Petty Characters

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Laotian quickly arrived home swiftly escaping the paparazzi waiting outside of the Mo Empire building hoping they could catch Mo Hanlu and Mo Laotian to interview.

" Laotian!! Why are you back!? " jumping in surprise, Daniel hid his painting palette behind his back hoping that the Alpha wouldn't see it but failed to realize the whole canvas was standing exposed beside him. Luangmin was taken care of by the new nanny David had arranged so Daniel was bored and decided to paint the garden of the house.

He didn't expect Laotian would arrive so early and catch him.

Painting has always been Daniel's hobby but now that he's pregnant again, he was sure Laotian would forbid him again. Despite using safe materials, the Alpha prefers him not to paint during pregnancy. But even before when he was pregnant with Luangmin, Daniel was never fully honest with the Alpha, even David was his accomplice but Daniel never thought he would one day be exposed.

" . . . " Not saying anything. Laotian walked towards Daniel and quickly lifted him up to his arms away from his paint and canvas.

" Laotian, I was honestly using safe materials. Are you angry? I'm sorry. " Daniel uttered as the Alpha walked to their room silently with Daniel cradled on his arms until he was laid on the bed.

" I'm not angry but don't do it again. " Laotian ordered, it was difficult to decipher whether he was angry or not when he slowly climbed on the bed towering Daniel as he loosened his tie. Daniel could also hear Laotian's shoe dropped on the floor as they were now on top of the bed with him underneath. 

" O-Okay but, w-what are you doing so suddenly? " Daniel stuttered feeling his husband's warm palms on his bare thighs and spread them apart. He was so confused although he knew exactly what the Alpha was thinking. He was only confused because it suddenly happened. And in the middle of the day at that.

" Punishment. " Laotian simply said yanking the Omegas shorts down enough for his female organ to be displayed to him. Feeling the cold air against his, Daniel squeaked in embarrassment and quickly tried to cover himself. It escalated so quickly Daniel was left helpless.

" Ahh! Laotian! I'm really sorry, just stop this, please. This is too embarrassing. " Daniel mumbled blushing red, somehow the act of them fully dressed while doing something lewd made Daniel embarrass. It was different when they're both naked. Sex while still dressed felt very inappropriate, it's as if they're doing something dirty.

"  You were naughty. You won't learn your lesson unless I punish you. " Laotian said with his Alpha tune. The Alpha moved quickly and before Daniel could sink it in his mind, he screams in panic when Laotian suddenly brought his mouth on Daniel's poor mound holding both his legs together preventing him move freely.

" Laotian! S-stop! " Daniel gasped feeling his husband's mouth assault the inner lips. His tongue slid inside him aggressively. Daniel felt all the hair on his body suddenly stood up with the overwhelming sensation he was feeling but was helpless to do anything to stop the man on top of him. All he could do was grip on the few hairs from the Alpha's head that he barely reached and release a squeak every time that tongue moves.

At last, after long minutes of devouring him, Laotian pulled away from Daniel's now pool of moisture licking the side of his mouth and quickly unbuckled his pants fishing out his bulging erection. On a daze, Daniel quivered feeling the long and hard rod pushed inside him fully with Laotian groaning in pleasure.

" You're still so soft from last night and this morning. " The Alpha whispered seductively as he leaned forward kissing Daniel's reddish ear that caused the Omega to blushed an even deeper shade of red. He peeked from his hands as it covered his whole face and saw Laotian on his suit, on his working attired. It made Daniel feel even more embarrassed and guilty somehow.

" Laotian! " Daniel called begging, he felt the Alpha's flesh slowly slid out of him only to be pushed back in in a hard thrust. He couldn't believe they were suddenly doing it in the middle of the day when they usually do it late night or early morning, and the fact that Laotian had literally just got home is just...

" Ahh! " 

" Will you do it again? " Laotian asked hoarsely, he buried himself deeply and halted his movements. Laotian and Daniel had been sexually active but Laotian never once felt the Omega loosened against him. It always felt tight inside Daniel and that alone made him unable to stay inside without coming so before that happens, he pulled out quickly resting his bulging flesh against Daniel's puckering hole. This was supposed to be punishment so Laotian needed to make it like it is.

Hearing the Alpha's question Daniel stayed silent quivering at the sudden loss. He wanted the Alpha to stop but now he wanted him back in. He bit his lips trying to suppress his desire but he was feeling so wet to the point that he was feeling uncomfortable.

" Will you do it again? " Laotian repeated and pushes back in with a heavy groan feeling Daniel's tight contraction the second he was inside again as if welcoming him back.

Honestly, Laotian wasn't actually angry or even in the slightest bit upset. Even though he doesn't want Daniel to use paint while he was pregnant, it's not as if he would really forbid the Omega from doing what he likes the most as long as he was using the safe materials.

He truly could not bear to see the Omega saddened just because he was too controlling.

Laotian just saw this as an opportunity to tease Daniel into giving in to him over and over again. He must admit, although Daniel was his wife now and that Daniel will forever be his, he still wanted to monopolize him over and over again. It might be because of his Alpha nature or just his personality but he loves seeing Daniel being helpless underneath him. Craving for him desperately, it's like it's to assure him as well that he wasn't the only one head over heels in love.

