School Activity (1)

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"You mean Young Master Lan?" April asked. She had not seen Lancel Mo in person yet, even though she knew that the little kid might become her future boss.

"Yeah, Ian and Hanlu are away, but Lan has school activity so I wanted to attend it for him. I'm bringing Minmin this time, is that okay with you?" Daniel asked, resuming his previous work. He then quickly asked the maid assisting him to bring another lunch box for one more person, knowing that April was coming.

"Yeah, it's an honor to meet the future heirs of the association," April smiled. Although she knew that Ian Andrews is a famous police enforcer, that didn't make her think that Lancel Mo will not inherit the association, much more so the case for Mo Luangmin.

"Association? You mean the Mo Empire?" Daniel asked, still busy with preparing. He wanted everything to be perfect since he wanted to feed Lan and Luangmin the most delicious lunch during the school activity to replenish their energy, thinking the two might play too much.

"Hah… ahh yeah… the Mo Empire. It's an honor to be able to take care of them at this age," April replied and decided to help Daniel so they could finish quicker.

"So? What work do you usually do for Father? He must have been exploiting you too much because he asked you to babysit an adult person like me," Daniel asked, giggling before they finally finished everything.

"Oh you know, just some fun stuff. I'm more like an on the field kind of employee, so going out like this is part of my job," April replied casually, shrugging her shoulder, making Daniel stare at her in confusion at first but later deciding to buy into it. Maybe she's in sales?

Daniel chuckled. "Okay, I'm glad that you're not being forced to do this. Anyway, I'll just go get my camera then check on Minmin if he's ready and we can go," Daniel said before he quickly left to fetch Luangmin. When he reached his son's room and saw that the nanny already dressed the little boy in a cute and simple casual outfit to match the school event, Daniel smiled and quickly praised his son.

"Minmin, you're so handsome, just like your Daddy," Daniel complimented, nearing his son so he could squeeze his chubby cheeks and mess with his already combed hair.

"Did you already thank Nanny?" Daniel asked, seeing that his son was a little flattered being called handsome since he does know what it means somehow.

"Thwank you, Nanny," Luangmin said shyly while hugging Daniel's legs. The nanny smiled nodding at Luangmin as she found it cute. It was an honor for her to take care of such an adorable and well-behaved child. She wished she could take care of the young master longer.

After that, Daniel, Luangmin, and April were finally ready to go. Of course, not until after April cooed all over Minmin, since this was the first time she had seen him in person. According to her, she had never seen such an adorable child, alive and breathing on Earth and now in front of her.

When she first saw Daniel, it was no secret that she was mesmerized by his beauty, so it was not surprising that his son would look like a fictional doll that's too pretty to even be alive, especially when the father was Mo Laotian. The man was literally a sex god! She grew up looking up to him and Mo Hanlu, so April knew how good looking they are in person as well.

"Awww, can I hold him?" April offered, her eyes turning into stars as she bent her knees to look at Luangmin. Unfortunately, Luangmin quickly hid behind Daniel and shook his head, understanding April's request to hold him.

"It'll be difficult," Daniel laughed, feeling proud at his son's ability to capture everyone's heart. He was well aware that Luangmin is a cute baby already but that doesn't mean he would be less proud every time someone said Luangmin is adorable and handsome. As his mother, he'll always be proud of him.

"Awww, I'll definitely hold him later, you should help me." April insisted and demanded as they now walked towards their service.

"Well, he'll let you carry him if he wants to, but let me tell you a little trick…" Daniel giggled and then leaned a little forward to April to whisper. "He's easily bribed. If you buy him sweets, he'll definitely let you hold him at some point," Daniel said and then laughed again, holding his son's hand until they finally arrived in front of the car.

"That easy? What kind of sweet does he like?" April probed, sounding a little desperate. As someone whose line of work needs her to be in constant danger, April already gave up on having a family of her own. She likes babies, she would also like a family of her own because she's an orphan, but she also likes her job. Honestly, killing gives her satisfaction. She really likes it and she's obsessed with it. Sometimes she is sick in her head, so she couldn't give up what she had now for a family that she might lose again.

"Hmmm, right now would be cheesecakes, I think," Daniel replied, thinking before he looked at Luangmin. "Minmin, this big sister wants to buy you sweets. What do you like to eat?" Daniel asked Luangmin. The little boy quickly looked at April's eyes and seeing her overwhelming desire to carry him somehow made him terrified. However, since he had been offered food, it's a given that he won't be able to decline.

Hiding quickly behind Daniel's legs, Luangmin shyly mumbled something which the two didn't quite catch. "What is it, Baby?" Daniel asked again and rubbed the little boy's hair, offering him comfort. Luangmin was always around him so it was no surprise that he's shy around new people.

"Ice Cweam," Luangmin repeated. Hearing that quickly melted April's heart, making her raise her palms against her chest and squeeze on it as if in pain.

