* * *

"Let him go!" Hanlu roared as soon as he detected Henry's palms on his lover. Henry was in the middle of wiping off the sweat on Ian's body when someone suddenly barged in with so much force. 

Seeing the Alpha's aggressive behavior, Henry obediently laid Ian's arms and draped his blanket over his unconscious body before he faced Hanlu.

"It took you longer than I thought. I was starting to believe you really liked that woman," Henry taunted walking away from the unconscious Omega. He knew for sure Hanlu was in his Alpha stance. Even though he is an Alpha himself, Mo Hanlu was different. He didn't want anything to do with an angry Mo Hanlu. He grew up with Hanlu and so he knew the Alpha was not someone to mess with especially when he is angry.

Putting down Lan, Hanlu quickly rushed towards the wheezing Ian but not before growling at his friend. His stance clearly stated that Ian Andrews was his and that Henry should not put his hands on his possession. 

Henry got the message, he sighs and then turns to Lan before lifting him to his arm.

"His body had acknowledged that its host is trying to sever the bond. He's trying to fight off his Omega instincts. I hope you don't overdo it." Henry warned Hanlu who was embracing Ian while burying his face against his bare neck before he left the room, convincing Lan that his teacher will soon arrive for his daily lessons.

Lan wanted to stay with his mommy and daddy but he also understands that his lessons were important. He didn't want to upset his mother when he woke up and found out that he skipped class so, in the end, he nodded feeling dejected.

"Don't worry. Today, Uncle Henry will do anything Young Master Lan will ask to cheer you up. So, don't worry about Mommy and Daddy okay? Daddy is taking care of Mommy so the next time you see them, both of them will be back to normal. Okay?" Henry bribed and assured, Lan pouted but nodded in the end. And as if on cue, his teacher arrived with her things. Henry puts him down. He rubbed the little boy's hair before letting him go with his teacher to the study room.

Meanwhile, Hanlu remained hugging Ian's smaller body. He only removed himself from his lover when he felt Ian's temperature going higher and higher. He then softly took the cloth Henry used to wipe his body earlier and he dumped it in a basin with water and soon pressed it against Ian's burning forehead.

"Hmmm," Groaning at the sudden cold contact, Ian suddenly opened his eyes. He was in daze when he smelled the familiar scent he had been craving for a week now. He so wanted to throw his arms on that familiar scent. The scent he wanted to forget but at the same time didn't want to.

"Luu," Ian mumbled gasping for air. The blurry image of Hanlu suddenly brought tears to his eyes. He didn't know if he was just hallucinating Hanlu beside him but he can't help but cry.

"Yes. Yes baby, I'm here." Hanlu confirmed holding Ian's palms in worry. Suddenly, Ian wrapped his arms around Hanlu bawling. 

"It hurts. It hurts so much, Luu. P-Please, make it go away." Ian begged, sobbing against his lover's neck. Each day that his body was away from Hanlu, he would start to ache. He couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to throw his arms to Hanlu more than anything else now.

"Yes. Yes. W-where does it hurt? What do you want me to do?" Hanlu worriedly hugged Ian caressing his bare back as he panicked. He anxiously scanned Ian's body but hopeless to find no injury. Tears still dripping out from his eyes, Ian drew away from Hanlu and hazily stared at Hanlu before mournfully held the Alpha's cheeks.

"Why? W-Why do you hurt me so much?" Ian cried more, softly caressing Hanlu's cheeks. Hanlu, as soon as he heard what the Omega said, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He watched how Ian's lips trembled as he cried painfully. Hanlu opened his mouth but soon closed it, unable to say anything. He was the cause of all of Ian's pain. He had no excuse.

"Why do you hurt me so much?!" Ian mumbled, grief evident in his words that it left Hanlu unable to retaliate. "A-and yet, why do I only feel happiness with you?" Ian mumbled again, this time more sadness showing in his words and actions. As if knowing that Hanlu was the only person that can make him happy made it more painful for him.

"I-I'm sorry." Hanlu breathes hugging Ian. "Please, give me one more chance. I was a jerk. I didn't realize how I felt. I didn't know my own feelings and I let my pride take over me. I didn't know I was hurting you. I didn't know I was hurting the one I love. Ian, please forgive me. I would do anything for you to forgive me." Hanlu confessed and begged.

Shaking his head, Ian cried even more. "No! No! I'll definitely not forgive you. I'll definitely not forgive you if you leave another baby again." Ian gasped pushing Hanlu away. He loved Hanlu but he will never let him make an innocent baby experience what he and Lan had to experience. Growing up without a real father to call, he will definitely not accept it. 

It was Ian's fault that Lan had to grow up without knowing his father and so he didn't want to make the same mistake. Veronica's baby was Hanlu's. He will not rob the baby's right to have a complete and happy family. He can never accept himself if he does it again.

"No! Listen to me. My only son is Lan. No one else. Please believe me." Hanlu begged, holding Ian's weakened shoulders. But as if not hearing his words, Ian shakes his head again. He believes Hanlu was just trying to dodge his responsibility like he always does.

"Y-You can't just say that because you want to, Luu. I hate irresponsible men. Please take your responsibility as a father seriously." Ian stated disappointment in his tune. His body later falls back to the mattress feeling dizzy. His head felt very heavy and he didn't know if what's happening now was reality or a dream. But he guessed he was just dreaming.

