart. Clearly,  Ian and Lan took it from him.

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Walking with his usually domineering aura, Mo Laotian finally arrived in front of the door where he was going to meet the woman who had taken advantage of Mo Hanlu all these years. Mo Laotian didn't care what Hanlu does to his personal life as long as he didn't cause too much trouble.

But despite not looking like it, Mo Laotian actually worries about Hanlu and his bad habits of taking up a partner who likes to use him. Laotian had long wanted to get rid of the woman the second he knew she was exceeding on her worth. It didn't matter who Hanlu dated as long as they don't flaunt around and act as if she was going to marry into the family.

It honestly, disgusted Mo Laotian. These kind of people were the very reason he hated being in a relationship because he was too smart not to notice their real motives.

Hanlu, on the other hand, had the habit to succumb into his desires. As long as he likes something, the other things didn't matter.

Thankfully now, the Omega who Mo Laotian didn't know existed; surface with a child and finally made Hanlu realize to stop what he's doing.

"M-Mr. Mo!?" the second Mo Laotian came in, Remi Long and Veronica Chime immediately stood up. Both didn't expect the main boss would come on his way to meet them personally, Mo Laotian was known to be meticulous on small matters and although Veronica Chime has been the main endorser of the Empire Smart Building, Veronica had never met him like this, face to face.

"Yes, were you expecting someone else?" Laotian replied and made his way to sit on his chair skipping on the handshaking.

"N-No! We are so honored to finally meet you. I'm Remi Long and this is my artist, Veronica Chime, she had been the main endorser of the Empire Smart Building and we came here to sign a contract for this year's endorsement?" Remi Long introduced, she wanted to offer her hand for a handshake but decided against it after having a feeling that the Alpha would not accept it.

"Yes, yes. I was informed." Laotian replied and then his eyes shifted to Veronica who seemed to have lost her ability to talk.

For some reason, she felt an invisible energy had forced her to submit the second the Alpha came. She had never felt anything like it. Trembling as she moved to face Laotian, Veronica silently greeted "Hello," it was the only word she could utter.

It was unbelievable that the man in front of her was Mo Hanlu's older brother as they were so different.

"I heard a lot about you and I must admit I didn't like it," Mo Laotian started making Veronica panic. She wasn't able to talk again and seeing this, Remi Long attempted to save her.

"Mr. Mo, there had been so many people who made rumors about Veronica and none of those are true. Yes, she used to be your brother's lover but I believe they had a mutual feeling. I also believe we need to separate this matter from what we are really here for." Remi Long meddled bravely, she was Veronica's manager, if she couldn't save her artist from this then she's useless as a manager.

Hearing the woman's word, a vicious glint flashed on Mo Laotian's eyes. He peered at the woman monotonously before leaning back to his chair.

"Okay, there will be no contract signing today, Ms. Long. There will be no new contract for your artist." Laotian finally revealed then, later on, stood up. Veronica Chime was never really that important and Empire Smart Building never needed an endorser. Even without her, the company would still do well.

If it wasn't because Mo Hanlu was also a part-owner of the project, Mo Laotian would prefer not to hire an actress just to endorse his building.