Playing her Own Game

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Veronica stared at the man in shock, she unconsciously held her stomach in horror before she mumbled a name, "E-Ethan?!" Veronica mumbled and even slightly trembled but as soon as she uttered the word, she quickly covered her mouth hoping none of the two heard what she just said. Unfortunately, it was too late. Both Remi and Jonathan heard her clearly.

"Oh, This Ethan? Do I really look like him?" The man asked with a thick European accent chuckling as he looked at Veronica. Veronica awkwardly smiled at the man before she said slightly.

"Hmm, Remi called me Ethan too when we first met." The man said before he walked towards Remi on the bed. He quickly bends down to her and catches her lips for a good few seconds before he lets go. Veronica saw all of this and she even feels more awkward just standing there looking at the two.

"Seriously, stop," Remi whined blushing and actually pushed the man and covered her mouth in shock. She was not expecting that kiss to happen. They've already talked about this before they even started this act.

"Still shy as ever, I see," Jonathan said and pinched Remi's nose before he turned around again to face Veronica.

"So, this is the famous Veronica Chime? Hmm, I see why a man like Mo Hanlu would want to marry you." Jonathan commented sitting beside Remi who still couldn't believe she just kissed this man in front of Veronica.

"But this Ethan? Is he as handsome as me? I'm sure he's not right?" Jonathan laughed. Remi and Veronica just listened and didn't even reply.

Indeed, compared to Ethan Morris, Jonathan Wood was more proper. He had class surrounding him even though he just walked into the room for a minute now. Even as he sat on the chair next to Remi's bed, Veronica couldn't deny he had the noble air around him. Something not easy to attain unless you're born with it.

Clearly this man was not Ethan Morris, because Ethan Morris was dead.

Additionally, this man slightly looked different than Ethan because he had finer jawline and slightly thicker eyebrows. Although with the same height, Jonathan was also bigger in body built. Even more so, he had that authentic European accent compared with Ethan who was thinner and had that pure English accent.

"Yeah, Yeah. You're handsome. Anyway, Vicky. I'm very sorry. This is Jonathan Wood and as you can see, he's currently my boyfriend. He looks very similar to Ethan even though I was fooled once. But he's very nice so I know you two will get along. I hope with this, you won't get worried anymore." Remi said, forcing a smile on her lips while introducing Jonathan.

And just as expected Veronica suddenly went pale remembering Ethan Morris, she held onto her stomach again before she quickly excused herself.

"Uhmm, Can you excuse me for a minute?" She said and went to the toilet room locking herself. As soon as Veronica left, Remi then glanced at Jonathan and threw the pillow next to her.

"We clearly had an agreement that's strictly no kissing," Remi growled silently so Veronica won't be able to hear her talking. Even though this man looked exactly like Ethan, that doesn't mean she would easily fall for him.

Jonathan was the man Mo Tian Zi arranged to be her bodyguard. However, in order to be low profile, they decided to act as a couple. And since they needed a reason why she had gone missing, they plotted a story and yesterday, she had been in this room waiting for the right moment.

It was risky but it's also a way of reminding Veronica of what she did to Ethan. This was all Mo Tian Zi's plot. Since Veronica likes to act so much, he was planning to beat Veronica in her own game. It amazed Remi how Mo Tian Zi thought things through and even more surprised when the young man managed to find someone so similar to Ethan Morris.

Remi was not an actress but she had a talent for it, she tried auditioning and was able to pass. But in the end, she couldn't get the role because she was doing it behind Veronica. Her schedule was very hectic because she was still managing Veronica and then sneaking into the tapings. So when she kept getting late, the director decided to change the actress.

Her role then was one of the antagonist's allies and she had to appear on screen many times even though she didn't have that many lines but Remi was happy with it. However, when the director outcasts her, she had no choice. She knew Vicky would get mad at her by doing something like that behind her back and so ever since she didn't audition again.

But now, Remi had a chance. Even though this was not a movie, one of her dreams will come true. She'll be able to act, and her reward was a job that will secure her future if she manages to fool Veronica.

The only problem now was that this man's personality, he had no sense of personal space, he does whatever he wants like a spoiled young master who was finally able to go in the outside world. Remi also doubted he would just easily listen to Mo Tian Zi even though he was the one who hired him for this job.

"I know but won't it be more realistic this way? Besides, it's not like it's your first time right?" Jonathan leisurely replied crossing his legs but as soon as he witnessed how Remi reacted, his mouth suddenly went wide in disbelief.

"Wait. Don't tell me it really was?" Jonathan guessed making Remi blushed even more.

"Seriously? But you're already 31." Jonathan said in disbelief while still keeping his voice low but when Remi heard him say 31, she threw him another pillow which he swiftly caught.

"I'm only 29, not 31. And so what if that was my first time. I was saving it for my future partner." Remi replied fuming in a hushed tone. If not for the fake cascade on her leg, she would have kicked this man in his balls.

