Mo Laotian, Cheating (2)

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Glaring at Laotian with his tears still streaming down nonstop, he charged up at the Alpha weakly punching him on his shoulders again. And of course, Luangmin also did the same still crying as well. "Stupid! I know that already! Just tell me that you're cheating! Who was it!?" Daniel continued to burst. On Laotian's mind, he wondered how Daniel could still look so cute and adorable even when he's crying.

"Honey, I'm telling the truth. I'm not a good man," Laotian tried to reason but from the way it looks, his wife wouldn't even want to accept his answer.

"*sobs* Nobody said you're a good man, *sobs* you cheater!" Daniel yelled. Listening to Daniel's accusation, Laotian finally snapped, he heaved a frustrated sigh and soon caught the Omega's arms. Without saying anything, he brought his face close to Daniel and claimed his lips swallowing all his sobs. Daniel struggled a bit but as soon as their tongue moved in a dancing manner, he stopped. Slowly, Laotian pushed Daniel into the hospital bed before he gently let go of his beloved's arms.

Meanwhile, crying even harder, Luangmin attempted to jump on his father's back and continued his soft punches. Laotian, on the other hand, ignored Luangmin's assault as his palms soon slipped inside his wife's hospital gown and unto his protruding belly.

Knowing that Daniel had stopped resisting, they finally separated with a gasped. Laotian massaged Daniel's stomach, "Have you calmed down?" He asked lovingly.

". . ."

"I did not cheat on you, I would never do that to you or to our children," Laotian assured before kissing Daniel again who had now completely stopped crying. When they separated again, Laotian sat back. He carefully held Luangmin so the little man would not fall. There was silence between them at first as Laotian lulled Luangmin calm.

". . ." Daniel didn't say anything, he looked at Laotian still with an accusing glare.

"You really didn't cheat?" After long minutes of silence, both Daniel and Luangmin had calmed down finally. Luangmin had cried so much that after his parents managed to stop him from crying he fell asleep holding onto Daniel's hospital gown.

"I didn't. That I can assure you," Laotian said and hugged Daniel. After their hug they soon started kissing again but it didn't last long when someone at the door came knocking. Daniel and Laotian soon separated, and later the nurse and doctor came in with a smile.

However, when the doctor saw his patient flushed face, obviously from crying, he reluctantly approached the two. "My Apologies, did we come at the wrong time?" The doctor asked. "If we were, then we shall come back later," he added.

"No, it's okay. How was my wife's result today?" Laotian asked standing up. Daniel on the contrary, blushed knowing that they were almost caught. But on second thought it was a good thing that they were interrupted, if they weren't, they would have done something they shouldn't.

"Oh, it's quite good news. We saw improvements in his condition. If this continues for 2-3 days, Mr. Daniel can be released from the hospital. He still can't do what I've initially listed but he can walk around compared to just lying in bed." The doctor said surprising both Daniel and Laotian. It was just two days ago that the doctor said they saw no improvement but now he can go back home after 2-3 days.

"Is that true, doctor?" Daniel asked excitedly. Laotian was quite happy as well that he brought his palms on top of his wife's head. Feeling this, Daniel lifted his head to look at Laotian. Laotian also glanced at Daniel and they both looked at each other's eyes affectionately as if telling they loved each other so much.

"Yes, just continue what you have been doing and soon you can be released from here," The doctor said happily, if Daniel and Laotian were happy to know this good news. The doctor and the upper management were even happier to know this news. It had been more than a week since Daniel Sullen Mo had been admitted to their facility and seeing no result for staying in treatment for 7 days, they could almost feel the threatening glares Mo Laotian was giving them. It's as if the Alpha was saying, 'Do you even call this a hospital? You can't even cure my wife? If there's still no improvement on Daniel, I will close down this worthless hospital'.

"Did you hear that Laotian? I can get out of here soon!" Daniel beamed. Laotian only nodded but relief was visible on his expression.

"Doctor, if I continue to improve in 2-3 days' time, can I be allowed to paint?" Daniel asked excitedly. The doctor thought for a quick second and smiled.

"Yes of course, but please use safe materials. You can't be allowed to be stressed out. Rest is still very important so please know your limitations," The doctor said that Daniel proudly looked at his husband again. Seeing such hopeful looks on Daniel's hazel orbs, Laotian only sighs.

"Hmmm, but you still can���t travel."

"I know. I can just paint while in the house. *giggles* Mr. Bronson and I don't have to see each other if you're worried about the collaboration thing," Daniel said and giggled. It was true that he didn't have to go and see Joshua Bronson to plan out the collaboration and he was sure the Alpha would understand his situation.

"Okay," Laotian replied, pleased at this fact. Aside from that he didn't like the man, he also had to be vigilant on the people that Daniel would be meeting or converse with. For example, that friend Daniel had talked about who gave him the invitation for the gallery, he found out days ago that he was easily manipulated by Susan Sullen. It was all planned out so that she could easily conflict harm on Daniel. Not to mention that woman wearing red that he saw at the gallery and that man who came to talk to Daniel who was now the face behind all this mystery.

