No Time For Regret

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"Daniel, the nurse who will help you with your bath is here. You should take a bath now, breakfast is ready so we'll eat after you're done," Daniel just about to open the plastic cover of the sandwich he gave to Minmin when Laura suddenly arrived holding her paper bags. The nurse who she was talking about was following her back and when Daniel saw the nurse, he blushed remembering the familiar Beta. She was the same nurse who took care of him last time and the one who heard him and Laotian having sex in the bathroom.

"Sir Daniel, you'll be in my care again this time," She said with a smile.

"Y-Yes, p-please take care of me again this time, Amalia," Daniel replied with a shy blush on his cheeks.

"Ah, what is that?" Walking deeper, Laura quickly noticed the food on Luangmin's hands and she quickly frowned. Ever since Daniel and Minmin started living in the Mo Estate again, Laura had a very big contribution on Luangmin's weight as she kept feeding the little man the food and snacks she made and so seeing this beloved grandchildren of her taking food that wasn't coming from her slightly made her upset especially when it looked like it's from a convenience store where food is processed and might also be dirty.

"Oh, that's a sandwich given to me by another patient at the garden earlier. I wasn't hungry so I planned to eat it later but then Minmin wants to eat it with his cousin Lan so I gave it to them," Daniel explained leisurely as he walked towards the bathroom with Amalia.

"Darling, you shouldn't feed Luangmin from a convenience store where we're not sure if it's clean or not," Laura lectured, but she sounded a little bit pouting. "Besides, I brought a lot again this time, I don't want Lan and Minmin losing their appetite with that," Laura added. Daniel blinked his eyes a little, although he disagreed about food from the convenience store being dirty, he's happy that his mother-in-law is so overprotective of her grandchildren although she had an ulterior motive of feeding her own food and maybe aiming to have chubby grandchildren.

"Okay Mother, I understand. I'll eat the sandwich instead since it's given to me," Daniel said with a soft chuckle.

"That's even more unacceptable, you need good and proper nutrition not some junk food. If Diane is here, she'll also agree with me," Laura insisted, making Daniel chuckle. Who would call a tuna sandwich a junk food?

"Don't worry Mother, it's just one sandwich. I'll make sure to eat all the food you prepare for me as well," Daniel assured, giving Laura no choice but to nod. Having that topic resolved, Daniel and the Beta nurse proceeded to the bathroom to take his morning shower.

"Minmin, you can't eat this. Instead, Grandma will give you an even more delicious food," Laura bribed and extended her hand, urging the little man to give him the convenience store product. However instead of obeying, Luangmin pouted, an adorable frown formed on his flawless forehead before he hid the food behind him.

"No! Minmin eat food Mommy gave," the little guy whined and ran towards Lan's back to hide. Lan especially found this cute so he quickly wanted to defend his little cousin.

"Grandma, can you give this to Minmin just this once? Don't worry, if Minmin loses his appetite, I'll eat his share for him," Lan said with a soft smile on his lips. He felt good that Luangmin was depending on him so there was no way he wouldn't defend and protect him.

Hearing the request from Lan, Laura had no choice again. If she insisted, sure the two years old would cry in a tantrum. "Okay, just this once okay?" Laura agreed in the end and rubbed on Lan's hair. "Let me open it for you, Minmin," Laura offered. Luangmin hesitated at first but Lan assured him so he gave his food to his grandma before he started munching on the bread sharing it with Lan. And since it was only one sandwich, they finished it quickly without anything left.

Just on cue, Daniel also finished taking his bath and was already wearing a fresh set of his hospital gown. "Thanks Amalia, you helped me greatly," Daniel said to her, feeling refreshed. Since the Beta had a caregiver background, she was very efficient in helping him bathe despite her smaller size. Actually, Daniel didn't expect the Beta was so strong to be able to support half of his weight.

"Any time sir Daniel," Amalia replied with her professional smile. This was her first time helping the Omega to bathe because last time Mo Laotian was there to help Daniel. And also back then, even though she was a Beta, she could tell the Alpha was overly protective of his wife that he doesn't even want anybody to see his beloved wife's body.

Well, Amalia does understand now that he saw how soft and delicate Daniel Sullen's body was. Earlier when she helped bathing the Omega, she couldn't help but wish she too could possess such beauty. His skin was so white it looks like it's glowing from the inside that despite the stretch marks on his thighs and stomach, it didn't look awful and instead it made him more endearing. But aside from that unavoidable occurrence, Daniel Sullen was flawless, even his elbow, knees, and nipples that were supposed to be a little brownish in color were pinkish. He also doesn't have any armpit hair and had little to none pubic hair. Even though he was pregnant, his body didn't look like the average pregnant woman or Omega. He was just on a different level. It's like he's not human at all.

If she was Mo Laotian, she would never let anyone see such rare beauty as well. She would want to keep such discovery only to herself as well.

'Well, it's a given since Sir Daniel is a Mo. Having money does make a whole lot of difference,' Amalia thought and quickly accepted how she would never achieve such beauty in her whole life.