"Baby, you're basically a sage now. Staying virgin at 30 sounds too lonely. Do you want me to make you happy? I was told that I'm very good at it. Even if you're 8 years older, I don't mind doing it with you. It would be a whole new experience for me." Jonathan said playfully with his sexy accent getting more interested in Remi. He even thought he was glad he took this job, even if it was slightly complicated on his side.

"W-Who told you that I'm a v-vir..." Remi didn't finish her sentence as she stuttered feeling like her head will explode any moment now. Never in her wildest dream did she dreamed of the day that she would be teased because of this.

"Oh please, that was your first kiss. It's safe to say you haven't had experience at all." Jonathan laughs teasingly that it caused Remi to blush even harder. Right now, she really wished this would end quickly and so she could start working already for Mo Tian Zi who offered her a job in the company he was planning to build if her performance was good.

Remi wishes that the company will soon be built since she believed it will be difficult for her to find a professional job now knowing that she's already nearing 30 and still didn't have the proper experience.

"Ahw, my girlfriend is so lovely. You want me to comfort you tonight?" Jonathan teased again seeing Remi's innocent reaction. And on cue, Veronica came out of the toilet room, she briefly looked at the two with a frown before she finally walked.

"I think I should go now. I am also not feeling well so I think I should just rest at home. I'll just visit you some other time." Veronica excused looking pale while holding her stomach. Hearing Veronica, Remi's expression turned worried.

"Are you okay? Is the baby fine?" She quickly asked. Veronica waved her hand and nodded that she's fine and the baby was fine. In the end, Remi could do nothing as Veronica left. Remi then finally sighs a relief that she's finally gone and somehow also feeling upset that in the end, Veronica didn't even ask if she was okay or even wished for her quick recovery. Even though she was only faking it.

Just by this, Remi concluded that all those years. She was the one treating Veronica as a friend. It broke her heart but she needed to accept.

"I like her face." Jonathan suddenly commented touching his chin. There was no doubt Veronica was a beautiful woman.

"Yeah, I know she's pretty," Remi replied, rolling her eyes, not wanting to go on with this topic since she already knew it way back. Remi then quickly busied herself with the movie and her fruit again but as she was doing so, what Jonathan later added somehow made her feel happy.

"Hmm, but you're prettier. Inside and out." He said with a charming smile causing Remi to blush again. She knew Jonathan was teasing her again but it's the first time someone called her pretty, even if it's a lie. It made her happy. Remi didn't reply and pretended that she didn't hear.

It didn't affect Jonathan and instead, a huge smile appeared on his lips seeing Remi's cheeks and ears had turned red even though she was acting like she didn't hear him.

"Oh, by the way, I've already arranged a place for both of us to stay. I've also already arranged for someone to pack your necessities. If anything is missing then we can just buy a new one."

"Wait! What? Living together was not in our agreement. Why are you deciding this on your own? Don't you have to call Mo Tian Zi first for this?" Remi asked, stunned. She was never planning to live with someone she just met 5 days ago. She was a single woman and for her, it felt wrong to live with a man she was not in a relationship with.

"Don't worry about Tian Zi, he'll definitely agree with this arrangement. Besides, how can I protect you when I'm not with you 24/7. If we live separately, someone might suddenly assassinate you while I'm not there like during your sleep. Additionally, everything in your place is so small. I can hardly move there without knocking down something, very unsuitable when trying to escape. Which adds another point, your place doesn't have an escape route. It would be difficult if the enemy tries to ambush us, so finding a new place is a must."

Jonathan explained and everything he said made sense causing Remi unable to retaliate. Remi stared at Jonathan first, thinking what this man was really planning. For the past 5 days since she met Jonathan Wood, the man tends to have immoral behavior. The more Remi looked at the Young Alpha, the more she thought she'd be more in danger with him than not.

"If you touch me. Swear I'll kill you myself." Remi warned which earned a little laugh from Jonathan.

"Baby, I won't touch you unless you say so."

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Meanwhile, wanting to get ready for the later art gallery display in the afternoon. Daniel slowly climbed the stairs supporting his bulging belly. It had just been 10 days since he discovered that he was 3 months pregnant with twins, his stomach wasn't as big then but now, suddenly Daniel's stomach had gained size three times as he did from the last 10 days.

His stomach was just three months long but he could barely see his toes now with the size of his stomach. Continuing to climb the stairs, he didn't realize when Laotian quickly caught up to him until he held his back.

"I told you not to climb the stairs without assistance. What if something happens to you?" Laotian lectured and supported Daniel.

"Sorry Laotian, you were busy with the phone so I thought not to disturb you. Anyways, it's just climbing stairs, I was very careful." Daniel explained and persuaded. Laotian, however, was not convinced. Even if he was very careful, there are chances that Daniel would slip. Looking at Daniel worriedly, Laotian sighs at how stubborn Daniel had become recently.

"I'm sorry. Did I worry you that much?" Daniel asked, his expression was feeling sorry.

"Just don't do it again," Laotian replied tenderly, unable to stay upset with his beloved. All he could do was to take precautions, he was already thinking he should just move their room downstairs temporarily so Daniel won't have to climb the stairs whenever he needed something to do in their room.

"Hmmm, I'm sorry. I promise,"