"Then ice cream it is. Big sister will definitely buy you lots, okay? So can you let her hold you?" Daniel smiled at his son proudly. Even though he was shy, he was still able to say what he wanted.

"Okway," Luangmin replied then looked at April again, who was still trying her best to stop herself from squealing and scaring the little guy. Slowly, Luangmin walked to April and then extended his little hand to hold the hem of her clothes.

"Ahw Baby, this big sister swears on her life that she will protect you no matter what happens. You are so adorable, we can't let your genes be a waste. The Earth needs more good looking humans like you." April said, bending her knees so her height would be level with Luangmin's, making Daniel laugh again.

"Okay, enough with that. We have to go now, the program must have started already. We don't want Lan to wait longer," Daniel interrupted. He was absolutely having fun, forgetting that he was depressed earlier when he wasn't able to accept Mo Laotian's call last night.

"Minmin, let big sister take care of you okay? Mommy can't at the moment with your little siblings inside me," Daniel told Luangmin. By now Luangmin already knew this, so it was easy for him to understand compared to before. He does notice his mother having a bigger tummy, so he also finds it difficult to sit on his lap recently.

"Okway Mommy," Luangmin replied obediently, which April found adorable. She ended up squealing like a little mouse before holding the little boy's chubby palms as they went inside the car.

The ride to Lan's school lasted 15 minutes. When they arrived Daniel inhaled a deep breath first before he finally stepped out of the car with April now carrying Luangmin in her arms. This will be his first official public appearance since his pregnancy, but he's still hoping that no one would actually recognize him throughout the program. Lan's school is pretty small, he hasn't transferred into a prestigious academy yet as per Mo Hanlu's request because Ian decided to let the young boy finish the school year here instead of transferring in the middle of the year when it would be such a hassle for the little boy who needed to adjust.

"I'll just call Lan to tell him that we've arrived," Daniel said and then fetched his mobile phone to dial Lan's number that he acquired earlier. They could already see many parents and children playing on the school grounds. There are also teachers but it's difficult to find Lan among the crowd.

Minutes after Daniel's call ended, Lan was running towards them with five girls wearing fairy costumes following him. From the looks of it, he didn't seem like he liked being followed, seeing his cute little frown on his forehead but the five girls still happily followed him. Lan looks like he wasn't in the mood, but as soon as he saw Luangmin, his expression brightened and he ran towards April. At the same time, when Luangmin saw his cousin he quickly squirmed out of April's arms and she dejectedly let him go.

"Sorry we're late," Daniel apologized and rubbed Lan's hair. Looking at his features now, he could see a little of Mo Laotian's looks on his face. Lan is the splitting image of Mo Hanlu and Mo Hanlu is also similar to Laotian, same with Tian Zi. All three brothers inherited their looks from their father, Mo Chendong.

"It's okay, Uncle. We haven't really started yet because we're still waiting for other parents," Lan replied with a smile while grabbing Luangmin.

"Oh that's good. Anyway, this is big sister April, she'll be with us for the rest of the day," Daniel introduces April and of course as someone who adores beautiful and handsome faces, April's eyes sparkled again looking at Lan.

"Damn, such good genes I tell you! This is just too unfair!" April complained even as her eyes were shining looking at Luangmin and Lan together.

"Nice to meet you, big sis April. I'll leave Uncle in your care and I'll take care of Minmin," Lan said. His tone was so mature April was shocked but at the same time very amused and she nodded without hesitation. Meanwhile, Daniel shifted his attention to the five girls giggling at the side looking in Lan and Luangmin's direction.

"They are my classmates, Uncle. I told them not to follow me but they did," Lan said and looked at his female classmates.

"Hi, thanks for taking care of Lan all this time, I hope you continue to take care of him," Daniel said with his most charming smile. Even though the girls were only eight to nine year olds, they squealed excitedly looking at Daniel's beautiful and attractive facial features.

"Y-yeah, we will, big sister," One of the girls replied, the rest copying her, making Daniel smile even though he was called a big sister.

"So where do we wait for the activity? Are you participating in it?" Daniel asked, urging all of them to finally start walking towards the school building. The reason Daniel asked is because Lan just came back to school a few days ago, he can't possibly participate if it's something he had to practice to perform it.

"Yes, I'll be reciting a poem today," Lan replied, holding Luangmin's hand to make sure he's not going anywhere. He knows that the school is filled with things a child would find interesting, like the playground and the children playing on it.

"Oh really? Good thing I've brought my camera," Daniel excitedly replied, glad that he decided to take it with him, thinking earlier that maybe there's a performance and he wanted to record it for Ian and Hanlu to see later. It has better resolution and higher memory compared to his phone, so even if the performance takes hours, he won't worry whether he'll be able to record it all or not.

"Uncle, I'll just tell the teacher that you're here," Reaching the school, Lan excused himself, and when Daniel nodded, he brought Luangmin with him. Moments later his teacher came rushing towards Daniel. She was panting heavily as if she ran five kilometers in a marathon.

"N-Nice to meet you, Mr. Mo."