Too Difficult to Admit?!

* * *

Ian waved his hand towards Mo Chendong's leaving car. When the vehicle finally left his view, he heaves a huge sigh earning a little chuckle from Henry. Of course, Ian heard it so he faced the man with a frown but after Henry looks back with one of his eyebrows tilted up as if asking the Omega why he was even looking at him, Ian crossed his arms.

"A Neurologist and Paleoanthropologist huh!?" Ian spoke observing the well-groomed man, it's a mystery to him why a person like Henry who graduated with such a degree would accept a job as a butler. 

"Yes and I supposed you're Hanlu's runaway bride!?" Henry fired back. Henry is the same age as Mo Laotian. He used to joggle his time for study and work, which was mostly to accompany Hanlu and Laotian because they were close in age. It was safe to say he was a close friend to the two even though it's been almost 13 years since he last saw them. He had been busy with his studies in the UK and he didn't have time to play around and visit the country.

And when he finally graduated he started working as a neurologist and paleoanthropologist in a pharmaceutical company. His work lies mainly on Omega Pheromones and finding a study to better understand it's nature. And develop a drug that would help Omegas better in controlling their pheromones, better than the suppressant available now.

When he was offered to have this job, Henry took this opportunity to observe an Omega trying to defy the nature of the bond between Alpha and Omega. Coincidentally, he was in the country for three days now for a work trip and vacation when he was offered to be a butler and a doctor. Henry already used to be a butler so it was easy for him. 

Henry didn't want to be nosy but he was curious and amazed to learn that an Omega who had the opportunity to enter the Mo household refused the bond without considering the benefits he would get. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If it was with Mo Laotian, Henry would have understood the refusal but Mo Hanlu!? He just couldn't believe it.

"I'm not his bride." Ian hissed rolling his eyes. He then started walking to where Lan left leaving Henry laughing in amusement. 

Henry came from a family of domestic workers for the Mo household for three generations, people around him respected and admired Henry. Not because he worked for the Mo Family or because he hangs around wealthy kids his age in his younger years but because he himself was a talented and smart kid growing up. His looks also didn't fall behind Mo Laotian and Mo Hanlu, so although he wasn't wealthy, he grew up famous and surrounded by a number of males and females. From Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

When Ian showed no interest even in the slightest, Henry was amused. He now slightly understands why the Omega ran away from Hanlu.

"Okay, you're not. So what's your story!? Why run away from Hanlu when you've bonded?" Henry chatted, he leisurely sat on the couch after asking one of the maids to get young master Lan a change of clothes, a towel, and a robe.

"Can I not answer that!?" Ian replied watching his son with one of the female maids at the side pool. He was hesitating whether to call the little man back in the house or not since it's slightly sunny outside despite already being 2:30 pm. 

"Can I say no!?" Henry taunted playfully, he then stood up when the maid he asked earlier brought what he asked for. He walks towards Ian then handed him the things surprising the Omega.

"Oh! You don't have to get this, I brought his own and it's too hot at this time." Ian said, hesitantly accepting the clothes.

"It's okay, I'll put up the shed," Henry replied. He walks to the side, to the wall where there's a switch, he pressed it and then later on, came out was a shed covering the whole pool area. Lan who saw the whole thing coming out, jumped in excitement as he runs towards his mother.

"Mommy, Mommy! Did you see that!? Granpa's house is so cooool!" Lan said with a bright smile on his face. Ian smiled at his son then replied. "Yeah, it is cool. Do you want to swim!? Uncle Henry brought you a new swimming trunk."

"Can I really, Mommy!?"

"Of course, Baby," Ian replied with a smile.

"Can Mommy swim with me, Pleaseee?" Lan asked again. Ian hesitated remembering that he didn't bring with him a swimming trunk for himself. He didn't really bring that many clothes for himself either, all the things he put in his duffle bag was mostly Lan's. He was planning to buy himself a few pairs of shirts when they settle in a new place. He didn't really expect he would come to a place with a swimming pool with it.

Ian watched Lan's begging eyes, he had no choice but to face Henry and ask for a swimming trunk and a change of clothes for him as well, "Uhmm, D-do you have...!?" He asked but he didn't finish his words when the man chuckled again.

"Of course, we've prepared a whole closet of clothes for you and Young Master Lan. All at your disposal." Henry said with a charming smile. Ian got flustered for a slight second seeing that smile but after Henry's words sunk in, his eyes went wide in disbelief.

"What!? You really didn't need to, the house is already enough." Ian never had someone to buy him clothes. Even Hanlu never buys him anything because the Alpha knew he would just refuse it. Ian grew up working for the things he wanted and needed, things like food, clothes, and house were never given, it should be earned with patience and hard work. That's always been his life rule and he wanted Lan to learn that as well.

