When is the Second Wedding?

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"Are you ready?" Hanlu asked, holding Ian's hands. They're outside of Daniel's hospital room, they didn't go inside yet because Hanlu knew Ian was feeling nervous.

Although the Omega had met the whole family and even captured all their hearts, somehow he was still feeling nervous because the moment he walks inside, it will be the moment when he's finally acknowledged as Mo Hanlu's wife. A full-fledged member of the most prestigious household in the country, an orphan and a commoner like him is now a Mo. And at the same time, his dream of having a loving and caring family will finally come true.

"I-I'm really nervous." Ian whispered gripping on a bouquet of white rose. His free hand crawled all the way onto Hanlu's free arm as the Alpha carried their son. Ian never had someone he could call his family before aside from Lan, and now suddenly having such a huge family felt so overwhelming; in a positive way. His heart felt so happy, it's like it's about to burst.

"Don't be. They all love you already." Hanlu assured chuckling. He found it cute that despite Ian's strong and confident nature, he still finds it nerve wracking to meet his family that took his side all this time instead of their actual son.

"Mommy, don't be nervous. Lan and Daddy will be here," Lan seconded which finally eased Ian. He briefly rubbed Lan's hair before he told Hanlu that he was ready. Hanlu nodded, he kissed Ian's forehead lovingly before they entered the room.

The moment the door opened and Hanlu's figure walked inside with Lan on his arms and then Ian following, all eyes were on them; that is, except Tian Zi, Daniel and Laotian because the young Alpha was busy with his mobile device while Daniel and Laotian's position didn't allow viewing the entrance so the newly arrived couple were being blocked by a wall.

It was not until Hanlu and Ian walked past the small hallway that Daniel smiled along with most of the people in the room.

"Oh My Gosh, you��re here!" Daniel exclaimed, he wanted to get off of the bed and hug the two but couldn't so he just sat up and welcomed the two with a happy face. Meanwhile, Laura Mo beat Daniel to it and approached Ian with teary eyes. She quickly pulled Ian into a welcoming hug.

"Thank God you're okay, Darling. I'm so sorry about what just happened, about Veronica and all and I'm so glad you gave this son of mine another chance." Laura said, squeezing Ian in a hug which made Ian chuckle.

"You don't have anything you should be apologizing for Madam, this was all on me," Ian said as they separated from the hug. He said this because if he was just brave enough to fight for Mo Hanlu, to fight for his love, none of this would have happened. That whoring Veronica Chime would not have a chance to even ride on the Mos coattails for a whole week.

"Hmmn, no. I refuse to believe this was your fault. This is all Xiao Luu's fault in the first place and oh please Darling, you can start calling me Mom now. We are now family and you are like my child as well." Laura said, making Ian nod. There was a little red pigment on his cheeks as he tried to be more confident at the title of Hanlu's wife.

"Right Mom, I can definitely agree with you on this. This was definitely my fault. Baby, please don't blame yourself, this was not your fault, okay?" Hanlu added by wrapping his free arm around Ian's fit waist. While Laura glared at Hanlu hearing him talk, she was still upset at him because if this son of hers had just behaved like Mo Laotian, none of this would have happened.

"Ohh, my adorable grandson, you've gained so much weight. What were you eating these past few weeks?" Laura exclaimed ignoring Hanlu which Hanlu just let go not complaining like he would do normally. However, a slight pout did appear on his lips before he put down Lan and shifted his attention to Daniel who was having trouble calming Luangmin down as soon as the little kid recognized Hanlu.

Knowing this, he let Lan be taken by his grandma to his grandpa while he walked towards Daniel. "So, I'm having twins huh?" Hanlu commented as he lifted Luangmin into his arms, making the little man so happy. Because it was Mo Hanlu's fault that Daniel was now pregnant after exchanging his birth control pills with regular stamina pills. Although Laotian was the father, Hanlu claiming the twins to be his actually sounded reasonable; well, in some ridiculous way.

"Yeah, it was quite unexpected." Daniel replied with a giggle while his attention was on Ian who came to give him a hug after Laotian took the bouquet of white roses from him. "How are you?" Daniel asked, rubbing Ian's back while they hugged.

"Quite good, turns out we bonded each other. That's the answer to what you said that time, we've only just realized as we started living together." Ian replied. This time a visible blush appeared on his cheeks. Somehow, talking to Daniel who was also an Omega, made him drop his guard. It felt like talking to Daniel, makes him honest about his feelings. Like the kind of feeling you would feel towards a really close friend where you already trusted enough to show all of you; without any filters. Even though Daniel was clearly almost a decade younger than him that did not stop him from feeling this way.

"I'm so happy for you. I'm also so glad it turned out well. I wouldn't know what I would do if Veronica ended up truly marrying into my Mo family. I don't want this warm and loving family to be ruined by her hands." Daniel honestly said causing Ian to laugh. The Mo Family is now one of Daniel's most beloved families, of course he wouldn't want anything or anyone ruins it.

"I apologize for worrying you then." Ian said before his eyes shifted to the younger Omega's protruding belly. "How are you? The twins? I heard about what had happened. I'm sorry we couldn't go right away. I asked Hanlu to come at least but he's stubborn," Ian explained, worried about the news that the Omega fell.