Laotian may just be acting paranoid but it was better to be overly on guard than not do anything at all to keep Daniel and their family safe from any dangers.

"I will just have a quick check on Mr. Daniel and he will be good for the rest of the day," Looking at the two loving couple and their son sleeping on the bed, the doctor felt like he should leave quickly and give the two some privacy. Nodding at the doctor, Daniel went through a series of physical checkups, he was asked a few questions and after 20 minutes they were done.

The nurse and the doctor left and now Laotian, Daniel and Luangmin were the only ones left in the room like what usually happens. For the past week, Laotian had been really taking care of Daniel and although it sounded like Daniel was recovering slowly, in fact Daniel was recovering quite faster than most pregnant women and Omegas with the same condition.

"Laotian, you haven't eaten your lunch," Daniel asked with his still reddish eyes, nose and cheeks because of the crying earlier. "I-I'm sorry about earlier, don't get mad at me, okay? I do really trust you, I-I just---" Daniel tried to explain timidly playing with his fingers above his protruding stomach that Laotian quickly interrupted him. Daniel didn't do anything wrong. It was him saying something so alarming not considering Daniel's current state of mind.

"No need to explain, I'm not mad at all. It was my bad to say something like that, but know that you are not ugly. I would jump on you anytime if I'm able to," Laotian cooed and took the paper bag that had his lunch and Daniel's dessert he bought before going back from work.

"Really? You would?" Daniel asked, surprised and happy at the same time.

*chuckles* "Of course,"

"T-Then let's do it. I don't mind." Daniel suddenly suggested reaching on the Alpha's clothes, "Y-You don't have to put it in," Daniel added, making Laotian flabbergasted. His mind quickly went wild but before he could reach a helpless state, he managed to stop himself from thinking something he shouldn't at this moment.

"Please don't say something you don't fully understand," Laotian said, his voice almost a whisper causing Daniel to pout. This kind of seducing is really effective to him, if Daniel continues, his balls will surely turn purple.

"B-but Laotian, I can jerk you off with my hands o-or use my mouth. You can also use my thighs; I've read about that online, people do that too. Just tell me if you want to okay? I'll be fine. I just want to make you happy." Daniel said desperately. Even though Laotian wasn't cheating on him, he wanted to do at least this for himself to feel at ease as well.

"Shhh, Please…I'm trying to resist," covering Daniel's mouth, he looked at Daniel with a defeated expression as he tried to resist. "Doing something like that will not make me happy knowing our situation. I'm being patient so please stop giving me ideas and make it more difficult for me, or else my balls will turn purple," Laotian said at the end putting the paper bag back on the side table with a frustrated sigh.

Disappointed at the rejection, Daniel went silent. He then looked at his husband's face again with his innocent bunny eyes, "Okay, but if you want to. Just ask me, Okay?" Daniel still insisted before drawing his face close to the Alpha, kissing those thin lips and drawing away with a smile.

Meanwhile, Laotian tried his very best not to fall into temptation. Later, he'll definitely end up using his hands again.

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Later that night, as Daniel had fallen asleep with Luangmin. Laotian halted from working on some of his company files, especially that one related to Botswana's Diamond manufacturing. The Republic of Botswana was soon going to have an election for the next president of the country in 5 months' time, depending on whether the man he was supporting was going to be the president or not, mining that newfound area will be delayed. They cannot proceed without proper documents.

However, to get that approval, Laotian will have to personally go to Africa and work on the process himself since he was the figure of the Mo Empire. Getting proper certification for mining Diamonds is not an easy task but Laotian didn't have a problem with it, the only problem was that in 5 months, Daniel will be on labor. He can't go missing.

Putting his computer and files aside, he briefly caressed Daniel's hair. Slowly his lips curve into a smile before he finally decides to get off of the bed but not before leaning down to kiss the Omega's stomach. Laotian then glanced at his son who was also sleeping peacefully at the side of Daniel, he walked towards Luangmin and soon slowly lifted him into his arms making sure the two-year-old would not wake up.

Laotian then headed to Luangmin's crib at the far corner near the couch and put him there without a problem as he didn't wake up. Laotian briefly watched Luangmin and when his eyes removed from his son's little figure to a certain area. His eyes had become so sharp it could pierce someone with just one look.

The one he was looking at was the annoying colorful pigment of daisies at the small dining table. Walking towards where his mobile phone was, Laotian pressed a key that connected to his most trusted man among his team. It didn't last more than 10 seconds when he hung up and then moments later, Aldrin and another two men from his elite members of the Mo Empire secret association walked inside with the same bouquet of flowers and basket of fruits.

Aldrin only nodded to his boss briefly before he ordered the two men to exchange the one they brought to the ones on the table. "Well get back to you sir, as soon as possible after we further investigate it," Aldrin said. Laotian only nodded in approval before he watched the man left as if he wasn't just there moments ago.

Finally relieved, Laotian returned to the bed with Daniel.