"Amalia, you should stay and eat with us as my thanks to you," Daniel offered that the Beta nurse quickly declined. Although she was assigned to especially take care of Daniel Sullen alone and didn't have any more work to do until later, receiving such an offer was not part of her job. She was just a nurse. Additionally, she already had her breakfast even if it was just coffee and rice roll from the convenience store.

"Please, I won't accept no for an answer," Daniel insisted when the Beta looks like she was about to decline.

"Yes dear, you should eat a little. The coffee you were drinking earlier will surely not last until lunch time," Laura added as she finished preparing the table. Lan and Minmin were also at their respective chairs. Hearing Laura's comment, Amalia shyly nodded at the end. She didn't expect Madam Laura Mo saw her eating her rice roll and coffee breakfast earlier.

With the help of Amalia, Daniel trailed the way to his chair next to Luangmin so he could feed him. It didn't take long before they finally started eating. Daniel and Laura asked a lot of questions to Amalia which she answered honestly despite how nervous she was being able to eat a meal with the Elite Mo family. Amalia looked at the young masters at her side knowing the two children looked adorable but as soon as her eyes landed on them, she noticed how pale both children were. She observed a little more and she couldn't push away that there was something wrong with the children.

"What's wrong you two? Don't you have any appetite?" Daniel also noticed Lan and Luangmin's loss of appetite so he asked worriedly, patting both their heads.

"I think there's something wrong with them," Amalia said in alert. She quickly approached Mo Luangmin first and checked his pulse.

"His pulse is too slow, that's not normal." Amalia said and then proceeded to Lan.

"His pulse is also too slow. I'll call the doctor to quickly check them up," Amalia said again after checking Lan as well. When Daniel heard this, he held Luangmin's cheeks and saw how pale the little guy was. Lan was also the same.

"W-what happened? They were both so lively earlier," Daniel said while Laura held Lan worriedly as well. She suddenly didn't know what to do. Both of the children were fine minutes ago, they were even happily eating that sandwich.

"Grandma, m-my stomach hurts," Lan voiced out and later what came out his mouth made both Laura and Daniel gasp in horror.

"Mommy~ tummy hurts," Luangmin whined weakly and he too suddenly vomited blood while holding his stomach.

"M-minmin~" Daniel screamed in panic. Thankfully, Amalia quickly arrived with the doctor and two nurses.

"D-doctor, w-what happened? They're vomiting blood, they keep saying their stomach hurts," Daniel asked the doctor who quickly ordered the nurses to carry the children.

"It might be food poisoning, what did they eat today?" The doctor asked before checking both Lan and Luangmin. Actually, normally food poisoning doesn't actually make the victim vomit blood so this might have been done purposely. A poison this lethal can actually kill someone, especially children.

"F-food poisoning?" Daniel repeated. Luangmin didn't eat anything at all, they just woke up so they're still having their first meal of the day. Meanwhile, Daniel was still thinking when Laura remembered the sandwich Daniel brought earlier, she recalled Daniel saying that a patient gave to him.

"D-Daniel, w-who gave you that sandwich?" Laura asked, her voice trembled. She regretted ever allowing Lan and Luangmin to eat that food. Now that she had thought about it, the sandwich was given to Daniel but the Omega didn't eat it because he wasn't hungry. If Daniel ate the sandwich what would have happened? This amount of poisoning will definitely harm the twins or worst Daniel might have gone through miscarriage.

Hearing the question, Daniel realized what Laura Mo had perceived that his knees started feeling weak. The tears he was trying to keep since a while ago suddenly started streaming down no matter how much he tried to stop it. He promised he wouldn't be so weak anymore but with this happening again, him bringing danger to Lan, Luangmin, and to himself, he couldn't help but feel so much despair.

"I will need both children to the ICU. We need to quickly pump out the toxins from their bodies before it further causes damage to their brain and bodies," The doctor said in urgency when Lan suddenly vomited again.

"P-please, please save them," Daniel looked down and mumbled between his cries while holding on to his stomach. He tried to calm himself and be as optimistic as possible. If he let this affect him too much, he and the twins will also be in danger. No matter how severe Lan and Luangmin's condition was, he still tried to think that the two will be saved.

"We will see what we can do," The doctor replied before quickly ordering Amalia and the two other nurses to bring the two to the right location.

"Daniel, I know this is difficult for you but I guessed you already know why this happened," Laura said, looking at Daniel still crying. She needed to follow Lan and Luangmin's operation but knowing that they were suddenly attacked even when they're on high alert, Laura decided it's best for the Omega to stay in his room where he is safe.

"M-Mother, I-I was s-supposed to be the one…" Daniel said, his voice filled with pain and regret. He realized he was the target but this wouldn't have happened if he didn't trust anyone. He already knew that Laotian had enemies that's targeting him, thinking he was the Alpha's only weakness. He already knew the possible dangers but he was still able to trust a complete stranger. He should've known when that man Michael kept on asking about Laotian's whereabouts. If he was quick to comprehend, none of this would have happened.

"Shhhh, no one wanted this to happen. You shouldn't let this affect you or else, they'll win this round," Laura said, suggesting their current situation. And although Daniel didn't know the whole truth yet, he nodded and understood their current situation. They shouldn't let their enemy's get what they wanted. There was no time for regret.