"No, no, that's okay. I would have kicked Hanlu if he came anyway. I would not let him leave you at such a sensitive time. And also, I'm fine. Actually…" Daniel smiled before looking at Laotian who was just standing at his side with his usual monotonic expression. But as Daniel looked at him, despite no single shift on his facial muscles, you could instantly tell that the way he looked at Daniel was way more tender and warm.

"Should we tell everybody now?" Daniel asked. Laotian nodded making Daniel smile sweetly. He then looked at everybody who he didn't realize was already listening to their conversation all along.

"What is it, baby?" Diane asked worriedly.

"No need to worry Mom, actually… Everyone, Laotian and I have good news and this was the second reason we wanted all of you, our family to gather here today. First reason was to welcome a new member of our family, Ian… And to happily announce that my condition is finally improving, if my improvements continue in the next two days, I'll be able to go back home. Which Laotian and I are planning to hold a simple celebration, just a simple dinner with us and a few friends." Daniel announced, causing everyone to be so happy.

Diane was the first one to stand to give Daniel a hug seconded by his father, Armand. George also came to hug Daniel while the rest congratulated him and Laotian for this wonderful announcement.

"Thank you everyone for continuously praying for me and our twins, especially Mom and Mother for bringing me the most delicious and healthiest meals every day. This effort doesn't just come from me but also comes from all of you who encouraged me to heal quickly."

"Oh Darling, you are welcome any time, you are precious to us so this is only natural." Laura said with a loving and tender smile. She was happy that Diane and her effort finally paid off. They were so worried that there had not been great improvements since Daniel was admitted so now knowing that he can finally go home in two days, she was extremely happy.

"Still, thank you everyone…" Daniel said again.

"Thank goodness you're finally improving, for a moment I was thinking of talking to the director of the hospital." Elder Sullen commented. He knew how serious Daniel's condition was but hearing no improvement for a week after admission; he was on the verge of calling the director and questioning their doctor skills and the capability of their facility. Of course, he was not the only one who thought of this, Mo Laotian himself was about to do that as well; Laura and Mo Chendong were also thinking the same thing.

*giggles* "My improvement was actually a lot quicker than other patients with the same condition. I'm so sorry I was making you all worried this time, my doctor was actually very capable and he didn't forget to remind us every day of my physical and emotional health."

"Well, now we know that they are good."

"Hmmm…" Daniel hummed agreeing. "So Ian, when did you two get married? I'm surprised you still gave Hanlu another chance, we were all worried you two would truly end up separating," Daniel mentioned happily after hearing the good news from the TV and now looking at a beautifully designed diamond ring on Ian's ring finger.

Daniel noticed this ring earlier on TV but it was quite small and now seeing it in person, Daniel knew it was not a cheap one.

"That's so mean brother-in-law, of course my beloved Ian will forgive me. Even if he didn't I would have kidnapped him and brought him back to me." Hanlu said walking close to Ian while Luangmin was still on his arms.

"I was not being mean, you just seriously messed up. I really thought Veronica was carrying your baby." Daniel defended with a pout.

"Well, love truly made me stupid. I decided to trust Hanlu's words again and now here we are. I'm truly happy with my decision." Ian replied demurely, that pinkish hue continued to stay on his cheeks while looking at the silly Hanlu.

"Darling, I do believe you're planning a second marriage right? I like weddings so maybe one like we held for Daniel and Laotian?" Laura interrupted.

"Ahh, why am I feeling jealous that two of your sons are now married, Chendong?" Elder Sullen interrupted as well, making the three grandsons at the side gulp.

"It had not been long when I was jealous of you my friend and now you are jealous of me. The earth is truly round," Mo Chendong replied with a fruity laugh. More than two years ago, he was so jealous of his friend because he had many grandsons already while his sons were unwilling to marry. Now, two of his sons are married, meaning there will be many children arriving in the family in the near future that his friend is now jealous of.

"Maybe I should make arrangements for my grandsons as well; they're at the right age for marriage. Now that I'm this old, I desire to see as many great grandchildren as I can," Elder Sullen suggested looking at the three young masters of the Sullen family who had been silent all this time, especially the eldest grandson, Joaquinn Sullen, who just turned 28.

"Of course I'll give Ian the grandest wedding in the century… There's no question about that." Hanlu replied puffing to his mother's earlier question. There's no way he was just going to settle for a civil wedding. Ian deserved to be wed in the most beautiful place in the world. If he could, he would marry the Omega multiple times in different locations.

There was no doubt his wedding to Ian is now his most favorite event for Hanlu, purely because the honeymoon comes after that.

"That's good then. You have to make Ian happy from now on…" Laura glared at Hanlu agreeing to her son's reply before looking at Elder Sullen."Gabriel, I can help you with that. I have many friends who have sons and daughters that would be perfect for your grandsons." Laura suggested, since she had been match making Laotian and Hanlu for almost 10 years now, she gathered many friends who were also planning to marry their sons and daughters.

"Hmmm, Okay. Until I go back to Hawaii I have to at least secure one grandson," Elder Sullen agreed. Meanwhile, the three brothers gulped again nervously while Tian Zi looked at them pitifully especially at the middle one who looked surprisingly gentle and feminine. Hanlu and Laotian, on the other hand, remained silent and were so glad they graduated from these ridiculous set ups.