" Ahh! b-but it was safe. " Daniel reasoned palming on the sheets. His husband's hard cock was so deep inside him like it's pushing on his womb but there were little to none movements. It's like torture. He craves for more. 

" N-No! Don't pull out! " Daniel screams in a hurry as he held Laotian slacks tightly and pulled him closer to their connection. Lust visible on his daze eyes.

" But this is a punishment! " Laotian spoke and rips Daniel's fragile palms away from him holding them tightly together as he once again pulled out with a pop and the Omega whining.

" No! No! Put it back in! I want it back in Laotian. " Daniel begs, his eyes started watering. The itch deep inside him had become more and more unbearable. He needed the Alpha to scratch it for him or he'll go crazy.

" Then, will you do it again? " Laotian insisted with a mischievous smile forming on his lips. He loves how Daniel had now become such a mess because of him that the veins on his erection were about to explode just by seeing the Omega being eager. He wants to thrust back in but Laotian needed to be patient so he could get the result he wanted.

" Hmmm, I-I won't! I won't Laotian! Please, put it back. " Daniel whines crying. Hearing this, almost immediately Laotian thrust back in claiming Daniel trembling lips, it didn't take a minute when he came heavily moaning but he continued to thrust at a steady pace like he was in a rut.

The couple was both light-headed as they continued with their activity a couple more times before both of them were sated enough to finish with a long passionate kiss.

" Damn! " Laotian cursed grinding a little more inside his adorably exhausted wife panting heavily as he gripped the pillow on his arms. Laotian snuggles his nose on Daniel's damp neck panting as well as feeling completely sated.

" Ahh! Laotian, you're crazy! " Daniel panted upset now regaining his senses and blushed again remembering how he was so easily swayed by the Alpha. He hated himself for being unable to decline the Alpha's advances and how he loves it when their bodies would stick on each other after their intense activity.

" You were amazing. " Laotian chuckles as he whispered on the back of Daniel's ear and kisses his glistening shoulders affectionately. Daniel's hair and body had now become damp and Laotian love the fact that he was the one responsible for it. Laotian smiles again and brought his palm on Daniel's slightly bulging stomach.

" Seriously, W-We can't do this more than twice a day. I'm your wife, not your stress reliever! " Daniel complained noticing they had been indeed doing it every night and morning now. And Daniel knew it's the time when the Alpha had been frustrated about something at his work. Today, Daniel knew this was about Mo Hanlu and he's the one suffering from it. 

Sex with the Alpha truly felt good, but he can't do it every day! It's just simply impossible for his body to take it when Laotian had too much stamina on him.

" I-I'm sorry. I pushed you too hard. " Laotian silently replied after hearing the Omega's complains, he admits Daniel had been a way for him to relieve his stress. He can't say anything to counter that and he didn't also want to lie because he knew Daniel knew the real answer. 

Daniel hearing Laotians respond as well realize how he sounded, he suddenly felt guilty so he shifted to face the Alpha pouting and leaned forward to give him a smack on his lips.

" I-I mean...I'm happy to help you Laotian but this can't happen too often. Remember, I'm pregnant with twins. " Daniel smiles and kissed again Laotian's lips but this time a little longer as he smiled with indulgence. 

" hmmm...I'm sorry. I won't forbid you from painting anymore as long as you use what is okay for you. Okay? You know I only want what's best for you and the twins. " Laotian cooed encircling his arms around the Omega's fragile body.

" Thank you. I know you can't resist me. " Daniel giggles snuggling closer.

" You know me too well. " 

"hmmm, so about Hanlu? Was he the reason why you're suddenly home so early?" 

" I need time to think things through. " Laotian replied. He doesn't think Veronica Chime was a big deal but he was a careful man and he wants to plan things accordingly. Mo Hanlu wasn't sure if the child was his or not but Laotian had a gut feeling that this situation wasn't just as it seems. Veronica was only an actress that couldn't do anything without the Mo Empire's influence but she was brave enough to go in public and ignore his warnings.

The baby she's carrying turning out as one of the Mos isn't also an option. It just doesn't make sense to Laotian. A person like Veronica would definitely and instantly jump on the opportunity to ride on the Mos coattails the second she would learn she was carrying Hanlu's blood all along.

She wanted to be famous and treated respectively and the thing that could help her do that is to marry into the most influential family in the country, keeping the baby's identity sounded very ridiculous.

Furthermore, according to Tian Zi, there wasn't much information about her when she's a movie star. Based on her career alone, Tian Zi should have been able to gather enough information on who she had been acquainted with for the past years.

Laotian doesn't like to underestimate a possible enemy but Veronica was just an actress but there was nothing on her, just like the spy they caught. They were both too clean, so clean to the point that it's alarming.

" That's very unusual of you. " 

" I'm letting Hanlu take care of this for now. And tomorrow, well be having a family dinner to settle this. " Laotian assured kissing Daniel forehead. He hopes that by tomorrow, this mess would settle immediately. Laotian had no time to settle such petty characters.