Hanlu would never have found them, Mo Chendong assured him that Hanlu can't find them so he must be dreaming now.

"You have to marry her and make her happy. Please." Ian begged, gripping onto Hanlu's arm. His eyes were closed as he heaved for air. He continued to mumble his words while he puffs warm air from his mouth and nasal because of his high fever.

"NO! I will not marry anyone but you. I will not marry that whore." Hanlu roared in displeasure. He didn't like that Ian was pushing him to someone else. Ian didn't respond to Hanlu's outburst but instead, he forced open his eyes. His lashes were still damp from his tears and sight remained blurry. He stared at Hanlu for seconds before he shifted his sight to the side avoiding Hanlu's image.

"I-I...H-Henry and I..." Ian started but he didn't finish his words when Hanlu flared up and harshly pulled Ian up to face his furious expression.

"YOU'RE MINE!!!" Hanlu growled. He remembered the shadows he saw last night and he was seeing pitch black out pure malice. He will never accept anyone who touches Ian. He will kill them all! Even if it's Henry. He will kill him!

"NO! Let go! It hurts. Luu, you're hurting me. Stop!"

"Tell me! Did the two of you do it? Last night! Is that it? Ha!!" Hanlu snarled, his mind remained clouded with the kissing shadows last night. Ian struggled from the bruising grip but he could not free himself. He wondered, is this still a dream? The pain was so realistic.

"Let go! What's it to you if I slept with him? He's so much nicer than you." Ian replied, still trying to free himself. Hanlu on the other hand, the moment he heard Ian. Something in his mind suddenly snapped. Blood rushed to his head before he forcefully held Ian to his neck and pushed him to the mattress towering over him. 

The second Hanlu released Ian's neck, Ian cough aggressively as he started crying again.

"YOU'RE MINE!!!" Hanlu shouted and quickly ripped the remaining clothes on Ian's body along with his underwear. He then spread Ian's thighs and soon brought his mouth to his wet cavern.

"NO!!! STOP!!!" Ian screamed in horror, pulling onto Hanlu's hair but soon his eyes rolled up feeling weak feeling Hanlu's hot and forceful tongue slide against his crease. "Ahhh S-stop!" Ian cried moaning, squeezing onto Hanlu's hair. His mind was going crazy. Is he still dreaming about this? Ian thought.

"This is all mine," Hanlu claimed and bites on the soft flesh on Ian's inner left thigh. Ian screamed at the pain, he cried harder begging Hanlu to stop.

"I will not stop until I make you understand that you are mine. I'll erase that bastard's traces and I will mark you over and over again." Hanlu roared. Ian once again begged but again, it was hopeless. Sheets crumpling beneath them. Ian soon finds himself helpless as Hanlu slowly marks his body. It didn't last long until he felt the pleasure it brings despite knowing all of this was wrong.

First of all, why was he dreaming about something like this? And why did it feel good? Why does it feel like it was really Hanlu that was on top of him? Is he really just dreaming or is it happening in real life?

"Begging me to stop even though you clearly want me," Hanlu stated, three of his fingers inside Ian.

"N-No I d-don't." Ian stuttered between his moans. His back arch backward when Hanlu's fingers rubbed against his sweet spot. "AHH! N-Not there!" Ian begged palming on the sheets. His mind already felt light but now it felt like he was floating. He couldn't think straight anymore. His torture only stopped for a second when Hanlu finally pulled his fingers out but then replaced it with something bigger, and harder.

"AHH! N-No!!" eyes rolling up. He felt Hanlu's grip on his thighs and pushing it all the way to his shoulders. A helpless gasped once again erupted from his lips when he felt the foreign object rested at the deepest corner of his body.  

"All of you are mine," Hanlu whispered before claiming Ian's moisten lips. It didn't take long when he started thrusting his hips roughly earning loud moans from Ian's freed lips. With both his legs and hands held immobile, Ian was left to receive both pain and pleasure. He managed to stay awake for the next ten minutes until he felt himself coming.

Hanlu noticed this and kept his thrusts steady. He himself is close to his release. He no longer needs to keep Ian immobile. With both their bodies glistening with sweat, Hanlu gripped onto Ian's waist and thrust harder in pure desire before at last both of them came together.

Ian splurts all his semen on top of his bare stomach and Hanlu deep inside his lover's sweetest part. He watched himself still buried inside Ian continually releasing all his seeds before he fell on top of him for an embrace.

"You're mine." He whispered again before claiming Ian's lips. Ian no longer rejected him as both of them drown themselves in their kiss like they always do, sweet, gentle and loving. It both soothes their souls. The earlier displeasure momentarily forgotten.

However, the second they separated, Ian started crying again. Even though it was just a dream, he could not believe he did it with Hanlu when he promised he would finally move on. It felt extremely realistic that he's now already regretting.

"Shhh, Please don't cry. Please." Hanlu begged in panic. He was still angry that Ian let Henry touch him but does not mean he will not forgive him. He just needs to get rid of Henry and all his anger will disappear.

"Please. I love you. Believe me please Ian." Hanlu mumbled hugging the Omega, nuzzling his neck. Now that everything sinks in, he finally remembered what he should have said from the very beginning. None of this would have happened if he just told Ian that he loved him.