"Too late. You should have said that last night." Henry smiled. Ian just dropped his mouth open. Last night!? He didn't even know he was going to live in luxury until the moment he arrived at the Villa. Ian thought he was going to live in seclusion, he needed to be low profile, maybe a small flat or apartment? Most certainly not a two-story Villa on the cliff with a swimming pool.

"Wow, Hanlu must have been really neglecting you! You should've gotten used to these kinds of things by now!? I heard Hanlu's very lavish when it comes to his lovers"

"Well sorry if I'm not, I don't let him buy me things," Ian replied, he felt a little uncomfortable with the topic so he busied himself with Lan as he changes the little boy's clothes. Henry noticed how Ian was uncomfortable with the topic so he understood enough not to further ask questions. After all, the reason why the Omega was running away was to forget Hanlu so it doesn't really help if he keeps asking.

"Would you like to tour the Villa before trying out the pool!? Just so you won't get shocked again, rest assured Young Master Lan will be safe with his baby sitter." Henry offered, Ian thought for a while before he faced Lan.

"Baby, mommy will just have to tour around the house and get some change of clothes and then mommy will come and join you in the pool. Is that okay?" Ian said to the little boy, Lan didn't complain and nodded okay. As long as his mother told him he was going to join him later, he was already satisfied.

"Thanks, baby. Please listen to older sister for now okay? Mommy will come right back before you know it." Ian said again which Lan nodded obediently. Before Ian and Henry left for the house tour, he watched first Lan get into the water excitedly before he smiled and followed his guide.

At this moment, Hanlu arrived at his own mansion and he immediately succumbs to his liquor. He drowns his feeling of betrayal with the bitter taste of the liquid as he visualizes Ian on his mind. He kept wondering why the Omega chose to leave him!? Hadn't they already cleared to each other, hadn't they promise to be together? That they will each belong to each other!? Or that whole time, Ian didn't believe him? Maybe that was truly the case, he didn't even bat an eye before deciding he would run away and let him marry off to a devious woman.

Hanlu remembers that day he made love with Ian like it was just yesterday. His soft and lean body against Hanlu's bigger built as Ian begged for him to stop pounding into him. His cries of pleasure and sweet intoxicating scent, made Hanlu crave for more. And when he finally came inside him, coating Ian's inside with all his passion, Hanlu smiles how would the Omega grip on with satisfaction. It was the best in the world.

Hanlu never felt so happy, genuinely happy his whole life. That day he was complete. But alas, he is now heartbroken. So many things drew him away from Ian. He tried to change. He did change but it seems like fate doesn't permit and forced both of them away.

Truthfully, Hanlu wanted to go and find them now. He didn't want to stay in his house drinking his sorrows away. He could find Ian and Lan, even if he had to search the whole country rigorously to find them. Hanlu was willing to do it but at the same time, he feared for their safety as well.

Their enemy had known Ian and Lan's existence before Hanlu could even discover he had a son. Hanlu knew for sure it was better for his lover to hide for now. He was battling himself, it felt right to keep them safe but wrong at the same time. He really had a bad feeling.

Hanlu gulps the bittersweet liquor from its bottle down to his throat, and when he pulled the glass material away from his lips he abruptly fished out his mobile phone from his pocket. Hanlu gulps down again before he stared at the device for good long minutes.

He would attempt to dial something on the device but then groans frustratingly dropping the mobile down the counter. If he did finds Ian, what would he say? Would the Omega even want to listen to him? Would Ian want to see him!? Suddenly, Hanlu started getting afraid. He knew it would be somehow too late if he waits for his older brother to find their enemy. Hanlu felt it in his soul that it would be too late by then.

And knowing this made him uneasy, frustrated, impatient, and angry. He was getting mad. By this sudden lost he realized he truly needed the Omega in his life. He never admitted it but perhaps he fell for the Omega. Because why else would he feel this way if that wasn't the case. He already admits he can't live without Ian, he accepts that even with so many partners, more beautiful and outstanding than the Orphan Omega he would still seek for his warmth. He would still crave for him.

Maybe he felt this long before but was stubborn to admit. He was young, full of pride. He was selfish and conceited. He felt like he didn't need someone just like his older brother but alas when Ian left him for the first time he felt hurt, betrayed. He couldn't accept he felt this way towards an Orphaned Omega who he happens to sleep with one day. He thought it was his pride. And then when Ian came back, it was that same pride that prevented him to realize how happy he was.

Hanlu rubbed his face on his palms, regret clouded his mind. He shouldn't have made the same mistake. He already did it twice. He hurt Ian and so this was his punishment. It was painful, unbearable. It's like his very soul was torn apart.

Was admitting he loved someone that hard!? Why was he so stupid!? Would admitting kill him!? Why was he so stupid to realize it now? Now that Ian left him again!?

* * *

To be Continued...